21, Need Advice on Recovery or TRT


New member
Hey guys, I'm 21 and recently got off a cycle. If I could go back I would've definitely waited until I'm 25, but no one could've told me otherwise. I'm one of those people who always have to find out for themselves; live and learn you know. Also, I hope this is in the right forum section, I wasn't sure.

Here was the cycle.

1-12 weeks: Test-C 600mg
2-10 weeks: Deca 400mg
1-4 weeks: Dbol 50mg ed

AI: as needed through cycle

PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20 ed, 2 weeks after last pin of Test-C
Tribulus ed
(No hcg was used)

This was my third cycle, and I never had an issue recovering in the past; at least not to this level. I have all the symptoms of low-T, depressed "down" feeling, hard time concentrating, very low libido, poor erections, low energy, fat gain etc.. I feel horrible. I got my total testosterone checked by private med labs and it came out to 368. The reference range was 348-1197 ng/dl. Ouch. It will have been 6 weeks since my last pin in a couple days.

I have never felt this bad/experienced this after a cycle before, I only have a couple days left before my PCT ends ( Yes, the BW was done during PCT). I don't think those last few days will drastically change my T-levels, but I could be wrong. I hate feeling this way, it's been hard enough dealing with this the last 4 weeks. I don't want to act too quickly and jump towards a quick fix, but at the same time I don't want to be waiting for a recovery that might not come or be stuck like this for 4-6 months.

Should I continue waiting this out to see if I recover naturally or should I pursue self-medication/TRT? And if so, how long should I wait?
I should add, that I talked to a couple TRT places and they told me that with my age being so young, it would be more difficult to get a prescription and have insurance clear it too. Being 21, I'm also not rolling money so that is another obstacle in pursuing TRT. I don't honestly know if I could realistically afford it.
Yes of course you should wait longer to see if you recover (which you probably will), instead of committing to lifelong medication at 21.
I was on nolva/tamoxifen for years to keep my T up. Consider trying a nolva or Clomid restart for a while. If nolva, a starting dose of 40mg a day, lowered over time, can work wonders. Even 5mg a day can work wonders. I personally think restarts fail because people don't stick with it long enough. My only side on nolva is loss of libido, but that beats all of your issues.

Nlova by itself is never recommended. To soon to say you wont recover to optimum levels. Wait another month or so..if yur still mucked do a second pct with clomid and nolva for 4-5 weeks. Then see what happens. I know how shitty it is to feel like that at 21 man. I have fore over a year. I havent got my levels past 560 in over a year. All i took was a shitty prohormone for 3 weeks. Been a battle. Don't make any drastic decitions. Keep calm and ride it out and take the neccessary actions along the way !
I disagree. Nolva by itself, over time, can restart just like clomid. I would actually argue the opposite, combo of nolva and Clomid is unnecessary as both are working the same mechanism. There are some top Dr's using solely nolva for a restart. The exception being if estrogen is too high and an AI is needed.

Anyway... Take it for what you will. Clomid made me cry, nolva got my T to over 900 for years.

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I appreciate all of the feedback :agreed:. Since you are recommending waiting it out and using a SERM, do you have any time frame for how long I should be waiting? I know patience is a virtue, but I couldn't imagine sticking this out for much longer.