1st Cycle - Test E + Anavar

4th pin. Kinda sore afterwards. Left quad seems to get more sore than the right.

Day off from the weights, had a solid bout of cardio. Kept the sweatshirt on, sweated a shit load. Wanna make sure I don't hold too much water.

Hitting the beach workout tommorrow, bi's and tri's. Might do some agility drills, too. Depends how my quads and glutes feel. Fuckin killed 'em on Wednesday. Full update and synopsis at end of the weekend.
Keep it up hell, and 315 isn't that bad on a bench, lol, especially if you have had a shoulder injury, i've popped my Left shoulder 4 times so i have difficulty myself with benching.

Keep the updates comin man, especially about the Var, i will hopefully be starting 50mg ED in 2 weeks!
I agree it's not terrible. However I haven't broken a Bench PR in almost 2 years. That's why it's so disappointing. If I keep busting my ass I'll break some soon. W/ that being said, my shoulder still isn't 100%. I ice it after every workout, and always do extremely thorough warm-ups. Also, I plan on rarely (if ever) going below 5-6 reps. Not worth the chance of injury.

I'm liking the Var, and am upping it to 60mg next week. Can't wait till everything is in full effect. Am curious to see how vascular I can get w/ it. I'm as vascular as I've ever been ATM, and want to improve a bit more. You keep yours updated as well Man.
Solid workout today. Proke a couple PR's on Barbell Curls; 145x12 and 165x6x2. Very happy about that. Supersetted bi's and tri's, and got a great pump. Legs and ass are still sore as hell from Wed, so I opted for the elliptical instead of the agility drills I considered. Our football team has it's first winter practice Sunday night, am fuckin' psyched for that.

Noticed delts getting a little wider. Always wanted more cap to my delts, so I'm happy about that. Can't wait to see more width.

On a less exciting note, I'm up another 3 lbs. I'm keeping my diet pretty darn clean, have been increasing the cardio since my chest cold has cleared up, and am drinking a ton of h2o and running Adex @ .5mg EOD to ward off the bloat. I don't LOOK bloated (to me, at least), and face actually appears thinner than it has been. I am seeing my GF tommorrow, and have asked her to be totally honest when she looks me over, do I look bloated? I know I must have SOME retention, as 3 lbs of muscle in one week just doesn't happen. Who knows, maybe I was just bloated today, causing the weight gain. Hope this is the case, as I don't want to have to increase my Aromatase inhibitor (AI). But if I do, I do.

Gonna do some cardio on an empty stomach Sat afternoon (I work overnights, so I sleep in the morning/afternoon), and weigh myself then. That'll give me a much more accurate reading. Will update w/ complete synopsis Sunday. Later!
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Hope you are satisfied with the anavar and its results. Sounds
like an effective first cycle. Test and Anadrol makes me smile.
Hope you are satisfied with the anavar and its results. Sounds
like an effective first cycle. Test and Anadrol makes me smile.

Loving the strength gains and vascularity. I think I've even addes a pound or 2 of lean mass.

Just paranoid about the possbile bloat. We'll see tommorrow.
Wasn't able to make it to gym Saturday AM to weight myself due to sleeping like dog shit, which kept me in the sack longer than I wanted, but did some cardio outside. Looked good, didn't notice any bloating. WTF, mighta just been the day.

Week 2 Synopsis

4 solid workouts this week, broke several PR's. I've w/o a doubt added a pound or 2 of lean mass. Overall I look better. My overall "front" looks better. Chest, shoulders, traps, and some tri improvements too. Vasculairty is up again. Couple more "new" veins have popped out on my forearms. Really excited to break some more PR's this week. I let my diet slide a bit this weekend (shame on me). I was sure to get ample protein, so I got some good out of it. Just means extra clean and more cardio this week. Overall, I feel more "jacked", and am quite happy about my results thus far. Can't wait till week 4 for the Test to kick in full throttle. Will bump up the Var to 60mg ED this week.

