1st cycle test E, epistane great genetics :)


New member
*LOG* 1st cycle test E, epistane kicker :)

Now stats:
Age: 23 (bday in 1 month)
Weight; 210
BF%; 18%
Height ; 5'11"
Arms; 16.5"
waist; 32"

Goals; Going to continue dieting for 4 possibly 6 weeks til the test E kicks in. Then I will switch to bulking. I would like to weigh 220 with 15% < bodyfat.
OVERALL: im looking for more of a recomp. I am large and strong in the upper body. A straight bulk is NOT in my interest. The epistane should allow me to cut some more fat and gain some lean BM some significant strength until the test hits. If at 4 weeks I am where I want to be in my bf% goal I will start the transition to a bulking diet in leau of test hitting me

Diet; 40g glutamine using a 50p/30f/20c ratio for my diet. it has worked well. I honestly only just started losing strength in my large lifts after 2 months of dieting. And have not lost any noticeable lean body mass. My diet is on point, and consists of multiple chicken breasts daily, dozen eggs, Oats, brown rice, protein shakes, tuna, multivitamin, fish oil, joint support, milk thistle... At this moment I am at work and cant remember every single thing. While cutting im eating roughly 300g protein not much carbs and lots of healthy fats. I spend TOO much $ a week on groceries. UGH :) worth it tho.

~~ let it be known I am doing an ECA stack for the 1st 4 weeks of this cycle.

The cycle;

Test E 1-12 500mg / week /2 shots per week
Epistane 1-6 30/45/45/45/45/45(60?)
PCT: nolva: 40/40/20/20 (contemplating adding clomid) ( my body recovered on just nolva from the mdrol VERY quickly)
have arimidex on hand. already dosing at .25 EOD. GREAT effect on my water retention already.
JUST A THOUGHT: tail end of my cycle im contemplating doing some test prop last 4 weeks. JUST a thought.

I have done my first shot already and eagerly anticipating the second! I did the 1st 1ml into my left delt. no pain at all.

I will post before and after pictures down the line. I appreciate any and ALL advice. I am a new member and have been browsing this forum for a VERY long time. Now im active and plan on continuing down this road for awhile!
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Heard about the vision side effect, and nolva worked well for me on my run with solo m-drol (i know i kno). Will clomid be needed? also what are opinions on running prop last 4 weeks of cycle?
There are plenty of old arguments that one is better than the other. But ultimately one of them is better than nothing. If you have the Nolva already and can't get clomid, run with that.

And prop at the end is a great way to wrap up the cycle. Gives the long ester a chance to fall off and you can start post cycle therapy (pct) a week earlier (and/or extend your cycle a week or so longer)... It's a bit complicated for a newbie usually, but not impossible.
Heard about the vision side effect, and nolva worked well for me on my run with solo m-drol (i know i kno). Will clomid be needed? also what are opinions on running prop last 4 weeks of cycle?

The vision side effect with clomid does not happen to everyone and there's a simple fix for it...take your clomid dosage right before bed.
Yea, I will be getting Clomid I have decided. And quite possibly HCG for my post cycle therapy (pct).

Ok so update! weight today was 207 all my lifts are up slightly. I can "feel" the epistane in my body. Just a bit tho, I did 30/30/45/45/45/45 And this is now the start of the 2nd week.

I did 750mg test e in week 1 split from 3 shots. (half being eager half a weak attempt at a minor front load)

Now, I was planning on doing another 750 for the 2nd week and then resuming the scheduled 500mg /2 per week dosing. I don't see how this could NOT be beneficial, and its helping me get comfortable with pinning in new spots. Any opinions on this? overall 1500mg test e in the first 2 weeks vs 1000mg.

