1st cycles: Test E vs Sus (Me vs My roommate)

TrainLikeUrInsain said:
Monday- I had a really good chest workout.lately I've been working more on my incline then flat, I think it hits my chest better, put up 215 4 times.

Tuesday- I did legs alone, the roommate said his throat was sore. I guess your legs don't work if your throat is sore.... I hit a new max on the leg press.

Wednesday- His throat still kept him from the gym so I went with one of my other friends, and damn i forgot what is was like to lift with some one who pushes me back just as hard as i push him. I loved it, KILLED my arms. I weighted 174, up 3 lbs from Mon.

Thrusday- my day off.

Friday- I have to PT this moarning then its time to destroy the shoulders, I'm gona make my buddy pay for missing those days in the gym....
roommate doesn't seem too motivated.
week 2 day 12

I just got back from the gym and another great workout hit an other high on the shoulder press. and up another LB 174!

it turns out that my roomate had strept throat, he just got back from the Doc's so i guess that i can kinda understand why he took 2 days off.
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TrainLikeUrInsain said:
The more I write in this log the more i realize it isn't going to be a Test E Vs. Sustanon (sust) thing, it's going to be a what not to do with your first cycle.

Week 3, Monday

Week 3, Day 16
_____________ Weight ______+/- last wk _______Total Gains
Me ____________175 lbs__________+4_______________+10
My Buddy_______201 lbs__________-2_______________+4

I took injection 3 today.
I had another great week in the gym. My gain seem quality with little bloat. Today I did chest, I am seeing good gains so far my max went up to 245, last week i max at 235 once but today i got it up 3 times. I feel much stronger and am pushing myself harder in the gym.

My roommate had a less productive week than i did. He was sick on tues. and wed. He ended up losing 2lbs from last week. Today i told him that if he needs to step it up in the gym or im finding a some one else to lift with. And i think it might haved worked because He lifted hard today. His strength hasn't gone up much though. I am really starting to think he might have got some bunk gear.
Week3 day 18

Just got back for the gym, Arms today... murdered them. I'm up to 178.5 lbs thats 3.5 since yesterday! My strength and intensity in the gym is growing fast too. I think the last few days of talking shit to my buddy may have lit a fire under his ass, hes really starting to push himself now. Tomorrow is my off day and I really need it, every session has been balls out this week for me. My appetite is going through the roof, I'm always hungry. I'm going to wait for my weight gain to start slowing down befor i add more Cals. to my diet. Right now they seem pretty lean and quality so i don't want to add more cals. and put on fat.
I'm very interested to see how your cycle went. You should be close to finishing up, if you have not already. How did the peptides-n-more Test E treat you? Please post an update when you can. Thanks...

Hey guys soory i haven't kept up with the Log, been very busy. I finished up my cycle, here are my before and afters, i didn't gain an insain amount, but for a 300mgs a week test E cycle i am very happy. I started at about 165 , and the most i weighted on cycle was 188, i've been cutting the last few weeks am down to 178. it might not look like i gained much, but bench went up almost 50lbs. everything esle gained like crazy too. Its been 4 weeks since my last shot and i feel great and haven't lost any strength (infact i'm still going up). I had no side effects during or after my cycle so far. After doing this cycle i feel that 300 mgs is more than enough for a frist time cycle.
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ah yes but how did you roomate get on...I thought that was the whole point of this thread, hense the title of it ;)
He didn't do too good. in fact he made less than most people would make naturally. I'll get some pics of him asap, about half way through his cycle he would go to the gym about 30 mins about 3 or 4 time a week if that, he also at fast food on a regular basis. his cycle was a complete failur and waste of money in my eyes
See, that is what I am talking about. A personal study of the amount a dedication and knowledge needed to advance in the world of bodybuilding. Congrats to you and maybe next time your buddy will listen. Hope it is a lesson learned to him.
Congratulations to you brother. It really does not take a whole lot of gear to do something amazing. The most important supplement is effort. I know some guys that run 1400 mgs a week when on!!! What a waste, of money and gear. Your body can only absorb so much. You look great, keep it up.