1st Cycle?


New member
I have a question if this will work for a first cycle....
Im 23years old, have been lifting consequatively for about 2 years...
5'10" 175lbs...

Sust 1-10weeks 250mg
Deca 1-10weeks 300mg

Then clomid at the end...

I appreciate all advice and help... Thanks.
Test Enan for 10 weeks would be a better option IMO bro.

Less injectons(Sust is EOD is u want to take advantage of prop ester) and the Deca will shut u down, something that u dont want on your first cycle.
Might want to stay natural a little longer IMO, but if you are ready...I would boost the sust to 500mg and take the deca down to 200mg. That was my first cycle (plus dbol). I went up about 25 solid pounds in 8 weeks and kept all of it thanks to good post cycle therapy (pct) and diet.
Makaveli_786 said:
Test Enan for 10 weeks would be a better option IMO bro.

Less injectons(Sust is EOD is u want to take advantage of prop ester) and the Deca will shut u down, something that u dont want on your first cycle.

He's right about the EOD, but I only did injections on Sun, Wed. Deca didn't shut me down because the cycle was short and I had Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to recover with (a good idea if your on deca).
ssmla123 said:
He's right about the EOD, but I only did injections on Sun, Wed. Deca didn't shut me down because the cycle was short and I had Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to recover with (a good idea if your on deca).

LOL Im glad u came through bro but man I wouldnt recommend all that stuff on a first cycle, if one of the substances starts givng you negative sides, since its your first cycle and you have never used either b4 u wont know which one to stop and which one to carry on.
LOL eat your ass off diet, keep it clean and youll see less unwanted weight gains though.

Im a big advocator of eating big calories though so im biased :D