20 y/o looking for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) alternative


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20 y/o looking for TRT alternative

hey guys thanks in advance for any help you can pass along.

for the past 2 years (i am 20 now) i have had progressively worsening issues of ED and low libido. over the past 6 months it has gotten much worse and i now have a heavy brain fog (almost unbearable) and am fatigued often. i suspected low test to be the problem and sure enough my labs came back at 174 (200-1100) with no thyroid/pituitary problems. i am currently working on getting labs back for E2 and shbg. i try to work out as much as i can but nowadays i am feeling so fatigued and i tend to lose muscle mass more than i gain muscle mass. i drink alcohol occasionally with my buddies but not overdoing it. so here are a couple questions for you.

1) are there any common problems that could be causing such a low test value at such a young age?
2) are there any alternatives to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) that could help me get in the 600-800 range or is my value too low for that?
questions you have to ask yourself..

1. are u on any medication?
2. do you have a full 8 hrs sleep a night?
3. are you stressed?
4. do you have a complete diet?
5. are you eating enough calories?
6. do you have a high caffiene intake?
7. are you "overtraining"?

all these factors come into play. also, i take "hcgenerate" as a test booster every now and then.
You need to see a endo man. Get to a doc

Or you can find some tes on your own and cruise on it. It's not the best idea but you ll have tes. A sex drive, muscl growth, etc etc

I'd rec you take hcg too. I'm not sure if you want to take this into your own hands or not. But if your numbers are that low u should have no trouble getting professional help.

GL bro
hey guys thanks in advance for any help you can pass along.

for the past 2 years (i am 20 now) i have had progressively worsening issues of ED and low libido. over the past 6 months it has gotten much worse and i now have a heavy brain fog (almost unbearable) and am fatigued often. i suspected low test to be the problem and sure enough my labs came back at 174 (200-1100) with no thyroid/pituitary problems. i am currently working on getting labs back for E2 and shbg. i try to work out as much as i can but nowadays i am feeling so fatigued and i tend to lose muscle mass more than i gain muscle mass. i drink alcohol occasionally with my buddies but not overdoing it. so here are a couple questions for you.

1) are there any common problems that could be causing such a low test value at such a young age?
2) are there any alternatives to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) that could help me get in the 600-800 range or is my value too low for that?

That is definitely low levels for your age. I bet you feel like death. Hell, I felt like death with a Total T of 300. So, as for the pituitary, did they do a CT scan of your head to rule out a tumor or did they do some sort of blood work??? Also, what was your LH and FSH reading?? F350 brings up some good points too. I would also look in to your cortisol readings as well. Adrenal Fatigue can cause a lot of the symptoms that you are describing. I know because I had it for some brief time. How is your diet?? How often do you eat, etc. I definitely would look in to everything and do testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as a last resort. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is meant to be permanent so just be patient and hopefully you will get some answers soon.
no meds, no caffeine, good on sleep, and although i don't count calorie intake i eat a well-rounded diet. i did not get a CT scan, but they tested my prolactin levels and said it was normal. will hcg work to boost my test production even after i stop taking it? and you're right riprockwell, i do feel like death and am not enjoying life as much as i should be. although i know testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is probably not a good idea, i am desperate to start feeling normal again.
Alright let me stop you there as I am the same age and delt with the same thing. Have you cycled at all?

If you want non hormonal options I would suggest starting with 25mg clomid ed and 3g DAA. That will help tremendously. I got my test levels back at 281 when I was 18 and had the same lethargy, ED issues. I used clomid and natural boosters to get me into the high 600's.

Now, although that will suffice for short term treatment (clomid has been shown safe to use up to 1-2 years in clinical study) you do need to see an endocrinologist. Unfortunately the one I saw was an asshole and straight up told me that 281 test at 18 FUCKING YEARS OLD was NORMAL. He needs to have his license taken away but regardless he wouldn't do anything for me.

So I would recommend you try the clomid and DAA for 2-3 months and get your levels rechecked. Do not touch HCG unless you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) because it will shut down your natural LH production.

