21/M/ Pics *month training*


New member
As the title says I been training for about a month now, but I've been working out all my life....I always had a hard time gaining but I'm trying now, I don't wanna get too big though, Im going for the frank zane type look I suppose? more ripped look, and I dont even wanna look like Ronnie coleman if you know what i mean.

Here are the things Im trying to work out:

Much more size in chest
abs are ok already not really worried about them
arms are fine work on my forearms shoulders are fine
back is fine
legs - work on legs more

I always had the same ol weights in my basement, now that Im making tons of money I bought my own little gym in my house, and now I have all the weights I need.....so that's why I really didn't do shit, since the weights i used were always way too light....now im seeing pretty decent gains in just a week!

I'm aprox 5'9 140 I can weigh later and updated it if youd like....since I wanna post pictures here is you guys don't care since I wanna see the difference....

but my arms are really strong, I can lift alot with my forearms and biceps...and shoulders....

peace! i hope that made sense, im a little stoned right now ;D
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priitk said:
As the title says I been training for about a month now, but I've been working out all my life....I always had a hard time gaining but I'm trying now, I don't wanna get too big though, Im going for the frank zane type look I suppose? more ripped look, and I dont even wanna look like Ronnie coleman if you know what i mean.

Here are the things Im trying to work out:

Much more size in chest
abs are ok already not really worried about them
arms are fine work on my forearms shoulders are fine
back is fine
legs - work on legs more

I always had the same ol weights in my basement, now that Im making tons of money I bought my own little gym in my house, and now I have all the weights I need.....so that's why I really didn't do shit, since the weights i used were always way too light....now im seeing pretty decent gains in just a week!

I'm aprox 5'9 140 I can weigh later and updated it if youd like....since I wanna post pictures here is you guys don't care since I wanna see the difference....

but my arms are really strong, I can lift alot with my forearms and biceps...and shoulders....

peace! i hope that made sense, im a little stoned right now ;D

What kinda weight you pushing . List please
post your diet and workout. I would say you don't really need to worry about getting too big right now, just eat bro and work hard, gain 40 pounds and then cut down.

You look good and lean and would look even better with more mass.
eres another picture of my back/arm although it was hard to take and flex while pressing a button w/ cam.
Well not that I'm serious about it I'm eating like a horse, whole eggs in the morning usually, banana, weight gainer w/ whole milk.......i drink gallon or two fo water a day, since I'm so hyper, which i have to try and stop.

I eat 6-7 times a day.....med. sized meals even though small is reccomended, i love food...........I just move around so much I think that's the reason...........I even bought cheap weight gainer at walmart for 9$ dunno if that helps much?

Dinner usually is big with the family.....lunch is usually a salad with bbq chicken or tuna or grilled salmon....trout...im a fisherman so I eat tons of fish........diet would help though, what can I add in there, some NPeanuty butter? what else?

My routine is pretty much the same as anyone here that splits it up.....I wanna download that Mike Menzer (sp) video I like how he worked out for a short period of time but with insane weights............anyone reccommend a routine for me from my pics?

Now say I get lots more mass, if you could compare me with a bodybuilder or actor who would you compare me to? I never done a cycle before obviously......but I thought about it.......Porbably wont do it anytime soon, maybe when I hit 25...im 21 now.......I have love for lifting, and dont wanna fuck myself up
but usually I snack on peanuts, salmon, tuna fish, bbq chicken, cheese.....milk...and i have about 4 'doses' of those weight gainer shakes which seems to be helping a bit......Im serious though, in a month i went from shit to this....iw as really out of shape
Sorry for all the posts but I gota run and hopefully you all can tell me what I need to do so i can bust my ass asap.

how long would it take me to gain 40lbs if I train as hard as possible, and eat correct (obviously I need help guys n gals)

peace. stay safe and I appreciate the help with all my heart.
how much do u smoke? i see u with a smoke in your mouth in that pic that effects a lot of people from being able to eat a lot, ruins the appetite for most.Id say just train hard atleast 5 times a week, eat well make sure u get your solids in before and after your workout ecspecially, companied with a 67 gram whey protein shake right after workout and get slow acting egg protein to take with a small meal before bed, throw that walmart weight gainer out and use russian bear 5000, I didnt even use it like the bottle said to i just took 3 scoops a day before before bed in a 30 ounce blender ,bought 10 cans of it.Im on can 6 of it and gained 15 pounds accompanied with eating right and training hard 6 days a week sometimes 7. www.muscleshoppe.com u can get russian bear there and 10 pound bags of whey but remember solids are more important, dont put your all your hopes into supplement or u will lose muscle mass.I just use my supplements after workout and before bed accompanied with solid food for max gains.
hi everyone!

:roll: :chimney: :wiggle:

my legs.....They were skinny but they are decent now. I'll try and take a pic of em today...anyway here is a picture my friend took of my back.......

i like my body now though, i just want more size thats really it....
amplificateur de cheval said:
ok several things hotshot. don't contemplate doing roids, fucking do them there is nothing like gaining size from eating like a horse like you said and injecting horse boosters. SERIOUSLY. that weight gainer is not enough. make sure to do a quadri-stack, 4 cycles at once and why? YOU ARE 140 AT 5'9'' THATS WHY!! and as far as smoking is concerned you can smoke all day on some good gear cuz no matter what, you'll see gains if you can comprehend the chemical compounds that go on. but what is really crazy is someone must need to work out their eyes cuz i don't see any of those pics with you having cigs in them. you need better lighting too looks kinda dark. remember triple time your schedule routine, cycle stack, better lighting, better weight gainer, eat like a horse, think like a horse, and be the horse. pure raw uncut horsepower baby. au revoir!

Caballo Pills, your alters suck cock. Seriously, your a fucking loser!!!!!
Quit the smoking, it accelerates your metabolism... Try a three times a week training, with Benchpress, Knee bend, and the other thing of the mighty three, I dont know the translation. Train till you drop and give lots of rest to your body. Maybe you will gain some pounds with that, just give it a shot its really worth it! But first of all quit the damn smoking.