As for injection experience! I did my own quads. Sweatin my ballz off but super steady hand and the 1st time went smooth. Massaged it for 20 min 30sec to push the plunger and only about 12 hours of easily bearable soreness. Next quad I hit a nerve ... But no biggie.
~~~ quads seemed so easy for me. I don't see why everyone is so afraid of them! take your time and prop ur leg on a chair!!

My diet of late has only consisted of carbs before and after workout, 300g protein daily and about 90g fats it works GREAT for cutting the fat stacked with this ECA.
Its TOO easy to keep my heart rate at 135 on the ECA almost feels like im cheating :/

Only side effects to note, I am starting to smell like an animal if I don't shower sometimes twice a day. Libido has risen slightly, and slight vascularity increase. along with some great pumps.

I plan on updating this frequently Sorry for the last few days!

P.S. Apparently my uncle was the "mr. Olympia" of my area holding the city title for a while. also has numerous powerlifting records still holding I looked up online. So at the gym I just joined, the trainers and owners know him. and they like to give me advice and extremely discounted rate! They have high expectations haha.. looks like I gotta get big..
Starting to notice some really great endurance and strength gains. My weight is at 205lbs (morning after piss) and 17.5% bf. On day 10. Libido is high, I notice i have been playing with arimidex and i most definitely DONT need it yet. When i take it my libido is non existent the next day, and when i DONT take it i feel like i could fuck a hole in the wall im so horny..

~~Pumps are insane. measured my arm while full after doing tri's and bi's and it was at 17.6in. serious swelling... veins appearing on delts and chest. (have gorilla titties my friends like to say) Starting to notice that im much more confident in my daily decisions. Slight mental uplift. I am smiling more on a day to day basis. Also since im carb depleted throughout the week.. when i carb load on weekend I look TOTALLY different. On day 10 and i think im going to start transitioning into maintenance and then bulking calories in leau of the epistane really starting to kick in. Lots of friends have been telling me I have gotten smaller. (lost 26 lbs since i started dieting 10 weeks ago) I keep tellin em just wait...

Looking forward to the next 4 weeks, they will be drastic. did i mention i have insane potential to put on a lot of mass?? I will be posting pics soon.
Sounds like you have really thought out this cycle. Looking to doing a similar one with test e. Keep up the good work
Did 5th inj yesterday. also twinged my left knee cutting my leg workout off abruptly. ugh, Woke up today little to no PIP. This is the 1st spot I have done 2x now. easy, but I learned.. my skin is thick. and actually pretty hard and painful to poke myself without showering before the prick. when I shower its like butter I don't even feel it. I started bulking. upped my carbs to around 240 a day. started drinking milk, also stopped ECA.

~ chest today, pyramid up to 280x3 then back down. wasn't happy with this lift. Was hoping to get a few more, im sure next week will yield quite a bit of strength since im final eating above maintenance. did 7 sets besides bench. intense with a double drop set all incline movements.

~I already look like im filling in (glycogen?) and the carbs are really helping with vascularity.

~ almost at 2 weeks excited for my ride
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yesterday Wednesday, I took off after an intense workout the day before isolating a lot of small muscle groups and beating my back.
~~6th injection was yesterday. I have a friend aspirate and push the plunger in for me I did the shot in my delt. been doing a lot of research about ventro glute very interested in givin that a shot.

~ not much pip sort of sore but no more virgin muscle.

~ I have a detailed diet I made for this bulking phase, consists of 3600 calories, 100g fat, 275g protein 340 carbs.

~ epistane is starting to put on some noticeable size. WEIGHT is 211.5. cannot use my bodyfat reading it says 24% some mornings and 18.5% other mornings.

~~ libido is still rising

~ more content with myself

~~workouts are becoming therapeutic. I enjoy feeling my muscle fibers working. I use slower more controlled motions for almost all my exercises. I have forgotten I have other people around me at the gym. I just feel like I am in my own world carving sculpture and building a difficult project.
how come you started your bulk so early on? i thought you were going to start on wk 6?

i personally would be worried about significant fat gain with that increase in carbs. why not up it to 150-200g, ride it out for a week, then test and asjust. You said yourself you were after more of a recomp than a bulk.
meh, after losing 26lbs my weight loss is leveling off. the real reason is, HUNGER. im hungry every 2 hours. I was going to do cut-bulk but I have cut weight for a total of 10 weeks. And in my opinion getting too small. Not losing any strength but I believe I lost more size than I like.

~ so the carbs are a bit too much? ill take that advice and cut back on em a bit. ive noticed some pretty drastic size increases in the last 4 days honestly. I know what water on my body looks like too and this is not it. Vascularity and fullness in my upperchest and delts is much more.

~more or less I was going to do the cut/bulk. but my greed got the better of me. Again my genetics for putting on size is silly. And the epistane is kicking in now as it is my 3rd week. So I wanted to really take advantage of it.

~~ no real hard reason to stop cutting, except my eca is over, and hunger really kills me. if im hungry its like my body is STARVED and that causes me to be in foul moods. So im essentially in a foul mood multiple x a day.
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Did delts and triceps in the gym today. Endurance is really taking it up. and all my lifts (more so even on triceps) went up QUITE a bit. Going to do an hour of fasted cardio (ECA assisted) at the gym tomorrow make up for some of these calories on my annual cheat day. Hopefully get some leg work in. my left knee I believe has an IT band issue.. Its annoying, bending down almost to and past 90 degrees is just unbearable. outer left.

~Delts really felt GREAT.

~~I feel like I am not getting much of a burn anymore. I feel that my muscles just wont go anymore. But I dont really feel the pain. Quite a feeling!!
Ate about half of a each meal yesterday. then ate a small pizza extra pepperoni well done. delicious!! also first salty thing ive had in awhile. Sure enough I was forced to guzzle down a lot of water and still pi$$ yellow. gained 3lbs from before the meal to 3 hours after. wanted to see how much would hydrate me in relation to such a salty item. Just a self test.

~ woke up whey shake, did 30 min breaking sweat stretches. (knee injury left IT band believe) Then went to the gym lil over an hour of 4 dif machines including a treadmill and took some ephedra and caffeine to help increase heart rate . burned about 700 calories heart rate was a good 145ish average. lost 2.5lbs of sweat i was DRENCHED. felt much better than before. Also stil very thirsty.

~ tomorrow is off day. think im going to do some rehabilitation movements and a few choice cardio machines to get my knee back working right.

~ I wonder what bulking on the days I workout and saturday and sunday doing some intense fasted cardio then eating maintenance the whole day? or slightly over? but that fasted cardio 2 days i will make it = about 1/2lb a week. any thoughts on this?

