2 Pharma growth to choose from..?


New member
Hi guys! First time post here.

Im 30 years old , 5'11, 90kgs & 13% fat. been lifting since I was 18, but only seriously for the last 5 years. 5-6 times a week.

I've got a few cycles under my belt now, I know what my body responds well to and what it does not.

At the moment I am currently on a basic cycle of 500mg week sus, and 150mg eod of masteron.
some may say my body fat is too high for masteron, and I do agree that you benefit more when your body is on a lower fat scale but I still enjoy what I get from masteron as my current body fat. Its arguable. ANYWAY - main topic today I want some input on as below.

I have run Hygetropin black tops in the past from quite a reputable source, but with no real great benefits. I went as high as 8-10 iu a day and meh. Nothing really at all.

I want to run growth for a MINIMUM 6 months, hopefully up to 12 and on going depending on financial circumstance but I will definitely do a minium of 6 months.

I Live in Australia, and both the 2 products will be genuine. I know that. I dont know which to go for for a couple of reasons.

Norditropon 30iu blue pens or genotropin 36iu pens.

From what I have read, nord can be kept at room temp for quite some time so that would be safer in transit right? Where as genotropin pens need to be refrigerated at all times?

Which product is better and why? I would start at a low dose and work up but I am guessing I would finish up around that 2 - 2.5 iu per day.

My goal is to get my body fat to around 8% and keep it steady, and hopefully gain some lean mass too.

Whats everyones thoughts?

When it comes to pharma HGH, they are all going to be the same quality. Both will be pure 191aa human growth hormone, whereas generics can vary in quality/potency because they typically aren't produced with the same quality materials and equipment as pharma.

As to refrigeration...hgh only has to be refridgerated once it's been reconstituted in water. The dry powder can stay at room temp, but once mixed it has to be refrigerated. So unless one of the brands comes pre-mixed in water, then they both can be stored at room temp.
If getting to 8 % is your goal then wouldnt it be more useful to run t3 and/or clen and especially tighten up on the diet?? GH cant be as potent as that.
If getting to 8 % is your goal then wouldnt it be more useful to run t3 and/or clen and especially tighten up on the diet?? GH cant be as potent as that.

GH is one of those compounds that just seem to give you that edge... but make no mistake, you need to be in a great place financially (or on a damn fine prescription) to warrant running it.

If, like most of us, you struggle to find the cash for just AAS, then do not even consider running GH, because it is a luxury you can do without.

But if you ever want to be in that 'all time best shape of your life' and you have the money to throw at AAS and GH, then the results will be noticeable - make no mistake about it.

But as ever, because of it's street price - there is a lot of bunk stuff on the streets - and it could prove to be a costly mistake if they see you coming.