25 Year Old Male Considering Triptorelin for Restart- Thoughts?

Yin Yub

New member
Hi all,

I'm a 25 year old male. I've been on trt now for 9 months. Current regimen- 1,200 IUs HCG twice a week and 40-50mg of test cyp once a week all IM. My current total testosterone at this dose is around 900-1000. This is all being done through a urologist.

I'm on trt due to taking American Cellular Labs Tren Extreme back in 2008 at 18 years old. I took a 3 bottle cycle for about 2 1/2 months and did the pct the guy at the store sold me. After getting off the Tren I started experiencing typical low t symptoms- anxiety depression fatigue, very low libido and weak erections and atrophied testicles- this persisted for several years. It got slightly better over time. Blood tests always came back good for all hormones except total testosterone was consistently in the mid 300s and free t was also near the low end of the range. From the endocrinologists perspective I was fine.

Anyways, my question is this- anyone have good results (restart-wise) from taking triptorelin? I don't want to have to be taking HCG and test for the rest of my life if I don't have to.

Ps if you want to post about how I was a noob and an idiot for taking Tren without a proper pct at 18 you can go somewhere else.
Trust me I know, I just need good advice at this point.
Did the doc consider the idea of a RESTART BEFORE getting you on exogenous testosterone,, ? Now your 100% completely shut down again
Sounds like a lot of HCG..
1200 a week or per shot?
40-50 mg of Test and you have great levels.
Did u measure Estradiol?
Your situation sounds complicated and we need more info as to what your baseline numbers were for LH, FSH, etc pre TRT...
Roush- the urologist I'm seeing, a guy who has high accolades and completed a fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic did not recommend a re-start when I came to him back in February 2015. I'm not sure just how many docs are using triptorelin in restart protocols. At the time I was not aware of triptorelin so I did not discuss the option. I was put on a HCG Mono regimen for the first month, but wasn't feeling too hot, so requested the urologist add the testosterone after the first month. I feel better on this regimen but still don't feel 100%.

Apollon- I'm taking 1,200IUs per shot, twice a week. I take the HCG Monday/Wednesdays and take the 40mg Test Cyp Fridays all IM.

These were my blood work values:

Pre TRT Labs- February 2015
LH: 4.1 mIU/mL (range 1.5 - 9.3)
FSH: 5.8 mIU/mL (range 1.4 -18.1)
Prolactin: 12 ng/mL (range 2.1- 17.7)
Total T3: 113 ng/dL (range 55-172)
SHBG: 26 nmol/L (range 10-57)
Total Testosterone: 337 ng/dL (range 280-854)
Free Testosterone: 99.5 pg/mL (range 47- 244)
Estradiol: 18 pg/mL (range 3-70)

1 Month TRT Labs- April 2015
LH: <0.3 mIU/mL (range 1.5 - 9.3) Low
FSH: <0.1 mIU/mL (range 1.4 -18.1) Low
Total Testosterone: 569 ng/dL (range 280-854)
Estradiol: 58 pg/mL (range 3-70)

I don't have the exact numbers but I had total testosterone pulled multiple times 4 months into treatment and pulled several readings over 1,000.

I'm going into the urologist early next month for my 6 month follow up. I was considering discussing a triptorelin re start but wanted advice first.

The urologist has not pulled estradiol since the first month of treatment which was 58. I have Arimidex on hand but have not used it simply because I don't feel it's warranted.

I understand most guys will say 1,200IU of HCG in a single dose is too high, but I have yet to see any research that validates the 500IU and below daily HCG dosing protocol recommended by guys like Crisler.

It may help to explain my plan- I got on TRT because I wanted to see if it would help- it definitely has (I've but on 20 lbs. and look a lot better than before) but if possible I'd prefer going au' naturale'. If I could take triptorelin safely there's a chance I may not have to rely on the HCG and testosterone to feel good.
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Best of luck man, odds are you'll be worse off than you began as you've been suppressed for quite some time. Triptorelin in my opinion is subpar to SERM therapy, but as we're all different, it may work for you. Just don't be crushed if you can't go back to decent endogenous production values. The HPTA is a finicky system, and out of the countless guys I've seen try to get off TRT - I've yet to see ANY that genuinely needed it recover. If you're looking for studies, I know IMT here has posted a few that indicate 500IU is plenty for maintaining fertility and preventing atrophy. That much HCG is going to induce intratesticular generation of estradiol (some is okay), which can make things more of a challenge when trying to optimize hormones.

My .02c :)
Why 1200 iu a shot ?
Way too much...imo.
I don't see the reason going beyond 500 iu a shot...
Even that is plenty...
Most guys use 250-400 I.u per shot on TRT..
Only guys I know who used 1200 iu a shot were on a restart...