21 years old....


New member
Ok I'm 21, 5'11 , 175pds... bulked up to 195pds. (not all muscle) been working out on and off for about 2 years but started taking it seriously for about 3 months now. Don't know my body fat % i'm guessing between 14-20% no idea... regardless... I'm thinking about starting my first cycle with either m1-t or 1ad/4ad not sure exactly where to start and what to buy. What pct's I might need ect. I would love for some advice and help.
Im not goin be a dick here, but I'll beat someone else to it for ya bro.

Especially in this forum, there are about 5 topics on the front page regarding the questions you asked...

ALSO go here: http://www.1fast400.com and search their forums, MANY MANY topics and FAQ's on M1T. GREAT reads.
U will find TONS of this if u search some. Although i will have to say that i woul get my Bf% down before doing a cycle if it was as high as u said yours was.