21 years old. beginner


New member
hey guys! first post =D

21, 5'6 175lbs


running test cyp at 450mg/week, eq at 900mg/ week.

dont really "cycle" just throw stuff in n out.

completed a dbol cycle, 45mg daily, gained about 10lbs,

about to start drol at thinkin about running 50mg - 75mg.
Yeah if you throw in 10000000 mgs of anadrol, 10000 mgs of dianabol and 10000 mgs of primobolan you might get your weight up to 180. You should try a steady diet of big macs too. Dont do injectables. Sooooo scary....! Roflmao. Piss offf troll. Stupidity and sauce don't mix.
I weigh 150lbs and I recently started my first cycle. My diet is really well and I workout extremely hard doing sets of 3-7 reps and the occasional 10 reps every now and then. Im running Sustanon 250, and deca 300. I take 1mL of each (2mL) on wednesdays and saturdays for a total of 2mL each a week. I am taking my week 2 saturday shot today at 6pm. I only have 10mL of each so I only have a supply for a 5 week cycle. I havent seen any gains. When should I start to see gains? any other advice...?
I weigh 150lbs and I recently started my first cycle. My diet is really well and I workout extremely hard doing sets of 3-7 reps and the occasional 10 reps every now and then. Im running Sustanon 250, and deca 300. I take 1mL of each (2mL) on wednesdays and saturdays for a total of 2mL each a week. I am taking my week 2 saturday shot today at 6pm. I only have 10mL of each so I only have a supply for a 5 week cycle. I havent seen any gains. When should I start to see gains? any other advice...?

Dude, this thread went to Hell in a Handbasket pretty quick. You should start your own thread.
U want a tip? Research before you pin, read before you post...[/QU

from what i know, unless ur coming off for 6+ months, its really pointless, ur just gonna lose gains. so id just blast my body then go on a 250/week cruise of test.

but anyways

about to start another cycle

going from 450 cyp, 900 eq, 50drol

to 300 sust, 600 eq, 600 deca with post cycle therapy (pct) 25mg exemestene (aromasin) and 10mg nolv.

expecting to put on some good mass with that stack.
wait 5 years live clean eat eat eat train hard do your reserch then do test only cycle and sort your post cycle therapy (pct) before you start youve got plenty of natural growth to do good luck