No noticeable physical sides. Have noticed my temper flaring a bit. Just been taking a deep breath and trying my best to stay calm. On another note, got my hair cut today. I might be crazy, but my hair actually looks thicker!!!! Coulda just been the way it was cut, but my GF agreed as well. Been using rogaine and nizoral 2% for almost 2 months, and started the finasteride and sprionolactone about a month ago. I don;t really plan on growing new hair, I just wanna counteract any accelerated loss due to AAS. But if I can get some new growth, I'll take it.
Workout started killer. Banged out 315x10 on Bench. Tying a PR from 2008, felt great and was real excited. Didn't last long. On the bottom of the 3rd rep on my 2nd set, I felt a bad cramp in my right pec. That was it for my chest workout. Think I have a decent strain. Done it before. RICE and ibuprofen will heal it up. In retrospect (of course), I shouldn't have trained chest today. Both my pecs have been tight lately, which leads me to believe I should've taken a few days extra before training chest again. As I said, the pec will heal, it's just a matter of how long. I've doubled my reps w/ 315 on Bench in just 3 weeks! Obviously I wanna keep it up. Just have to be smart and let the pec heal. Did some volume shoulders and light tris afterwards, which felt pretty good.

On the plus side, I looked huge after the workout. My delts are really capping, and I'm starting to notice some increased seperation between my pecs and front delts. Got Back and Traps tommorrow. Looking forward to killing some Barbell Rows. Smelling some PR's in the near future ;-)

Wish me luck in healing my pec!
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5th pin Monday. Everything solid, really getting the hang of it.

Great back workout today. Repped 405 for 8 on Barbell Rows, and entire stack on Low Cable Rows for 7. Both PR's. Will do 3/4 deads next week. Start w/ 585 lbs and go from there. Unfortunately, I felt a slight pain in my pec during pulldowns, so I ditched them in favor of more rows. Did my "light" bicep workout after back. Two exercises, one working set to absolute failure, then drop sets and rest pause to extend past failure.

Starting to notice a little bloat, unfortunately. Letting my diet slide this weekend was probably the culprit. Increase the cardio.
6th pin today, all is well. Little disappointed I don;t feel any different since I've been on Var-60mg for 5 days now. Hopefully I'll kick it in soon.

Smoked legs today. Went to 585x8 (up 90 lbs since beginning of cycle) and 495x12 on Hack Squats. Broke a few PR's on extensions as well. Low back was tight as hell from Tuesday, which sucked, so I went light and controlled w/ hams. Killer calve workout at end, along w/ some cardio.

Unfortunately, the pec strain I mentioned earlier will probably keep me from training chest for a few weeks. It feels better than it did, but it's still swollen and tight. Really sucks, cause I wanted to keep killing the bench. But it is what it is. I'll keep icing it, and start some light rehab in a few days.

Been keeping the diet quite clean. Today was my moderate carb day. Enjoyed some potatoes Post-WO. Sucks how soon you start to crave carbs after lowering them!!!
Week 3 Synopsis

Other than the strained pec (which really sucks, I was killing the bench), I had another solid week. Week 4 is almost here, can't wait!!!!! I broke PR's in Barbell Rows, Hack Squats and many other exercises this week. Without a doubt the strongest I've ever been. I really hope the pec heals soon, that has bummed me out. My goal was to hit 450 on the bench before football. Hopefully I'll only have to take a 2 or 3 off from chest. We'll see. Definately not gonna rush it. Gotta consider longevity. I looked arguably the most "jacked" I've ever looked after my workout Friday. I look "wider", and have continued to to gain size in my shoulders, tri's, and traps. Again, a couple new veins in the forearms. I notice I've been sleeping better the past few days. I always sleep like shit cause I work overnights. Not sure if this is related to the Test, but I've read that some guys sleep much better while on Test. The only thing that has disappointed me, is that after this week of upping the Var to 60 mg, I really don't feel different. We'll see how it goes this week.

