20mg of tbol????????????????


New member
So i got myhands on a killer source... The brand is called "life", its local and a buddy of a buddy makes it... I just started 600mg of t400 yesterday and got 50 20mg tbol pills... My buddys has done it lots; aml, psl, medistar, spartan, trinity andany other brands and says this is prob the best he has done (he gave me the juice without charge so i know he aknt tryin to upsell)... But anyways, i havnt done tbol, ive always stuck to the mass builders full of estro like dbol n stuff.... Ive done cycles and included dbol in them with low doses like 20mg up to 60mg... Does tbol require a higher mg or will 20mg/d show some result?
60Mg Is a good Starting point, And An orals Typical Cycle Length Is 4 Weeksish ? why cutting it short?
Just seeing if i can get away with the one bottle or if i should get another lol...was thinkin of switchin to anavar 80-100mg/d instead but idk, im gunna do t400 for 14-15weeks was gunna throw tren in last 6-8 weeks, but then agan ive nevee tried masteron before :p
If you cut it short you wont be getting the full gains from the cycle, in my opinion if your going to hit your liver with an oral you might as well do the full cycle, just my opinion :)
I did a 100mg of Anavar once.. I was literally on the floor for 3 days with pains in the kidneys. Couldn't do anything but drink water and sit still...
Masteron is a nice steroid but I find that it only works well in high doses...600+mg/week
So is masteron strictly for the hardening effect or whats the reasons for taking it? What would be expected if u relied solely onasteron and did a trt test dose and 600mg of mast?
I get more vascular, fuller and energetic. There were times that I just had to jump up from my chair and do something. I would pace back and forth while snapping my fingers at the same time.
I was in line at the grocery store and I couldn't stand still. The fact that I had to wait 6 minutes to get waited on drove me nuts. I would jump up and down in one spot and do all sorts of meaningless gestures... True story.
I also blame it for the bad acne I got near the end of my cycle. I always get some but this time it was pretty harsh. People are known to get teary eyes on it and water drop on the cheeks but I didn't experience any of that. I just found it very quirky. It really changes my outlook on things... It's a very nice addon for something like Deca or Tren. It really takes the edge off.
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So i got myhands on a killer source... The brand is called "life", its local and a buddy of a buddy makes it... I just started 600mg of t400 yesterday and got 50 20mg tbol pills... My buddys has done it lots; aml, psl, medistar, spartan, trinity andany other brands and says this is prob the best he has done (he gave me the juice without charge so i know he aknt tryin to upsell)... But anyways, i havnt done tbol, ive always stuck to the mass builders full of estro like dbol n stuff.... Ive done cycles and included dbol in them with low doses like 20mg up to 60mg... Does tbol require a higher mg or will 20mg/d show some result?

I have found that tbol requires about twice the dose of dbol mg per mg. Small price to pay for a good alternative to dbol that doesn't make your estradiol skyrocket.

My .02c :)
I'd grab another bottle of T'bol and run it at 60mg for the 33 days...

I've had great success finishing off cycles with Anavar for the last 5/6 weeks, and if you're sure of the source, definitely get some. Anavar is probably the MOST faked compound out there.

If you do finish off on Anavar - start at 50mg daily and watch sides before raising the dose, and be sure to run some Taurine for the back pumps.

In my mind T'bol and 'Var are the best 2 orals out there - you'll love them :)
Hows masterons muscle growth?

As an example:
Masteron resembles Tren more than Deca as you would see more leaner gains. Not to be confused with mass gains like Tren either.
You won't see huge gains on Masteron alone but the gains you receive are really quite impressive, giving you a more vascular look.
It's excellent at burning fat in areas that even the best diets cant seem get rid of and it will enhance muscle that you didn't know you had.
I suppose it will make it appear that you look much harder but that's only because of the new-found definition and leanness added to the muscle.
As I said.. I also had lots of energy bursts, great perspective and cognitive abilities, Focus, and quirky behaviors.

Both times I ran mid cycle to the end, about the last 8-10 weeks when you are really trying to finish your cycle with clean, sharp, looks in mind.
I doubt that has much use on a bulking cycle but if you are leaning out then this is something to be considered.
It's expensive considering you would run it in the 600mg range. I didn't see much results at 400mg.
That's my reason for only running it near the end of my cycle and not all the way though... tho you can.

You can google Masteron and find all sorts of reviews on it. I think the one that stands out the most is how well it adds definition to the muscle and produces a more vascular looking body.

Masteron is well-known for being one of the only anabolic steroids with strong anti-estrogenic properties. Not only does this steroid carry no estrogenic activity, but it can actually act as an anti-estrogen in the body.
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So i got myhands on a killer source... The brand is called "life", its local and a buddy of a buddy makes it... I just started 600mg of t400 yesterday and got 50 20mg tbol pills... My buddys has done it lots; aml, psl, medistar, spartan, trinity andany other brands and says this is prob the best he has done (he gave me the juice without charge so i know he aknt tryin to upsell)... But anyways, i havnt done tbol, ive always stuck to the mass builders full of estro like dbol n stuff.... Ive done cycles and included dbol in them with low doses like 20mg up to 60mg... Does tbol require a higher mg or will 20mg/d show some result?
I would rec atleast 40mg ed IMO