2nd cycle help and suggestions. Good cycle? Additions? Dosage help


New member
I've just put in order for second cycle stack. I'm 5'6 weigh 153lb and am at 9.5% body fat. I've gotten 4 vials Tren Ace 4 of Testosterone Prop and 4 of Masteron Prop. What is the suggested dosage and should I do the Mast toward end of cycle? Anything I should add during cycle? I'll order post towards end of cycle. Suggestions and advice welcome.
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Far too soon for Tren buddy....

I'm really hoping that your 1st cycle was Test only?

If this was the case, then you could either simply up that Test dosage.
Or alternatively add in a second compound such as Deca or Equipoise or an oral such as D'Bol.

Keep Tren for future cycles - you'll make great gains on less harsh compounds right now.

Oh and do yourself a favour.

Do NOT wait until the end of your cycle to sort out the PCT...

This is the MOST important part of your cycle, if anything happened and you couldn't get hold of it, or couldn't raise the funds - you jeopardise your chances of recovery.

Do this shit right - or don't do it at all buddy!
Far too soon for Tren buddy....

I'm really hoping that your 1st cycle was Test only?

If this was the case, then you could either simply up that Test dosage.
Or alternatively add in a second compound such as Deca or Equipoise or an oral such as D'Bol.

Keep Tren for future cycles - you'll make great gains on less harsh compounds right now.


Thanks for the advice. I'll hold on to the teen once it comes in. Question, if I ran the test by itself should I get something like arimidex to control estrogen bloat? Also, how is dbol as an oral? How harsh?
What was your 1 st cycle....drug used at what dose for how long. U can answer your own need for the anti-estrogen...u should have some sort of an ai on hand....especially if you run d bol.

D bol is 9 out of 10 times taken orally as it s a pill. It s toxic to the liver by it s nature so don t exceed 40 mg a day for 28 day s only. And it converts as bad or worste than simple test, if run at reasonable doses like 500 a week.
What was your 1 st cycle....drug used at what dose for how long. U can answer your own need for the anti-estrogen...u should have some sort of an ai on hand....especially if you run d bol.

D bol is 9 out of 10 times taken orally as it s a pill. It s toxic to the liver by it s nature so don t exceed 40 mg a day for 28 day s only. And it converts as bad or worste than simple test, if run at reasonable doses like 500 a week.

First cycle was 1 tablet proviron and winstrol 1cc and test prop 1cc each for 10 weeks eod

Think I'll stay away from dbol due to toxicity.

I want to run test prop teen ace and masteron for this cycle. Too soon to stack so much? 2nd could I do a test or tren only cycle?
First cycle was 1 tablet proviron and winstrol 1cc and test prop 1cc each for 10 weeks eod

Think I'll stay away from dbol due to toxicity.

I want to run test prop teen ace and masteron for this cycle. Too soon to stack so much? 2nd could I do a test or tren only cycle?

I think tren is more toxic than dbol man. Orals are usually alright, just don't go past the 6 week mark and run 1.2g Nac for safety during it.

And u don't need 3 compounds for second cycle. Just do higher test like 750 and dbol 50, should do fine.
I think tren is more toxic than dbol man. Orals are usually alright, just don't go past the 6 week mark and run 1.2g Nac for safety during it.

And u don't need 3 compounds for second cycle. Just do higher test like 750 and dbol 50, should do fine.

Think I'll try This! Test at 750 and Dbol 6 weeks.
Think I'll try This! Test at 750 and Dbol 6 weeks.

That's a far more common 2nd cycle than Tren... like I said, keep Tren for the future, it can be a train wreck if you aren't experienced.

Test at a higher dose with a kickstart of D'Bol will bring you great gains.

Be sure to use liver support, up your AI dose from previous cycle, use HCG from week 1 until 3 days before PCT and you're good to go.

Good luck
That's a far more common 2nd cycle than Tren... like I said, keep Tren for the future, it can be a train wreck if you aren't experienced.

Test at a higher dose with a kickstart of D'Bol will bring you great gains.

Be sure to use liver support, up your AI dose from previous cycle, use HCG from week 1 until 3 days before PCT and you're good to go.

Good luck

2nd cycle and you suggestion oral steroid? Lmao.

Dont use oral from 2nd cycle. Use test and primobolan if u want. Primobolan is great and have less side effects.

Dont listen boys like bigben. He dont know what hes doing.
That's a far more common 2nd cycle than Tren... like I said, keep Tren for the future, it can be a train wreck if you aren't experienced.

Test at a higher dose with a kickstart of D'Bol will bring you great gains.

Be sure to use liver support, up your AI dose from previous cycle, use HCG from week 1 until 3 days before PCT and you're good to go.

Good luck

Thanks for the great advice Big Ben. I'll grab the HCG D'Bol and Test with NAC and hold on to the Tren and Masteron for a future cycle. How many weeks should I go and should I front load or taper off slowly?

Pct of clomid and nova should be fine right?
2nd cycle and you suggestion oral steroid? Lmao.

Dont use oral from 2nd cycle. Use test and primobolan if u want. Primobolan is great and have less side effects.

Dont listen boys like bigben. He dont know what hes doing.

Ok so D'Bol bad idea? Test and Primobolan instead?
Thanks for the great advice Big Ben. I'll grab the HCG D'Bol and Test with NAC and hold on to the Tren and Masteron for a future cycle. How many weeks should I go and should I front load or taper off slowly?

Pct of clomid and nova should be fine right?

HCG @ 2 x 250iu injections per week - every 3.5 days from week 1 of cycle until 3 days before commencing PCT

NAC - I run 600mg year round - 1200mg on cycle - 1800mg on cycle + orals

If you're running the enanthate ester, I'd run for 12-14 weeks, then allow 18 days before running PCT.

Dianabol I would run for the first 4-6 weeks of the Test cycle.

I don't know what I've done to upset ^^^ this dude ^^^

I'm simply offering standard advice for a progressive 2nd cycle. Another option would be Deca instead of D'Bol if you are averse to running orals for toxicity reasons.
It's purely a personal opinion - some like to try orals, some like to dip their toe in with 19nor's...
Horses for courses really.

I'm a firm believer in slow progression. I only like to add in a one new compound per cycle, and educate myself with each and every cycle I run.
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2nd cycle and you suggestion oral steroid? Lmao.

Dont use oral from 2nd cycle. Use test and primobolan if u want. Primobolan is great and have less side effects.

Dont listen boys like bigben. He dont know what hes doing.

Primo is hard to find legit stuff, so why take a chance when u can run a common aas like dbol..? It IS toxic, but if u follow the simple protocol of running NAC, don't drink, 6 weeks max for oral and even if u feel the need to run liv52 to help clean up afterward u can and everything would be fine.

Primo is only good at high dosages, so u need to pin a LOT of oil to use this compound and if its not real, then ur in for some sides that u will not be expecting.
2nd cycle and you suggestion oral steroid? Lmao.

Dont use oral from 2nd cycle. Use test and primobolan if u want. Primobolan is great and have less side effects.

Dont listen boys like bigben. He dont know what hes doing.

completely normal.

test + var
test + winny
test + prov
test + dbol
test + tbol

are all normal 2nd cycles.

I prefer test + deca....but that's just me!
I used test and deca for my second cycle. Things went well for me. I do prefer primobolan or eq to deca. I would definitely get a good pct protocol before my first injection and adex is good to have. I've never been a big fan of dbol but it does add weight and strength quickly.