1st ever diet


New member
This is my first ever diet i am going to start, been lifting properly for around 6 months now. Have lost some weight not watching my diet. what do you guys think

5ft 11
bmr 2233
tdee 3852
bf% 25+
goal- lose weight

Meal 1

4 eggs
200ml egg whites
15ml olive oil for cooking
75g oats
200ml milk

pre w/o
whey shake

post w/o

meal 4
250g chicken breast or fish
100g sweet potatoe or brown rice
15ml olive oil for cooking

meal 5
250g chicken breast or fish
1/2 avacado
15ml olive oil for cooking

meal 6
2 cans tuna

meal 7
250g steak

meal 8
200g cottage cheese

fat 137 carbs 169 pro 343 total2774

fat 40% pro40% carbs 20%
assuming you calculated your tdee correctly, why are you going nearly 1000 calories below that?

dont like the idea of a whey shake both before and after workout.

you on cycle? protein seems pretty high, you could probably reduce that to save some money
This is my first ever diet i am going to start, been lifting properly for around 6 months now. Have lost some weight not watching my diet. what do you guys think

5ft 11
bmr 2233
tdee 3852
bf% 25+
goal- lose weight

Meal 1

4 eggs
200ml egg whites
15ml olive oil for cooking
75g oats
200ml milk

pre w/o
whey shake

post w/o

meal 4
250g chicken breast or fish
100g sweet potatoe or brown rice
15ml olive oil for cooking

meal 5
250g chicken breast or fish
1/2 avacado
15ml olive oil for cooking

meal 6
2 cans tuna

meal 7
250g steak

meal 8
200g cottage cheese

fat 137 carbs 169 pro 343 total2774

fat 40% pro40% carbs 20%

you're probably waiting a response from 'the man' 3j. I see you're new and put a lot of time and research into coming up with the diet you listed. Stick with whatever you see working well...you will never know if it's truly working if you cheat (even a little) You should also check out 3j's website and see if you can fit in your budget...he can really get you tuned into a plan that will work for "you" and "your" goals.