25 years old do I need TRT?


New member
So my blood results just came in. I had my doctor check estrogens, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone levels because I thought i may have gynecomastia. I weight 150lbs 5'10 and have excess lower belly fat and man boobs with puffy nipples, gyno etc.. Also my energy levels are low, I experience memory fog and feel week compared to most men even tho i try and train eat healthy all that. My doctor agreed that my test levels were low for my age but doesnt think I will be aproved for TRT but he did tell me to go see an endocrinologist. He also told me to just go to my local gnc and pick up some test booster. I am From New Jersey by the way any endocronoligists you guys recommend. Looking for some advice. I have already been following a testosterone boosting diet prior to these tests for the last year because i have been trying to rid myself of this gyno with no luck. Also take vit d zma and fish oil. these were my results.

Estrogens, Total 52 (pg/ml) 40-115

Testosterone, Total 392 (ng/dl) 259-816

Dehydroepiandrosterone 223 (ng/dl) 31-701

Wait for an endocrinologist appointment.

You need to check more than those parameters.

You need to check testosterone, estradiol, fsh, lh, progesterone etc.

At your age don't start self prescribed test. Wait and see, you might only need some hcg / clomid. Trt is a long term commitment
Your doctor is an idiot. Sorry, but testosterone "boosters" do one thing quite well, they drain your wallet. Total estrogens don't give you any meaningful information either; it's estradiol that matters.

As Robert mentioned above, you need more blood work to get a better idea as to what is going on. LH and FSH being big ones. Be sure to get the blood test draw done first thing in the morning too. Your testosterone declines over the course of the day naturally by up to 40%.

Please give the TRT FAQ a good read as it will help prepare you to be your own best health care advocate. TRT should be your last resort, and the answer could be something much less invasive and permanent.

My .02c :)
you are around 100 miles from one of the best mens health clinics in the country in boston Massachusetts. thats all i will say about it cuz they arent a sponsor of this site. But its easy enough to find. Id drive 2-3 hours to see them before id visit an unfamiliar endocrinologist.
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