2015 blast. Bulk and cut. Deca then tren. How does it look?


New member
I've ran 5 tren Cycles, 700 tren 350 test. I'm 31 5'8 205lbs. Want to get absolutely huge and then cut before summer. Wanted to try a longer cycle before cruise again. As I am now. Let me know how this looks.

1-14 test e (350 - 500/wk) ( start lower and increase as Deca is needed)
1-4 Dbols 40mg a day
1-14 Deca (600-800/wk)
14-24 test prop 350/wk
14-24 tren 700mg/wk

Use adex for ai eod.
Prami on hand maybe letrozole too

**maybe mast for ai properties
**Maybe Winnie/Anavar for cut)
If you want to get huge i would say run more test. It sounds like you have some experience. What do you think about running test closer to 750-1000? Do you have any experience with test at those doses? For the end portion i think thats a good amount of test to tren. I like low test high tren when im not concerned about blowing up, because you will hold less water. If it was me i would definitely add the mast at maybe 500-700 as well as winny for the ending cu4.
Thanks for the reply. Thats for sure good advice to ponder. I have never run test over 600. I always did well with low test and tren (minimum sides etc) but if I need to run higher test I will play around with the idea. Perhaps start at 800 test and increase if it works well to 1000?
If I run higher test for better cost. What would you think about running t400 instead? All my gear will be AMA
I've ran 5 tren Cycles, 700 tren 350 test. I'm 31 5'8 205lbs. Want to get absolutely huge and then cut before summer. Wanted to try a longer cycle before cruise again. As I am now. Let me know how this looks.

1-14 test e (350 - 500/wk) ( start lower and increase as Deca is needed)
1-4 Dbols 40mg a day
1-14 Deca (600-800/wk)
14-24 test prop 350/wk
14-24 tren 700mg/wk

Use adex for ai eod.
Prami on hand maybe letrozole too

**maybe mast for ai properties
**Maybe Winnie/Anavar for cut)

I have liked high Test cycles ( Test is best ha!) anyway. If bulking I find it NO reason to keep the Test that low. A test dose at 750 mg will complement the Deca and the kick start of the Dbol and hold up the Dbol that stops in the 4th weeks.

IMOP the use of Tren can flatten you some when coming down from Deca and high Test dose. I'm an avid lover of Winstrol because it is good for shows with this mix keeping hardness and size, also the Anavar mix.

With the Winstrol you can keep you complex carbs under control as to seeing how your hardness is holding up. You can get very dry with the Tren as you know and that might not be what to do just at the end of this bulk cycle. The radical change at the end can have some unwanted sides to ensue. ....This IMHOP, good luck and keep us posted.... oldmusclemike :)
That's some really good food for thought. Thanks for the help. I'll see how it all comes together. I've never had any bad sides from tren so I am not top worried about that. Another idea could be to run test at 350towards the end of Deca run to lower the test prematurely for the tren. . It's going to be a good ride. Really want people look at me and be like woah he lifts. Also want to increase my strength of course. Bench is weak at 325x2 reps. Squats are 565 deads are 620. Wo def will keep posted and ask any questions I may have with this ride..
What's your conditioning like right now? What kind of training are you doing and how frequently?

You're obviously a decent size already for your height, just wondering how lean basically...?
Diet will be carb Cycling. Probably around 4500 calories. Ish? Add in higher fats for the lower carb days etc..
Will add in cardio, don't want to cut back food.

As for how lean I am currently. When I flex I have 6 pack abs, a little more far on the lower part but the girls still dig it. I'd guess around 12-14 percent??
Gym is 6 days a week solid. Currently crusiing. Getting workouts done fast and trying to hit my compounds to keep my strength up. Once I cycle hard again I'll do the 6 maybe 7 days a week self when I feel like I need a day off. Definitely want good results. I usually do a split like this. Chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs.
Try to get abs and calves. One of those each workout. Cardio will be based on if I need it. Want to keep abs as a guide