2 pins versus 3 pins a week

Listen your are making too. Much out of this pinning thing. Relax, I've gone through periods of a lot of PIP.
On another note believe who you want I for one have no reason to lie. How long your buds been doin this? 30 years ?? Just sayin
The glute are the saving grace place. I reach back, flex my ass (one side) touch and find the most prominent hard peak and stick it. Really Simple Simon!
I will just stick with plan A. I think the Test is doing a lot more than I give it credit for and everyone has been saying weeks 5-6. Although I will note it's either bro-science from people I actually know from gym versus anonymous individuals on a forum..... :0

Bro-science is the explanation of a concept or methodology related to bodybuilding/powerlifting/AAS without any facts. It is easy to prove or disprove bro-science with a little help from pubmed.

Fact: Testosterone enanthate/cypionate have a half-life of 7/8 days.
Fact: It takes four half-lives to reach serum plasma concentrations.

Math: 7/8 x 4 = 28/32. There are seven days in a week; so... 28/32 divided by 7 = 4/4.57 weeks.

Now ask the fellas at the gym if they can explain for you their ideas like that. :)
The glute are the saving grace place. I reach back, flex my ass (one side) touch and find the most prominent hard peak and stick it. Really Simple Simon!

Yeah I need to man up and stick my glute myself. That chick totally got it all in low back muscle. First couple shots that were done right my ass hurt like hell (so I knew it was in the glute). This time it is all low back. And what you described about flexing to find muscle and then sticking it (after I quit flexing) is what I"ve been doing on quads. I just do the quad flex and find the flat hard spot in the middle of the middle or lateral quad and stick it. I'll try same thing on glute this week and quit being a pansy by having some chick do it (although it's nice when she does it right and if she's hot).
Yeah I need to man up and stick my glute myself. That chick totally got it all in low back muscle. First couple shots that were done right my ass hurt like hell (so I knew it was in the glute). This time it is all low back. And what you described about flexing to find muscle and then sticking it (after I quit flexing) is what I"ve been doing on quads. I just do the quad flex and find the flat hard spot in the middle of the middle or lateral quad and stick it. I'll try same thing on glute this week and quit being a pansy by having some chick do it (although it's nice when she does it right and if she's hot).

Don't inject in the vastus medialis (inside thigh) or erectus femoris (middle), not only do they have tons of nerve bundles, but the vastus medialis contains large blood vessels - including your femoral artery. ;)

Lateralis ONLY, and stick to the outside upper edge. To far to the outside (like directly on the side of your leg) and you may pierce the iliotibial band, which makes it very angry.
I guess I'm bored so i'll jump in again. When you attach the finer needle that you inject with, do you push the plunger down until you see a small drop of test at the bottom of the needle (just before you inject)? If not, I speculate that you are injecting air that was in the needle. this can cause pain.
Do you push the plunger down VERY slowly? If not it can hurt, but probably not 12 hours later.
hope this helps

Yes i take the bubbles out. I'm a texas redneck not an idiot. I had a bad drug and alcohol problem in my younger years before I got into recovery (been clean like 15+ years now). But in my partying days I used to shoot meth and coke straight into vein. I guess i was less of a pussy back then (really I was young and stupid).

After my first couple pins i started pushing the cc very slow and smooth. It works well. The first couple pins i'd go quicker and it would get hard to push around 1/2cc mark.
Don't inject in the vastus medialis (inside thigh) or erectus femoris (middle), not only do they have tons of nerve bundles, but the vastus medialis contains large blood vessels - including your femoral artery. ;)

Lateralis ONLY, and stick to the outside upper edge. To far to the outside (like directly on the side of your leg) and you may pierce the iliotibial band, which makes it very angry.

I don't inject on inside ever. Last sunday was my first time trying middle quad. I did like the lateral side best. My first shot I was a little too close for comfort to the IT band and my chiro pointed it out. Moved over about another inch further away from IT band on next couple.
Yes i take the bubbles out. I'm a texas redneck not an idiot. I had a bad drug and alcohol problem in my younger years before I got into recovery (been clean like 15+ years now). But in my partying days I used to shoot meth and coke straight into vein. I guess i was less of a pussy back then (really I was young and stupid).

