I done with all this. As I said way back you make such a deal, AND THIS after you have mainlined. Well I did a lot of that. SO what is the big fvckin deal. There are diagrams and photos etc.. all over the net. Stick to those area.
When I said flex to find it I only meant I sick to the right area and just pin point the hard muscle. I have done so much IV and IM I don't think about it, I don't hesitate , why, find the spot and pin it. Push the plunger fast , slow moderate what ever...the only thing I get some times is a little soreness, WTF, I grew up years ago. Shoulders, look at the center and PIN IT.
I'm done here.... I think we've run this thread, Q's and answers into the ground into the ground.
OH, PS: I have once or twice was moving so fast I forgot to push the bubble out. It wasn't much. No PIP, not a problem this little will not kill me. SO WTF I don't even give a shit about some little bubble of air. I do, do it proper . I am just saying this injection Q's by now is just over thinking and simple fear.
Just stab it and go