As far as sides, still none, other than a bit edgier, and some bloat. Been increasing the cardio, hopefully that will take care of most of the bloat. My boys are still the same size, and of course, sex drive is up. Don't really give a shit, cause I'm horny 24 hours a day 365 days a year, and I don't get to see my GF much, which simply leads to me watching more porn. Ha, nothin' wrong w/ some porn!
Dude i am exactly the same, i am horny as hell at the moment and the porn downloads have been massive! i only get to see my GF once maybe twice a week and we smash each other at least 2-3 times every night were together!

Then there is also the massive porn addiction i have since starting test, lol.

Keep up the good work and i'm sure the shoulder will be healed soon and you will hit that magic 450!
Dude i am exactly the same, i am horny as hell at the moment and the porn downloads have been massive! i only get to see my GF once maybe twice a week and we smash each other at least 2-3 times every night were together!

Then there is also the massive porn addiction i have since starting test, lol.

Keep up the good work and i'm sure the shoulder will be healed soon and you will hit that magic 450!

LOL, yep I've been finding myself surfing the Brazzers network and youjizz.com quite often as of late:laugh3:

Thanks for the wishes, Man. It ain't the shoulder though, it's the pec. If it were the shoulder I wouldn't sweat it. All I do w/ that beast is ice 'er after every workout and take a week or 2 off chest + shoulder training every 2 months or so. I've never really injured my pec, other than a VERY slight strain in 2005, which I was an idiot and didn't take any time off for it to heal. I'm just hoping it only takes a few weeks to heal up. BUT, I am certainly not going to rush it. Rather wait a few more weeks than fuck it up worse. On a positive note, it has been feeling slightly better every day, and the swelling has gone down quite a bit.
Back day today. Did some half Deads (support bars set just below knees). Hadn't done those in forever, the low back will be sore tommorrow. Most impressive part of my back workout was that Barbell Rows were my 4th exercise, and I got 365x8. Pretty happy considering that was what I was doing 1st in the a couple weeks before I started the cycle. Got a really good pump, which doesn't always happen w/ my Back training. Overall, I felt better during the workout than I usually do. Could've done more, but I had really done everything I needed to.

Also did light bi's + tri's. Went to up the 100's on Hammer Curls for 6 reps! Couldn't believe that, especially considering it was AFTER training back. Week 4 now, Test w/o a doubt is kicking in. Bustin ass, can't wait to see how much I improve.

Side Note - I've been taking my BP and RHR at EMT class, and it's still hovering around 125/80 and 55. No increases at all, which I'm happy about.
Finally got the insane pump from Var that everyone talks about. Trained shoulders today, and had to either rest my hands on hips, or cross my arms over my chest between sets, cause the pump was so intense when I let my arms hang, it was almost unbearable. Such a tough guy I am, LOL. Didn't go too heavy on the Smith Machine Military cause of the pec, but still managed to get 185x12 for 3 sets. I could've gone heavier, but again, I don't wanna fuck anything up any worse than it is. Went nice and slow, very controlled, not explosive at all, so still a decent weight. Also used the 55's (9) on Side Raises and 50's (8) for Front Raises. Both were weights I'd never done before.

Low back is tighter than virgin cooter from Half Deads and Barbell Rows on Monday. I hope to feel a little looser for tommorrow, as it's Leg day. Wanna keep breaking those Hack Squat PR's.

Just for shit's and giggles, I measured my right arm yesterday. Have put half an inch on in less than 4 weeks, so I'm happy. On the less positive side, I've gained more weight than I've wanted to. I guess I just gotta keep my cardio up and my diet extremely clean. I don't look any fatter or bloated, so it's not BAD weight. I just don't wanna be carrying around extra weight for no reason. Later y'alls.
Yea keep us updated on the VAR I'm thinkin about adding it to my cycle for the last 4 week's so I'll be watching this threat for sure.
a man you said your getting ready for foosball,lol.cool well you might want to through in sum winni its great for endurense and you strength will go a 100 yrs!,lol gl,bro
a man you said your getting ready for foosball,lol.cool well you might want to through in sum winni its great for endurense and you strength will go a 100 yrs!,lol gl,bro

I'd like to try some Winstrol (winny), but it's so rough on the hair, and I'm losing as it is.