2.4 year blast and cruise cycle recovery, ages 18-20.5

So, you want our opinion? It's possible to do pct extended with hcg before hand. You may recover a decent amount of natural testosterone back. It's all individual. As you might be a trt candidate also.

Nobody can tell you with any accuracy how you will feel and if you will recover. We don't need to tell you an extended cycle such as you did was very smart . specially as young as you are but it is what it is....good luck, I hope you got what you wanted out of your cycle. Only you can tell if it was worth it after its all said and done
I ran steroids to gain definition and strength not weight. If you read the post correctly, I specifically said I want to compete in CLASSIC PHYSIQUE not bodybuilding, therefore my weight has nothing to do with my quite frankly mild steroid use. I dont want to weigh 250-260 pounds and win mr olympia, im looking for the calum von magor/ arnold look . You take steroids for increased fullness, muscularity, and shredz not just weight. Also the post is pertaining to my PCT and recovery and this did not help at all please refrain from being useless. As for the weight loss, everyone who knows a thing or two about steroids knows that you CAN keep the weight on after your cycle. thank you

Sorry at your hieghth your 20 pounds light to compete at classic. And that before you loose 20 pounds why doing your Pct.
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So, you want our opinion? It's possible to do pct extended with hcg before hand. You may recover a decent amount of natural testosterone back. It's all individual. As you might be a trt candidate also.

Nobody can tell you with any accuracy how you will feel and if you will recover. We don't need to tell you an extended cycle such as you did was very smart . specially as young as you are but it is what it is....good luck, I hope you got what you wanted out of your cycle. Only you can tell if it was worth it after its all said and done

This is good advise. But I'd feel happier if you saw a dr at your age.
I ran steroids to gain definition and strength not weight. If you read the post correctly, I specifically said I want to compete in CLASSIC PHYSIQUE not bodybuilding, therefore my weight has nothing to do with my quite frankly mild steroid use. I dont want to weigh 250-260 pounds

DPR is correct . in the off season you actually do need to be 250 pounds to complete in classic physique , cause at 6'1" tall you need to be 225 pounds 5% body fat shredded on stage to be competitive in classic physique . so that easily puts you at 250-260 lbs non stage weight.

need to put on a good 30 pounds of solid muscle kid. might wanna stick to mens physique and the board shorts for now , especially if your coming off gear
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Every single response on this entire post has been childish. Literally all of them. I stated that i know typical protocols of pct and ASKING FOR OPINIONS OF THE OTHER PEOPLE. I did not claim i know everything but that i am aware of the usual actions people do. Can people please read the posts before responding. And even at peak natural test levels no one makes naturally produces 300-500 mgs of test a week??

I never said we produce 500mg of test a week, I was pointing out that cruising on 250mg a week at that age has no real benefit versus your natural test levels so young. Of course 500mg will add some mass as it will take you well over a normal T level (for most), but at 18... at what cost?

There is no room to give opinion here, you say you know how to run a pct so go start that and I wish you luck. The facts are simple, you only used hCG once in 2.4 years for who knows how long when you should have been using it the entire time at 500iu a week total, blasting it now may help some in terms of getting some ball size but there's a good chance your leading cells won't respond.

So again there is no opinion other than our opinion of you being a moron, blast the hCG for 2 weeks then run a PCT and pray for the best... that's it turbo, but you already knew this right?

Do you realize at such a young age you may be infertile rest of your life now? You also may have hindered some natural growth you had left such as wider shoulders, etc. You've also sailed yourself short on gains, you never took the time to learn to do this without the aid of AAS, you didn't give any time to build a real foundation or anything - you've screwed yourself in so many ways I wish you knew.

And then you get all arrogant and cocky like you know what's up, had you done any research at all before starting this journey you would have read that starting to blast and cruise at 18 is a terrible idea.

I suggest you continue to research the HPTA and likely start looking for a TRT doc.
I got a few things to say. Op, you came here posting about your issue(s). Your balls disappeared, your nipples got huge, and you wanted advice on a pct for a 2+ year cycle at your age. Truth be told, not many have done what you did. Those that have are probably on trt. Yes, there are pros to using gear. There's also cons too. Roush posted a link on how he's "cruising" between blasts. You shot that down. A few suggested blasting hcg then starting pct. Not sure where you got lost. Your posts show that you are indeed frustrated with your decisions. I would say for good reason.

I would also suggest blasting hcg and maybe doing a 2 month pct. Since your on sust, wait 28 days to start pct. I don't know where you got the idea that your going to keep all your gains after pct. I agree that you'll probably lose around 20lbs give or take. Hopefully you get your acne taken care of. Not sure how you can step on stage with all that...
As advised TOUGH AUDIENCE son but really it s all cuz WE HAVE heard it all before..no one said you were childish or stupid but your actions were both.
(I did a 42 month cycle )
I m on your side ; easy does it.
But u asked for input you got it ; you can t pray for rain if u can t deal with the mud.That being said ur still gonna be able to compete but it ll take years to ACCUMULATE and then maintain the size you want on and off season.
It s the food dude.
I realized this after I returned to aas use after a 16 year break to be a Fed School Crossing Guard. And what a revelation it s been as the info available now to young buck s is unreal.
Answer some q s , post a pic or 3 and PLEASE hang around. I see me in your posts.
(unless your a black pigmee from the bush w a bone in ur nose whose unreal big)
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I'm gonna quickly jump the fuck in here because this dude, if anyone here can chime in is me... I'm 22, blasted for ~2 years with cruises obviously, came off absolutely fine thanks to hCG... my Nut's were pumping.

You came to the right place, expect initally the boys to flame the shit out of you for what your AAS use was like and for your age etc... But I aplaud you for comming here for advice and if you in the meantime do some research, gain some knowledge etc and follow the advice... You will thankyourself for it.

I'm in a mad rush, so I will add in detail and PM me if you need... Will read rest of thread when come back and give solid advice but redst assured you can most likely recover but first things first, do some research in the mean time and try get a source for hCG, basically start the hCG get your nuts running and then start a SERM to get your LH/FSH signal rocking and you may or may not be lucky like me an bounce back as quick... This also seems genetic (PCT/recovery in general from AAS) but hCG will be the main drug to get you back bro after being on that long. If not then you better look into something like hMG (Triptorelin I think) but you may have to get involved with an AAS familiar doc or HRT clinic for that, you may also have to consider TRT or if you are set for life on bodybuilding look it as a ticket to blast/cruising and realising you fucked up, because you can't recover.

I full well knew the risks, I don't mind, but I can come off and recover fine if I use some hCG. Not everyone can, age would contribute too which may have been in my favour and will be in yours.
Every single response on this entire post has been childish. Literally all of them. I stated that i know typical protocols of pct and ASKING FOR OPINIONS OF THE OTHER PEOPLE. I did not claim i know everything but that i am aware of the usual actions people do. Can people please read the posts before responding. And even at peak natural test levels no one makes naturally produces 300-500 mgs of test a week??
Sounds you need to do alot of reading and show some respect for the brightest minds in ology here.
and hows your cycle going kid?