1st cycle????????/


New member
im 6'1" 214 lbs 15% and im stuck in a rut of which i should do:

test enath. weeks 1-10 500mg


test enath. weeks 1-10 500mg
equipose week1 800 mg
weeks 2-10 400mg

im looking to add around 15-20 lbs of lean mass with not a lot of bloat, i was thinking that the eq will help with vascularity and hardness as the test will get me on the bloated side, right?
im 6'1" 214 lbs 15% and im stuck in a rut of which i should do:

test enath. weeks 1-10 500mg


test enath. weeks 1-10 500mg
equipose week1 800 mg
weeks 2-10 400mg

im looking to add around 15-20 lbs of lean mass with not a lot of bloat, i was thinking that the eq will help with vascularity and hardness as the test will get me on the bloated side, right?
how old are you bro , and the test for 12 weeks by itself with a little arimidex for the bloat will get you great results on a 1st cycle if you eat , train , and rest properly and follow a good post cycle regimen
give the test only cycle a shot at 500 mg a week for 12 weeks . with nolvadex on hand for emergencys and maybe try some arimidex at .5 mg monday/wednesday/friday , have clomid on hand for post cycle therapy , you can always add other compounds next time and you should grow like a weed your first cycle , this also allows you to see how you respond to test [ bloat /gyno/ etc. ] which is info that you will need for future more complicated cycles , PEACE
if i want to do
test enath. weeks 1-10 500mg
equipose week1 800 mg
weeks 2-10 400mg

is 500 mg of test too much for a first time user or should i use 250mg, and on peak weeks do 500mg ?
For a first cycle running EQ @ 800mg is pretty high I would stick to 400mg/wk I ran EQ for 400mg/wk and I had sweet results. I also used Enanth for my test. good luck