2 month progress


New member
hi guys

1° pics----june 84 kg 19% bf
2° pics----august 91kg 15 %bf

200mg week only winny/clen for 6 week

15/05/06--05/08/2006 low calories 1800kcal (100g carbs-- 160 prot)day from

06/08/2006--30/08/2006 recarg calories 4500 kcal ( 500g carb 300g prot)day

what do you think
I will make the tomorrow unfortunately the legs until little time make were a little in behind for guilt of an old incident in motorbike, but hour they are a lot improving.
Nice progress in little time. Congrats.

How tall are you?

How long have you been training before hitting AAS?
luquillo78 said:
Nice progress in little time. Congrats.

How tall are you?

How long have you been training before hitting AAS?
thanks to all. I have various years of training to the shoulders, unfortunately but not constant with long pauses of stop, because of the several job and of personal problems, hour but is nearly a year of continuous training.
bigangel said:
thanks to all. I have various years of training to the shoulders, unfortunately but not constant with long pauses of stop, because of the several job and of personal problems, hour but is nearly a year of continuous training.

any pics
my next cycle

a now i'm planing my next cycle.
i don't want to run a test,because i give to much water whit it.
i want to run maby only 8 week of eq at 400 mg a week,or primobolan at 500 at week.
i have not probl to gain wheit also to natural.
my body fuction many good if i star cycle in low calories and diet and incrase calories at half cycle.

a now i decrase my wheit to 91 at 86 and reduce my bf. and at 5°week of cycle when he coming to woork i incrase drammaticly my calories and workout.
i pray to non have problem in this period.
thanks to all