2 years training natural


man beef
This is me after 2 years of lifting weights (natural).
I currently bench 300 lbs. squat 425 lbs, deadlift 445 lbs and I' m 5'5"
wegh in at 165 lbs.I' thinking of doing my first cycle with sustenon 250 and primobolan for 10 weeks. Any ideas what kind of gains I should expect or is it a good choice? Any suggestions or comments welcome, thanks in advance for the help.
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nice progress, i am about that size since i have been dieting and i know my squat won't touch that...nice work but i would say just run strait test, one of the longer acting esters to see how your body reacts to it...gluck

I don't need to run one like primo to keep my bf lower or just worry about that later? Also how often should I take the test? Are you talking about test cyp or sustenon 250? BY the way thanks for the comments I appreciate it.
I train three days a week two bodyparts per workout.
I don't need to run one like primo to keep my bf lower or just worry about that later? Also how often should I take the test? Are you talking about test cyp or sustenon 250? BY the way thanks for the comments I appreciate it.
I train three days a week two bodyparts per workout.

I don't think so.. BF looks to be the least of your concerns bro. I would concentrate on some good quality mass. Test Cyp or E.. Are you an athlete (i.e. in a sport) or is this just for asthetics??
just weights

No I' m just lifting weights, I used to play hockey and do martial arts all at the same time, but when I got more serious with the weights I found it a bit much so now I' m only lifting weights.I can get better gains since I keep all my energy for this.I found my gains slowing down that's why I was wondering about some gear to get me past that point.
No I' m just lifting weights, I used to play hockey and do martial arts all at the same time, but when I got more serious with the weights I found it a bit much so now I' m only lifting weights.I can get better gains since I keep all my energy for this.I found my gains slowing down that's why I was wondering about some gear to get me past that point.

Ok, gotcha.. well, besides primo being high dollar and really not worth all the extra expense, it's more of a cutting/contest prep compound. Not really something for breaking a weightlifting plateau, in my opinion. Test is great for that... it's perfect for what you need. Test cyp or E.
Hey guys I purchased some test E. 250 mg. I started it monday April 7, I will run it 10 weeks, one per week. I will keep you updated on my progress and post a few pics when I'm done. How much weight gain should I expect from this?
weight gain is generally decieded by diet and training regime, and depending on how high or low youe dose will be for those ten weeks. I bet you can maybe after everything is said and done keep like 8 pounds of true weight and not water bloat. I mean i hope i am wrong and hope you keep way more but that is just my guess. post cycle therapy (pct) would most likely impact how much you will keep all toll for your cycle. Good luck with your cycle