1st Cycle Test E/Dbol


New member
Hello Everyone, I just joined the forums a bit ago. I have been a reader of the forums and have came across a lot of information. I've been on the run lately and havent had the chance to put this on the forums. I just thought id like to use the forums to post up some of my stats as I move along thru my first cycle as I have time tonight. Im a 24yo personal trainer and I train very hard and eat clean. Size and strength as my goal
" The American Dream"
I started my first cycle
June 29, 2011

Beginning Body Stats:
169 Lbs BF% 9.5%
Neck: 14.5
Chest: 38
Biceps: 13.5
Forearms: 11.75
Waist: 33
Hip: 38.25
Calf: 14.25

Starting Strength:
Bench 255lbs
Squat: 365lbs (ass to the grass)
Front Squat:285lbs
Deadlift: 415lbs

1-12 Test E/ 250mg Tue/Fri
1-6 Dbol 50mg ed

PCT clomid and Nolva combo.
clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10

(I have 6weeks worth of oxandrolone on hand and am still considering running it?) Probably to much to soon, but my thoughts are I would just like to harden up and keep my strength gains at the end.
Tomorrow marks the end of Week 3, I've put on 19lbs already eating massively Clean :) People I work with regularly obviously are noticing, it's a great feeling.
Day to Day my lifts have gotten much stronger. Right now im currrently on a back specialization doing HSS100,
Mon/Tue (Back) Wed (Chest/Arms) thurs REST Fri(Back) Sat(Legs) Sun REST Rinse Repeat
6:00 AM Protein Pulse 24gms Whey/20gms BCAA's/20gms Dextrose 6oz Whole Milk 390calories 24gms Protein 20grams+-Carbs
7:30 AM Breakfast 5 Large eggs 1/2cup oatmeal 1 avocado 1/2cup Red or Blueberries 780+calories 35grams protein 34grams Carbs
9:30 AM 6oz Albacore Tuna 2 Servings Ezekiel Bread
370Calories 55grams Protein 36grams Carbs
11:00 8oz Chicken Breast 210calories 50grams Protein
Workout 12-1
PwoShake = 360 calories 44grams Protein/40grams Dextrose/40grams BCAA's
2;30 8oz Chicken Breast 1Large Yam 1/4cup Coconut Sticky Rice 50grams protein 67grams Carbs
4:30 8oz Grass Fed Beef 1/4cup coconut Sticky rice/Mango 40grams protein 37gramsCarbs +mango
6:30 6oz Tilapia 1yam 1/4cup broccoli 40grams protein 30grams carbs+
8:30 1/4cup oatmeal/1scoop Casein Protein/80z Whole Milk 35grams Protein 37grams Carbs

I average about 4000calories daily 375grams protein 350grams carbs and 100grams fat
My fat is healthy fat from Coconut oils/avocados and grass fed animal fat.

Supplements: Liver Care/Melatonin/Magnesium/Zinc/Omega 3 Fishoil/ Topical Mag/ lots o vitamin D/ Pre Workout : BPI 1 MR PostWorkout: Elite Recoup BCAA's
Optimum Nutrition Protein/WHey/Casein

Volume/Food/Rest Repeat = Growing Well
I feel great. Size/Strength up every day. I notice no negative side effects, I do feel hotter than usual on a day to day basis, but it is getting to be summer. The reason I'm running 50mg/day is because its liquid dbol so 25mg/ml 2x day, I take the guess work out of dosing.
I feel great. Size/Strength up every day. I notice no negative side effects, I do feel hotter than usual on a day to day basis, but it is getting to be summer. The reason I'm running 50mg/day is because its liquid dbol so 25mg/ml 2x day, I take the guess work out of dosing.

thanks,im fixing to start a cycle using that dose,my first time using dbol,and i weigh around 260-270....how long did it take to feel efx from it? and im using the tablets,gonna take 1 at breakfast,2 before i workout,one mid aftrn and 1 at bedtime
I ran it for 5days and worked out each of those days with great intensity! I had the mentality to blow stuff up! I rested 2days, Came back Super Fresh and I was stronger and heavier already. End of week 2 I was 10lbs up and yep Stronger. I have 4ml of liquid left before I actually start in on my 100pills. I'm pretty pumped for it, I'm a Dbol fan so far, quick gains great pumps good strength increase.
Just letting you know, if we go to the photobucket link, we can scroll through and see all 48 of your photos and your face.

just an FYI mate

Hope the cycle goes well
Many years ago when I lived in Italy I started to take Deca prescribed by a sports doctor aim 48 now and started to get middle age spread, so decided it was time to get fit again, I was working out for 4 months just taking a product called power pump and eating healthy 2000c and 200 / 250 pro a day regulars training and my body was reacting well, about a month ago started to take tes 250 I do a vile a week 300mg 3x times a week. Now
When I first started a took 200 mg but aim in to my second month now
what I found to happen now is the muscle were I inject is getting hard , and you can feel it under the skin , so I think I will try to change the brand , for a more reputable brand , I get this from a m8 who gets in from the UG lab but when I find some decent Deca i will swap, and not take as much , what I have noticed is rather than getting stronger aim getting weaker and it***8217;s not because of training , I never had this happen before so I will Finnish the cycle and see if the situation changes so if anyone know about some good Deca let me know , and why aim getting weaker instead of stronger ,
I ran it for 5days and worked out each of those days with great intensity! I had the mentality to blow stuff up! I rested 2days, Came back Super Fresh and I was stronger and heavier already. End of week 2 I was 10lbs up and yep Stronger. I have 4ml of liquid left before I actually start in on my 100pills. I'm pretty pumped for it, I'm a Dbol fan so far, quick gains great pumps good strength increase.

thanks man,i appreciate it,im looking forward to starting mine!!