

gangstr rap made me do it
So i have always had a hard time gaing lean mass, i've tried bulk diets, lean mass diets, and nothing seems to work. I gain fat VERY easy, so easily its almost jus plain stupid, the use of gear has always been chillen in the back of mind but because of my young age and mediocur weight i have yet 2 venture in that direction, Ever since i can remember wanting and trying to gain mass my doctor jus said keep with diet and training, finally after holding the idea in the corner of my head i decided to ask him to check my test levels, he said he doubted that was an issue with my weight-gain, or lack there of (lean mass anyways) anyways the results came back and he said they were very low, being only 2.5 when they should be between 10-30 according to him, he said instead of jus getting my on test. he wanted to send me to an Endo. i had told him before that i had a hard time gaining lean mass, would gain fat easily, on top of that i had mild bilateral gyno. that unforunatly for me cost jus under 4000$ to get rid of, im thinking the gyno was a result of my very low test levels?? i've always been active and into weight lifting but its taken me forever to even get to where i stand today, quesation being is he knew all of this, but never sent me to get tests done before, i am 20 now, and have been complaining about this since 14, should i have done a bit more reaserch and have been better informed myself on all of this so that i could have approched him in a different manner? what are you thoughts on all this guys