2nd Cycle dosage advice. xxxxx


New member
This is my second cycle, and yes i know tren is not the best for a second cycle
Currently on a stack. Each ml contains 125mg of each compound

Im doing every week;
Tren E 250mg
Drostanolone E 250mg
Test Phenylpropionate 250mg
Test Decanoate 250mg

This is my 3rd week

I still have 2ml of this vail left.

I was wondering if i could do one of these and if i could can someone help with dosage

Wk1-3 250mg of everything in the stack
4-8 deca and test
9: 250mg of everything in the the stack
10-11 test
1- 4 250mg of everything in the stack
4- 9 250mg of everything in the stack + more test
9-11 test e

It don't work like that cuz you got all long esters. Should be on the same thing for 12 weeks. A couple weeks of this and a couple weeks of that is useless. You don't have what you need to run the cycle. Instead of just throwing whatever you got in there just either do your pct or run test.
It don't work like that cuz you got all long esters. Should be on the same thing for 12 weeks. A couple weeks of this and a couple weeks of that is useless. You don't have what you need to run the cycle. Instead of just throwing whatever you got in there just either do your pct or run test.

Yoo tnx for the reply. The ones that i didnt mention dosage idont have and i was thinking of getting. So what ur saying is im better of doing 1-10 250mg stack and 11-12 test?? Could i add some test starting the 4th week and drop the stack on week 10?