20 year old wanting help on a anavar and clenbuterol stack


New member
hey all... i'm purchasing anavar and clenbuterol soon and looking for help to see how to use these two in a good way to lose my body fat %, tone up good and keep the size i got. I'm about 220lbs, about 15-17% body fat, and i'm roughly 6'1 in height. I got bad hamstrings due to being torn abit, but i'm looking to see if it will all help. I'm using this to get back into playing football. I need to maintain atleast 210-240lbs, be atleast 8% bodyfat (My goal) and be toned all over as much as possible with my size. thanks
your a bit underage for gear bro.. no flame what so ever...

why not get ur diet in check and use up all that wonderful natty test first??
anvar isn't going to do anything good for you at this age. get on a bike and get your diet in check. You have to do the work if you want it. Your natural test should be threw the roof now.