All of this said, I would seriously consider TRT. You will probably not find a doc to perscribe it so I would just spend $200 and get enough test for a year or two at 125-175mg/wk along with some estro control and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). If you go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you will most likely want to use HCG if you want to have kids in the future...TRT does not mean you won't have kids it just means it could possibly complicate things although the chances are low with how many guys have had kids on cycle.

I know 2 people specifically (one 18 and one is 22) that cruise on test (self administered TRT). One had natural endo issues without AAS that made his test low. He has absolutely loved TRT. Said it turned his life around in terms of mood, energy, etc. It is a very very big decision to decide to do testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so I would try the clomid and DAA for a year (you can also cycle it a few months at a time) while you think about the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) option.
Alright let me stop you there as I am the same age and delt with the same thing. Have you cycled at all?

If you want non hormonal options I would suggest starting with 25mg clomid ed and 3g DAA. That will help tremendously. I got my test levels back at 281 when I was 18 and had the same lethargy, ED issues. I used clomid and natural boosters to get me into the high 600's.

Now, although that will suffice for short term treatment (clomid has been shown safe to use up to 1-2 years in clinical study) you do need to see an endocrinologist. Unfortunately the one I saw was an asshole and straight up told me that 281 test at 18 FUCKING YEARS OLD was NORMAL. He needs to have his license taken away but regardless he wouldn't do anything for me.

So I would recommend you try the clomid and DAA for 2-3 months and get your levels rechecked. Do not touch HCG unless you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) because it will shut down your natural LH production.

All of this said, I would seriously consider TRT. You will probably not find a doc to perscribe it so I would just spend $200 and get enough test for a year or two at 125-175mg/wk along with some estro control and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). If you go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you will most likely want to use HCG if you want to have kids in the future...TRT does not mean you won't have kids it just means it could possibly complicate things although the chances are low with how many guys have had kids on cycle.

I know 2 people specifically (one 18 and one is 22) that cruise on test (self administered TRT). One had natural endo issues without AAS that made his test low. He has absolutely loved TRT. Said it turned his life around in terms of mood, energy, etc. It is a very very big decision to decide to do testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so I would try the clomid and DAA for a year (you can also cycle it a few months at a time) while you think about the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) option.

does clomid work to keep your test values higher even after you stop taking it? are you still on clomid? if not, what's your number/how are you feeling now?
Def no alternative to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) imo if you have low t levels testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will help you tremendously!!! I was 28 and felt like you were saying you felt. I saw a dr that did some labs and gave me b12 shots. Still nothing felt like I was about to die. He ask if I had my test levels done and said no I didn't even know anything bout that. He did then and it came back 190!!!! After three years of being on 200mg test cyp shots my levels are well in the range for my age. Make sure your dr know's that optimal for an 20 yr old is a damn big difference then say 70 yr old. I hope you find a dr that knows his stuff! GL
does clomid work to keep your test values higher even after you stop taking it? are you still on clomid? if not, what's your number/how are you feeling now?

Clomid has been show to keep test levels elevated after extended therapy...one of my friends had a doc put him on clomid for 11 months at 50mg/ed.

I am using clomid now because I am in PCT (which is long and aggressive) but I cycle it by itself now and then.

Haven't got my blood checked in a while but last time I did it was still elevated in the high 600's and I feel much better than I did. It is not a permanent fix and will not yield the results of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but it can be a good option for a few years if you want to have kids until you start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (which you probably will eventually).

What is your cycle history?
fortunately i seem to have found a good doc as clomid was the first thing he suggested although he wants to do some more bloodwork first.

i do not have a cycle history to report as i just confirmed the low test a couple weeks ago i havent used one for gains in the gym. i wouldn't be totally against a cycle, but for some reason testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) scares me even if it is only temporary, mostly because of my age and i don't want to worry about the side effects for the next 40 years of my life
If you have never cycled and have low T at 20 years old that is indicative of an underlying issue that maybe has gone overlooked. You will most likely end up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) eventually but right now I would talk to your doc and definitely consider seeing an Endo