27, Blood Test Shows Low T - Not Sure What To Do - Extremely stressed out.


New member
Had a bad viral infection, was running fever, so I went to the doctor. I've been feeling very exhausted last couple of months so I had him run bloods while I was there. Test comes back and my Testosterone is low, and apparently there's an issue with my Thyroid? My anxiety is through the roof, please someone shed some light on what I should do next..

I did a 12 wk test only cycle about 6/7 months ago followed with Nolvadex & Clomid for PCT.

-Should I go back to my doctor and follow what he says to do next? So far all we have done is the test, we haven't talked about it.

-Should I order a blood test on my own through the private labs site and possibly do a "Restart"?

-Are my Test Levels Bad Low? I'm not honestly sure how to read the results and not sure what I am looking at or what they should be.

Any responses are greatly appreciated, my heart rate is up as I am typing this.. super stressed out, I feel like I have fucked myself for life.. I don't know what to do or what to expect, please help.

Testosterone: https://imgur.com/a/fidmV

Thyroid: https://imgur.com/gallery/kver1
Do not fret yourself into an anxiety attack. The fact ur blood was pulled while sick is 1 thing to quite possibly make the test come back in low. I don t click on link s bro...sorry but if you d care to TYPE the test number and what range the lab uses it d be more enlightening and make it easier to assist you.

Freaking out is a wasteful response like regret over spilling milk..
Let s get some FACTS so we can determine what to do next. At 27 I d be inclined to see an endo s input and if it s not what u want another s.

Tweaking your hormones at this young an age is riskier than say me at 2 ur age as I m almost dead whereas you have quite a long time to go.

Thyroid too can be skewed by illness I believe so STOP tripping and we ll figger this out..
It really doesn't make sense to me the way the paper work looks I'm not sure how to read it.. Could someone else post what the numbers are please? I think it says flag range 240-950 and my Result was 215.
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