1st steriod cylce sustanon250 questions? Sugestions?


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Okei so i am 5'11 weigh 190lb at i think around 15%body fat or less i can see all my abs and definition in the shoulders. I have been training seriously for 3 years i went from 165 to my current weight in that time. Workout split is monday:chest bis tris tuesday: back shoulders wed:legs and abs and it repeats so i work out everything twice

I startes a 250mg sustanon cycle per week i know its very little im doi g it for 8-10 weeks i just dont know how my body will react to the test so i want to play it safe for my first time. Should i use armidex on such a low dose? I have armidex on hand as well as nolvadex for my pct and in case of any gyno symptoms. And for pct i am planning to take 40 for two weeks and 20 for two more weeks 15 days after las test shot