1st cycle, test prop 100 / deca 300... i have 2 10mL vials to work with


New member
So I just started this cycle my uncle gave me. My first cycle... I've been working out consistently for a 8 years and am ready to take it to next level. He gave me a 10 ML vial of test prop 100 and a 10ml vial of deca 300 mg. He said to take 1mL of each once a week. What do u guys suggest. I've done a lot of research and test prop is supposed to shot every 2-3 days...

Should I shoot .5ML twice a week and deca once a week or stick to just a ml each a week. And yes I know these are low doses but I've researched ill still see real nice gains as it is my first cycle.
You need to read the stickies on the anabolics page. Start with first cycle basics.
No deca for first run. You dont even have enough to run a proper cycle.
Do some research and save yourself from a bad experience.
I would strongly suggest reading the stickies. You should be doing a test only cycle. pref test e or test c. There is much to learn. Just because you have it doesnt mean you should use it. Read the stickies , search first cycle and then come back and post some thoughts based on what you have read. Right now you have zero grasp of anything and are ready to jab something in your ass cheek just cause your uncle said to do it. bad idea.
here is my understanding. I have done a bunch of research to the actual science of it as well as forums.

Test prop has shortest ester of all testosterones, eod or atleast once every 3 days is necessary to inject.
deca (nandrolene)(doesn't kick in for about 3 weeks, long ester) is not anabolic and works like testosterone and does amazing things to your body/strength/joints. BUT it completely shuts down your testerone production, with not natural test production one must supplement testosterone to avoid bad side effects.

Long ester Test is recommended to stack, like sus or enan. but prop can be used.

Also Deca will last in your body for about 2-3 weeks after you're done injecting. So running test afterward for a couple weeks is needed as you do not want 0 test in your body.

Deca isn't recommended on a first cycle but wouldn't be a deal if u just did deca 300mg (1mL) a week.

Post cycle cleanse is necessary and vital for deca as you want to flush that out of ur body and move on back to natural test production.

also only 1ml a week of deca 300 doesn't warrant an aniti estrogen as long as ur running it against test.

what am i missing here?
You are missing a lot more juice. Prop needs ed or EOD injections and DECA twice a week. An ai is essential IMO. A pct consisting of clomid and Nolva is nessesary. And DECA should be ran for at least 10 week minimum. Hcg is a good idea as well.
What wasn't mentioned is the importance of a solid diet, training and proper rest.
here is my understanding. I have done a bunch of research to the actual science of it as well as forums.

Test prop has shortest ester of all testosterones, eod or atleast once every 3 days is necessary to inject.
deca (nandrolene)(doesn't kick in for about 3 weeks, long ester) is not anabolic and works like testosterone and does amazing things to your body/strength/joints. BUT it completely shuts down your testerone production, with not natural test production one must supplement testosterone to avoid bad side effects.

Long ester Test is recommended to stack, like sus or enan. but prop can be used.

Also Deca will last in your body for about 2-3 weeks after you're done injecting. So running test afterward for a couple weeks is needed as you do not want 0 test in your body.

Deca isn't recommended on a first cycle but wouldn't be a deal if u just did deca 300mg (1mL) a week.

Post cycle cleanse is necessary and vital for deca as you want to flush that out of ur body and move on back to natural test production.

also only 1ml a week of deca 300 doesn't warrant an aniti estrogen as long as ur running it against test.

what am i missing here?

Plenty. Your uncle doesn't know what he's talking about, at all by the way. You don't fully or even basically understand what you're injecting into your body.

You have...half a cycle? At best - and where's your PCT? AI? Why are you running low dose deca to begin with? Do you have joint issues?

What are your goals for this cycle? "GAINZ" isn't very specific.

What are your stats? Age/height/weight/bodyfat?

What's your training plan? Training history?

What is your diet like? Do you know your TDEE, target macros / caloric intake?
One vial of prop isn't considered a cycle at all. Give it back to your uncle and tell him no thanks.
if I can get another 10mL vial of test prop 100, and hit 1 mL of that every 3/4 days, while I run deca 3 hundy once a week (1mL) for a 10 week cycle, with the proper PCT would that be good? Do I need antiestrogen or does the cleanse take care of that...
if I can get another 10mL vial of test prop 100, and hit 1 mL of that every 3/4 days, while I run deca 3 hundy once a week (1mL) for a 10 week cycle, with the proper PCT would that be good? Do I need antiestrogen or does the cleanse take care of that...

:squint: srs?
I don't think u understand... U gotta pin test prop EVERY OTHER DAY!!! U would typically pin one cc (100ml) EVERY OTHER DAY! Don't touch the shit till u figure out what your doing. BTW, no there isn't any otc bullshit that will replace an ai..
You need 5bottles at 10mL each and you should not use deca but rather short version NPP to match clearance timings of test prop. So, get rid of that crappy two bottles ur uncle pawned off on u doing a great disservice to you and your sibling of his parent and get three bottles of test enanthate 250 shooting every three days for 3months then report back. No need for THAT stupidity excuse for a cycle. Always have an AI like aromasin to take. 5mL orally everyday to stop the steroid from turning into estrogen which is where most of the side effects come from
300mg per week of deca would be a waste unless you are using it for joints.
You need an AI and prami or caber if you use deca. If you wait until you get sides to try and source, you will be unhappy.
Run a proper cycle and quit trying to tweak what others are telling you to suit what you want to hear.