After my first couple pins i started pushing the cc very slow and smooth. It works well. The first couple pins i'd go quicker and it would get hard to push around 1/2cc mark.

I'm not talking about bubbles in the syringe. :-) I'm talking about filling the needle with liquid, until a drop forms at the end of the needle. I have never had to bring this up before when helping others., but with you I wanted to rule this out, not because you are an idiot. But because we on the 4th page of how to simply pin yourself. And I wanted to rule out all possible things that might cause you problems. We would all hope that you gain enough experience and knowledge that pinning is as easy for you as it is for more most of us. And I want to give you a whole huge humungus pile of credit, for pulling yourself out of those teenage problems. I'm sure that was not easy. You've gained my respect.
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Yes i take the bubbles out. I'm a texas redneck not an idiot. I had a bad drug and alcohol problem in my younger years before I got into recovery (been clean like 15+ years now). But in my partying days I used to shoot meth and coke straight into vein. I guess i was less of a pussy back then (really I was young and stupid).

After my first couple pins i started pushing the cc very slow and smooth. It works well. The first couple pins i'd go quicker and it would get hard to push around 1/2cc mark.

I done with all this. As I said way back you make such a deal, AND THIS after you have mainlined. Well I did a lot of that. SO what is the big fvckin deal. There are diagrams and photos etc.. all over the net. Stick to those area.

When I said flex to find it I only meant I sick to the right area and just pin point the hard muscle. I have done so much IV and IM I don't think about it, I don't hesitate , why, find the spot and pin it. Push the plunger fast , slow moderate what ever...the only thing I get some times is a little soreness, WTF, I grew up years ago. Shoulders, look at the center and PIN IT.

I'm done here.... I think we've run this thread, Q's and answers into the ground into the ground.

OH, PS: I have once or twice was moving so fast I forgot to push the bubble out. It wasn't much. No PIP, not a problem this little will not kill me. SO WTF I don't even give a shit about some little bubble of air. I do, do it proper . I am just saying this injection Q's by now is just over thinking and simple fear.
Just stab it and go :dance2:
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I done with all this. As I said way back you make such a deal, AND THIS after you have mainlined. Well I did a lot of that. SO what is the big fvckin deal. There are diagrams and photos etc.. all over the net. Stick to those area.

When I said flex to find it I only meant I sick to the right area and just pin point the hard muscle. I have done so much IV and IM I don't think about it, I don't hesitate , why, find the spot and pin it. Push the plunger fast , slow moderate what ever...the only thing I get some times is a little soreness, WTF, I grew up years ago. Shoulders, look at the center and PIN IT.

I'm done here.... I think we've run this thread, Q's and answers into the ground into the ground.

OH, PS: I have once or twice was moving so fast I forgot to push the bubble out. It wasn't much. No PIP, not a problem this little will not kill me. SO WTF I don't even give a shit about some little bubble of air. I do, do it proper . I am just saying this injection Q's by now is just over thinking and simple fear.
Just stab it and go :dance2:

I thought we were just having conversation here. You know like hanging at gym, brah...lol. Only difference we are on an internet forum.....I didn't mean to get you worked up again oldmusclemike...
I'm not talking about bubbles in the syringe. :-) I'm talking about filling the needle with liquid, until a drop forms at the end of the needle. I have never had to bring this up before when helping others., but with you I wanted to rule this out, not because you are an idiot. But because we on the 4th page of how to simply pin yourself. And I wanted to rule out all possible things that might cause you problems. We would all hope that you gain enough experience and knowledge that pinning is as easy for you as it is for more most of us.

Ok, well then I totally missed the point and have no idea what your talking about. When I draw I pull back about 1.25-1.5 of air, insert my drawing needle in vial, flip vial upside down, inject air, draw out about 1.25 cc of oil and then push back to 1cc then withdraw needle from vial. I thought that part was pretty straight forward although I'm wondering how to do it when it gets down to last drops. But you don't have to answer that last part here. I did some research on getting that last drops of oil out already....

