2 weeks of Clen before bulking.. Any thoughts?


New member
Hey there, I've been doing HGH for about a month and have been gaining weight (Alot of water weight) and I was planing on doing a bulk cycle with Test and Deca but now I'm starting to look almost fat, especially in the stomach and face.. and I'd like to do like a few weeks of Clen or Anavar or something and burn like a good 3-4 pounds of fat before starting the bulk.. What do you think? Any advice on this? thanks!
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u need an ai not clen son

u CANNOT shed any fat in 2 weeks unless your ride an exercise for 2 weeks driniking water eating fruit and doing meth...

come on dude

2 weeks is nothing man

Age ?
U sound like ur 18-22 going on 12

answer the q s presented..ya ll do not waste your time until he does.

A body reecomp in 2 weeks ? To do a bulk ? My 9 yr old knows 2 weeks is nothing to effect real change even w clen....
u need an ai not clen son

u CANNOT shed any fat in 2 weeks unless your ride an exercise for 2 weeks driniking water eating fruit and doing meth...

come on dude

2 weeks is nothing man

Age ?
U sound like ur 18-22 going on 12

WTF dude please be kidding. I know ppl who who have dropped 4-5 pounds of almost pure fat in 2-3 weeks without even touching AA's. I'm not obese I have like 11-12% bodyfat and wanna go down to 10% before I start my bulk.. Anyway if you're only interested in being an annoying dick, you can just GTFO thanks.
if your getting ready for a bulk and not trying to hit low low body fat , single digits, why would you run clen?

Cause I already think I look a bit chubby in the face and midsection mostly and want to get that down a little before starting cause I know my bodyfat % will almost certainly go up during my bulk..
WTF dude please be kidding. I know ppl who who have dropped 4-5 pounds of almost pure fat in 2-3 weeks without even touching AA's. I'm not obese I have like 11-12% bodyfat and wanna go down to 10% before I start my bulk.. Anyway if you're only interested in being an annoying dick, you can just GTFO thanks.

Why are you asking for advice if you don't want to listen to it? Just because you don't like the advice you got doesn't mean you have to be a sensitive asshole.
WTF dude please be kidding. I know ppl who who have dropped 4-5 pounds of almost pure fat in 2-3 weeks without even touching AA's. I'm not obese I have like 11-12% bodyfat and wanna go down to 10% before I start my bulk.. Anyway if you're only interested in being an annoying dick, you can just GTFO thanks.

You should watch how you talk to people here. Ain't nobody gonna give you any help now. You just insulted one of the most highly respected members here... and a mod. Dumbass. This isn't your house so don't tell other people to get out.
If someone doesn't have the ability to expess themselves with respect, then i don't give a fuck ok there? Dont feed the stereotype. Ok dumbass?
so gaaaaaaaaaay

Hey there, I've been doing HGH for about a month and have been gaining weight (Alot of water weight) and I was planing on doing a bulk cycle with Test and Deca but now I'm starting to look almost fat, especially in the stomach and face.. and I'd like to do like a few weeks of Clen or Anavar or something and burn like a good 3-4 pounds of fat before starting the bulk.. What do you think? Any advice on this? thanks!

i think you must be really really lazy.

my advice is that you should adjust your diet and work at doing some cardio instead of taking drugs because your too lazy to make an effort to train and diet properly

run a 500 cal deficit per day, and throw in half hour of cardio every other day

you're going to lose a couple pounds, to a pound and a half per week

let me guess..

you're going to piss and moan now because nobody here will endorse you taking a pill to reach your goals..

rather than making an EFFORT

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Ok thank you so much for all that brand new information charles, my second wish is to learn how many times a day can I get fucked in the ass w-o risking hemrhoids ? Thank you!
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e z

Damn it dude. When you make a claim that in 14 day s people have lost 5 pd s FAT, w o chaining themselves to a tree and starving it s not possible unless they are OBESE but to difuse the situation , ONCE, I will apologize for being a rude reality check so....sigh

I am sorry that my smart ass response led to a flood of negativity; we don t want to lose you but I ve been doing this a long long time..longer than you been breathing...and there are few that can accomplish much more than shedding WATER in 2 weeks, OK ?

At 5 8 12 percent at 186..good numbers...and then your not responding for awhile was why I was a smart ass OK.

I am 12 percent. No way that I could be 10 percent in 2 weeks w or w/o clen but definitely would cook off muscle..maybe ur the exception. Maybe ur genetics are superior to 99 percent of us here ?

If you expect to be taken seriously you have to realize this is an aas forum where we are all trt, on a cycle or coming off a cycle or planning one OK ? U make a claim of state a goal like that....lol..it s bound to be...kicked around a little but not enough to fkn cuss me.

Noone cussed you or directed you into u into any reckless behavior. And as I m not a keyboard tough guy/warrior your commentary easily shows who is and who is not mature. Ur b s cussing me directly is not a issue w me...do the right thing now...again. Did not mean to set off a firestorm but 5 pds in 2 weeks of FAT w o cooking muscle is really not reasonable.
Water yes.

And yes Charles and I are very close
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some new information.

- the results you would get with anavar for miracle fat loss in 2 weeks would be negligible.

- clen would start to work right away, but it isn't a miracle fat burner.

you use that shit to bust plateaus dropping into single digit %

you're a young dude, 28? you don't need clen for the amount of weight you want to lose

lets see this quote from... YOU

WTF dude please be kidding. I know ppl who who have dropped 4-5 pounds of almost pure fat in 2-3 weeks without even touching AA's. I'm not obese I have like 11-12% bodyfat and wanna go down to 10% before I start my bulk.. Anyway if you're only interested in being an annoying dick, you can just GTFO thanks.

so you already know it can be done without aas , mmk?

you don't need that expense or that stress on your body to achieve the goals you've stated.

here is the real fucjing issue-

if you've gotten chubby - its not from hgh

hgh would lean you out if anything

everybody looking at this thread sees it - the glaring problems!

1. your diet

2. activity levels/ training

clen isn't some unicorn thats going to magically fix these things and cut you down

until you address the real issues , your burning money and stressing your body for NO gainz

and I'm guessing your asshole might not hold up so well, maybe you can find a magic pill that will tighten it up - you better put some effort into training and diet man.. oh yea AND tightening up your little shit pussy if your down to pop off at people without knowing who you're talking to.

all bullshit aside dude- get your diet straight for your goals, calories and macros on deck

then add cardio EOD to whatever training your doing.