~~~~~the epistane is def at its peak of what it can do. my GIRLfriend has been on cycle with me (epistane only) and she has made a pretty dramatic change. just recomp'd what looks to be about 5 lbs of muscle in 3 weeks. no lie big difference impressive. I will post a completely seperate log of her after her cycle is over.
LIBIDO holy crap. just sayin...

I did a full rotation of bodyparts at least 1 x since starting bulking. I go to do back today, and EVERY exercise required minimum 30lb increase. No exaggeration. Shocked honestly. Felt amazing in the gym.

~ wondering if the test is kicking in fully? on day 20. It was the first week bulking tho.. and I am already beingtold I look much different. ! scale at the gym shoes on says 218. I am most definitely holding water tho. need to do some more cardio

~did 7th injection today (750 first week, 500 - ) hit a vein. blood. pulled out restuck. easy.

~ notice I have a relatively permanent sweat on. slight at times but definitely noticeably hotter all day. The girlfriend has a more pronounced effect with her body temperature. She gets very hot.

Did I mention libido? ....
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Did pin #8 yesterday. weight upon wakeup was 217. (+6) During the day I walk around at 223ish tho! I am getting larger noticeably. New veins surfacing on my delts and chest !! and I have been training forearms and every single little muscle. and they are all improving dramatically! My shirts r filling out. And funny part is it is only day 23! and Im not sure the test is fully kicked in yet. I mean I wake up with hardons and have the psychological effects. But hard to really tell since I started bulking at the optimal time for the EPI to do its work and my bodys muscle memory plus the carbs took off on me. So im hoping this is not the test yet. Every day is exciting!
Every morning I wake up 5lbs less than i weighed myself right before getting into bed the night before.. I dont possibly sweat out 5lbs... I dont pi$$ in the middle of the night...
making an order tomorrow for a friend, and wondering which oral is best to run at the end of my cycle? Cutting out the prop idea I had at the end of my cycle. I was heavily considering halotestin for the strength. But realizing this is my 1st cycle it dawned on me I am going to be packing on a lot of muscle that I really want to keep. Would it be better off using tbol around 60mg/d tail end? At my bf% I don't think anavar is going to really be THAT beneficial due to bodyfat.

~~ What should I run to finish er off? Of course winstrol is in there as an option.