And I want to give you a whole huge humungus pile of credit, for pulling yourself out of those teenage problems. I'm sure that was not easy. You've gained my respect.

Thanks. For about 5 or so years after I came out of that mess I'd run into old buddies around town and they'd be "hey did you here about so and so died..." So yeah messing around in that world is no joke. I'm glad I got out and moved on with life.
Ok, well then I totally missed the point and have no idea what your talking about. When I draw I pull back about 1.25-1.5 of air, insert my drawing needle in vial, flip vial upside down, inject air, draw out about 1.25 cc of oil and then push back to 1cc then withdraw needle from vial. I thought that part was pretty straight forward although I'm wondering how to do it when it gets down to last drops. But you don't have to answer that last part here. I did some research on getting that last drops of oil out already....

Thanks. For about 5 or so years after I came out of that mess I'd run into old buddies around town and they'd be "hey did you here about so and so died..." So yeah messing around in that world is no joke. I'm glad I got out and moved on with life.

Ok, so you are good up to the point where you expel the test out of the 'withdrawal syringe' until the needle reads 1.25cc. THEN you put on the 25G 'pinning needle'. To some it may not make any difference, but for me I had pain when I did not expel (push plunger) until there was a drop forming at the end of the needle shaft. This negates putting the air that is in the 25G needle base and needle shaft into me. Perhaps, I'm the wuss!! But it did cause pain when I injected air. And I'm just trying to cover all the bases for you.
Ok, so you are good up to the point where you expel the test out of the 'withdrawal syringe' until the needle reads 1.25cc. THEN you put on the 25G 'pinning needle'. To some it may not make any difference, but for me I had pain when I did not expel (push plunger) until there was a drop forming at the end of the needle shaft. This negates putting the air that is in the 25G needle base and needle shaft into me. Perhaps, I'm the wuss!! But it did cause pain when I injected air. And I'm just trying to cover all the bases for you.

Oh yeah i do that. I don't think i do it just like you. After i withdraw needle from vial I withdraw about 1/2cc of air and then swap needles and then give syringe a couple flicks, push out the 1/2cc of air very carefully thru my injecting needle, watching the air go up thru base of needle until a drop forms on tip of needle. Basic heroin addict style. :)
Ok, so you are good up to the point where you expel the test out of the 'withdrawal syringe' until the needle reads 1.25cc. THEN you put on the 25G 'pinning needle'. To some it may not make any difference, but for me I had pain when I did not expel (push plunger) until there was a drop forming at the end of the needle shaft. This negates putting the air that is in the 25G needle base and needle shaft into me. Perhaps, I'm the wuss!! But it did cause pain when I injected air. And I'm just trying to cover all the bases for you.

Air in the syringe is a recovery technique, and will not hurt you one iota. These are intra-muscular injections we're talking about here, not intra-venous - which are a whole different ballgame. ;)

Got PIP?

It's either:

1. A shaky hand wrecking havoc by moving that little knife all over the place inside you.

2. Virgin muscle that's not accustomed to being displaced with an oil depot.

3. A reaction to a harsh blend; be it high concentration or a high BA content, or godforsaken propionate. (TNE/suspension are bad too, but that's expected)

4. Poor needle selection. A 20g needle is going to hurt more than a 25g for obvious reasons.

5. Pressing too hard in an attempt to get the oil in faster. This creates TREMENDOUS pressure, which like a power washer is going to cause damage.

6. Improper site selection. Injecting into a lymph node or nerve cluster is going to smart, don't do that.

7. The least likely, but it can happen - dirty gear and/or improper sterilization procedures being followed. This one is the only serious issue as it can lead to an infection, but the symptoms last far longer than just PIP.

8. Rubbing, massaging, applying heat/cold to an injection site. Apply pressure, nothing more. Everything else triggers an immune response, which leads to inflammation and pain.

I'm sure there are a few more I missed, but that's the gist of it.

My .02c :)