260 to 244 in 5 weeks


New member
My goal is to get to 225 ripped got about and 11 weeks left in this training period help me out somebody is win my best option. please leave suggestions.


the small pic is of beg. week 5 the big one is ending week 6 dont know if there is really a difference let me know
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I don't even think you need any AAS...if you lost 16lbs in 5 weeks, keep it up...you'll be at 225 by summer
I don't even think you need any AAS...if you lost 16lbs in 5 weeks, keep it up...you'll be at 225 by summer

..tighten up the diet just a bit more and hit the gym even harder. You should do well with that. Good luck.
my diet

morning: 2 eggs, sausage and oatmeal

snack: pb and j sandwich

lunch: chicken salad, prtn shake

snack: tuna

dinner: chicken breast, mixed vegetables

snack: prtn shake

critique please for max results
What are you doing for cardio? Make sure your carbs are low glycemic carb sources. Besides that you're looking good.
i shoot basketball for about 2 hours 3 to 4 times a week......Hate that damn treadmill and once it warms up i will run high energy sprints and activities like football
my diet

morning: 2 eggs, sausage and oatmeal

snack: pb and j sandwich

lunch: chicken salad, prtn shake

snack: tuna

dinner: chicken breast, mixed vegetables

snack: prtn shake

critique please for max results

You lost me at PB and J...

If your serious... for starters, lose the sausage. Add turkey, turkey bacon, or candian bacon. Dump any pb & j. You don't need a protein shake w/chicken salad. The chicken is your protein. Drink shake in place of the PB&J. Add veggies to some of those meals... track everything on fitday to make sure your always in deficit.
hell yeah im serious appreciate the advice jayc. will do

Cool.. I wasn't trying to flame you, just making sure your motivated..lol :) It's not easy cleaning up your diet. I know.. Stay strong and good luck. Check out the diet forum for more info, questions, etc..
On what? GEAR? Bro you are doing such a good job loosing weight without it. Why do you think you need it? Whats your BF %? That will play a big factor in whether or not you should start using.
ok guys whats up with the weight loss stoppage im going to post some pics soon but my weight is kinda staionary but im still seeing results with 8 weeks left i still want to get down about 10 to 15 more pounds but want to keep major. muscle please help me out do i need to change my diet or what all suggestions welcome
Likely need to shave off some more calories to keep losing. As you lose it takes less and less calories to maintain bodyweight so your weight likely came down to match your calorie input. Drop your cals. Keep your protein as high as possible to preserve the muscle.