2 Weeks in Cycle


New member
Hi all,

38 years old, almost 39, and been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 1.5 years (test enanthate, one shot every 12 days).

As I can't get this test where I'm at I decided to do a cycle of Sustanon 250 every Monday/Thursday, 10 mg Nolva per day, and 250 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day.

I'm mostly into anti-aging and generally do low-carb, caloric restrictive eating and like to be lightly muscled so thought would be interesting to document changes as I seem to be gaining size (probably water weight:spin:) very quickly .

I'd love to ask what I need to develop, but from a bodybuilding persective probably everything.:wiggle:

ps. front pic on left is on enanthate with 0 excercise and back pic on right is after 2 weeks working out, but just before my cycle start.
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Just a little over 2 weeks into cycle (just had 5th injection)...

[And I know it looks like I took the pic with a potato, but it was taken in haste and I feel gay asking other men to take pics of me with my shirt off.:doggy:]

Better pics uploaded later when I make real progress,,,

ps. Lots of water it seems... :spin:
Stick with it my friend...you must be consistent...if you are you will achieve the goals youve set for yourself...
Thanks, I appreciate the words....

And as an update...

I am still getting some mad bloat; my face is puffy as all-get-out sometimes, I'm just starting to gtet oily skin and pimples, and on my last two gluteal IM injects I have had minor blood gush out when I removed my needle (slowly) and a large amount almost shoot out on my last inject, upon a quick pulling out of the needle.

That was unnerving; and I don't think I was in a vein as I aspirated. Perhaps I nicked something...

On the positives, I'm really starting to feel my strength now, my lifting weights have gone up exponentially, and I rarely feel sore after working out. Even with relatively heavy weights (for me).

I've also got a good mood going on with the sustanon, no anxiety or aggression, but also a flatlining of libido. No spike in arousals, morning wood, or anything. But I also don't feeling lacking or like I'm missing anything.

Novel over; until I can put some more pics up. :elephant:

Well I don't have pics as I have no one to take them but may as well add to "board knowledge"...

Basically, I am about 6 weeks in and have felt pretty shitty for about 2 weeks. I think it's pretty much "sustanon flu", as I've heard it described.

I also have pain in my injection sites that last almost until the next shot...and lay me the fuck out. Between the flu-like feelings and ass pain so severe I could hardly walk up stairs I have missed 2-3 workouts (but went in day after;so one day late).

I still seem to be gaining big however, still sport a major bloat, and get cramps in my outer shin when on the treadmill, and small spots of pain usually around certain spots around the shoulders. I think they're more or less growing pains.

As it stands I will just keep trucking along and plan to complete the 12 weeks of sustanaon 250 (X 2 shots a week), 250 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) eod, and was on 10mg nolva per day, but bumped it to 20 mg as my titties felt a bit full (which could be due to weight gain) and nipples were hard alot.

As an aside, most of my clothes dont fit well anymore, due to size gains, and I have awhile to go.

I have also just added 2 iu's of HGH (legit Eutropin) every day (will do 5 days on and 2 off) and hope that will alleviate some of the joint/tendon/growing issues...(although I plan to continue for at least 6 months to a year in any case)...

I've also just recieved creatine (bitch to get), and will supplement with that at least til the end of my cycle.

Will post a pic or two sometime as well...

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