2nd cycle frontload


New member
i will be doing a 10 week sustanon only cycle. i will be frontloading in the first week.

stats: 26. 82kilos. 5ft9in. 10 years training off and on.

cycle history: 500mg sustanon 200mgdecca weekly for 10 weeks

planned cycle:
week one:125mg sustanon daily (first 8 days=1000mgs)
week two to ten:125mg sustanon eod (mon-wed-fri-sun=500mg)

i have been injecting b-12 to get used to injecting in various parts of the body. previously i only had experience in the glutes. i will be rotating sites. delts, glutes and quads. any better suggestions?

post cycle: clomid and nolvadex (curious to use during cycle but i will wait until 3rd cycle to make observations.)
clomid: 3 weeks after last injection 300mgs. then 100 ed for a week and 50 ed for 2 weeks.
nolvadex: 20mg ed from week 6 and on just in case. i didnt have problems with gyno last cycle

weight training: HST 3 times a week mon-wed-fri
cardio:heavy bag drills, rope drills, wind sprints tues-thurs-sat

will be eating very clean 4000-4500 cal p/c/f 40/30/30 on weight training days and 2500-3000 p/c/f 50/10/40 on cardio days

what can i expect?

also this is what oi got planned for third cycle for joint recovery issues.
week 1 and 2:frontload decca100mg ed (16days=1600mgs) and week1: frontload sustanon 100mg ed days 1 to 5(500mg)
week2: sustanon 50mg eod(mon-wed-fri-sun)
weeks3-10: sustanon 50mg eod decca 100mg eod(mon-wed-fri-sun)

post cycle: question. how long after last shot of decca do i start recovery? basically staaandard 300mg 100mg 50mg clomid. maybe combine with nolva.

well, thats the plan. im gonna do my best to wait 3 months more instead of 6 as i had planned. its just hard as fuck looking at all my goodies and not just randomly injecting 5 times a day. just kidding, but the temptation to start early is great. i was gonna start this week but was able to resist. any help with this is much appreciated. it seems like each day i log on here i find reasons to wait a little longer. theres just alot of great info and im finding myself learning something new daily.

did i screw something up? if not these will be my next two cycles.

oh yeah, i will be taking lots of echinacea and golden seal root, royal jelly, ginseng, multi vitamin, multi mineral and drinking a gallon a day. i will also be looking into obtaining milk thistle and ALA and whatever else you guys suggest for liver protection. i will also be sleeping with clay over stomach to reduce core temp 3 days a week.

This is a bulking cycle and 4000 calories a day isn't that much, especially if you are going to be doing cardio. If you are going to do cardio then do light cardio about three times a week. Is three days a week the best for your results? If you are not sure then experiment now while you are off gear. I like to lift 5 days a week with a different body part each day. Combining body parts just kicks my ass. I will do the first body part hard and then I am not as energitic for the second. The first cycle sounds good. I would up the calories and downgrade the cardio, BUT THAT IS JUST ME.
Bro you need to rethink or adjust your doses to get 500mg, don't forget when you do eod 1 week you inject 4 time but the next is only 3 times.

thanks for the replies.

uca: i have done 3 day splits and 5 day splits before but i have found i get much better results using HST 3 days a week. maybe i will up it to 6 days a week while i cycle if i feel i can handle it. i will up the calories to compensate for the cardio since endurance is very important to me. cardio sessions are not very long anyways. 30 minutes tops. tuesday bag drills thurs rope and sprints are on sat. im not doing all three each time.

johnny b: i am injecting eod throughout the week. mon wed fri sun. the following monday i am injecting again so that i can get 4 shots per week each week. injections on sunday and monday are back to back all the way. this was the best way i could figure to insure i get 4 shots per week and maintain steady levels. i was going to do eod all the way at first but i figure its more of a hassle to be dosing 125 on one week and 170 on the next. i am just stupid enough to forget which dose i need to take on a perticular week. this way i take the same dose each week, i just repeat shots on sunday and monday. will this work out okay?
kube said:
johnny b: i am injecting eod throughout the week. mon wed fri sun. the following monday i am injecting again so that i can get 4 shots per week each week. injections on sunday and monday are back to back all the way. this was the best way i could figure to insure i get 4 shots per week and maintain steady levels. i was going to do eod all the way at first but i figure its more of a hassle to be dosing 125 on one week and 170 on the next. i am just stupid enough to forget which dose i need to take on a perticular week. this way i take the same dose each week, i just repeat shots on sunday and monday. will this work out okay?
OK here's a suggestion every 4th shot do the 250, your ways fine just thought i'd through that in to make it more comfusing:D

thanks alot bro. im all set. now i just gotta make sure i am eating enough. i should start a poll to see how many folks think im gonna be able to wait three more months. i personally doubt it. i could be done with my cycle by then. but no, i injured my lower back and had to stay outta the gym for four weeks, so now that im back im sure i can still make some gains in those three months. maybe lower my bf some.