250-300mg Equipoise? 1,4-androstadiene-3-one,17b-ol

The Analyst

New member
Anyone, have any theatrical knowledge in a concentration of Boldenone as undecylenate in mixtures of 250mg or 300mg (given 3-5% BA)?

One would think this to have a non almost non-existent level of pain to the animal. While decreeing the injection volume?
1-2% is fine as a preservative. i made some with no solvents at 400 and it was pain free. i had that 100ml vial for well over 2 years before i finished it. never had a prob with it.

since eq comes as a liquid all you gotta do is dilute it to desired concentration.
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pullinbig said:
1-2% is fine as a preservative. i made some with no solvents at 400 and it was pain free. i had that 100ml vial for well over 2 years before i finished it. never had a prob with it.

since eq comes as a liquid all you gotta do is dilute it to desired concentration.
2 years of stabbing? Did you ever replace the rubber stopper, or was it a fold-over. Those little fold-over (thats what I call them) are pretty resiliant to stabbin, even 18g dont do much to them.
prolly just stores it in the large vials like me. i only add it to small vials prior to use. keeps things simple.
yup put it another 20 when i finished one up. and yes i use those red flip top vials. those things are the heat. i didnt use the eq for the entire 2 years. hit it a few differnt times.