2 years of being shut down. Docs only tried clomid need help getting friends nat test


New member
Hi guys, a buddy of mine was hospitalized a few years ago and when there his natty production of test stopped. The doctors ONLY attempt to get it backwas clomid. After that they pretty much said, "nope ur on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of ur life" He is willing to go through some protocols in order to get his natty test back. And im curious as to what exactly He should run. A combination of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) clomid nolva ? Input is greatly appreciated as I don't see how after2 years of being shut down he is helpless.
If he's primary hypogonadal, there may not be much any of those can do for him outside of test injections. He could run it by his doc on the HCG/Nolva - but again, it all depends on where his issue lies. SERMS/HCG only work if the problem is secondary like a pituitary problem; if his testes just don't work anymore, they won't do much for him.
I just relayed the message and he said he believes very strongly it is a secondary problem. Not that is has particularly anything (maybe it does?) to do with it but he has almost no testicular atrophy. I found an aggressive treatment protocol

and at the end of the first post the guy linked a spreadsheet to his dosages. He was also on 2 years of HRT. Any opinions on this? I really think I can get my friends test back workin again.
I just relayed the message and he said he believes very strongly it is a secondary problem. Not that is has particularly anything (maybe it does?) to do with it but he has almost no testicular atrophy. I found an aggressive treatment protocol

and at the end of the first post the guy linked a spreadsheet to his dosages. He was also on 2 years of HRT. Any opinions on this? I really think I can get my friends test back workin again.

Ahhh, Cashout's famous protocol. This too is very dependent on which type of hypogonadism he has. I'm primary and my testicles were the size of tennis balls, so that's definitely a myth that they shrink if you stop making test naturally. He can always try, but without knowing which type (his doc should be able to tell him this) of hypogonadism he has - it might just be an exercise in futility.

Best of luck. :)
I'm sorry I don't understand? I am not that knowledgeable about the brain chemistry involved with all of this. So I understand what LH does. since he doesn't make it , Cant I take an aggressive type of approach with a mixture of things like the link further up?
I'm sorry I don't understand? I am not that knowledgeable about the brain chemistry involved with all of this. So I understand what LH does. since he doesn't make it , Cant I take an aggressive type of approach with a mixture of things like the link further up?

Sorry, I missed your last post. If he's not making LH, it might work for him. There are causes in the body that can make it so his LH will NEVER return, but it's worth a shot. :) It's when you have a healthy LH/FSH that the problem is much harder to work on imo. (I'm not a doctor, but that's my experience and what I've seen.)