2nd cycle just wanted to run this by you all....


Not so Rookie....
First cycle was 750 test E 12 weeks Dbol 4 weeks 20mg/ed. I will probably get flamed a little about this part.... Up to that point I had lifted weights on and off all my life, I was a collegiate athlete. I'm 6'1" started at around 150lbs(I know that some of you discourage against someone using AAS while not reaching genetic potential, but it is what it is.) I wasn't sure of bodyfat, but low. I ended up peaking at 175 10% bodyfat. After post cycle therapy (pct) settled to 168 7.5% bodyfat. Gained quickly then really plateau'd, strength gains throughout were excellent. Very few sides, had a lil moment of gyno flair up, but arimidex put that down. This was about a year ago, I now weigh 178 8% bodyfat. I am looking at this cycle:
Test E 800mg/wk 14 weeks
Deca 400mg/wk 12 weeks
Dbol 40mg/ed 1-4 weeks
Anavar 80mg/ed 6-14 weeks

I'll run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycle to prevent atrophy, I did this last cycle also 500mg/wk

Letro & Arimidex for AI


I experienced some hair thinning and loss during post cycle therapy (pct) of all things, not sure if that is something anyone else has had. I will use finasteride while on cycle, and probably as long as I live.... Using Nioxin shampoo's...

I will use liv52 DS, Milk thistle(how much should I take?) have Roaccutan on hand, thinking about unleashed and HCGenerate.

4000 calories/day no problem, not particularly clean as I have a tough time gaining weight. I can clean it up if need be. Protein is question I have though, last cycle I ate about 2g/bodyweight, I think that might have been too much.... Any suggestions, I know there is a diet forum on here, I will begin to research in there as well.

Goals are muscle mass, I stay pretty thin, always hard to gain weight w/ this body....

What do you think, I would love to hear what everyone thinks. Too much?
I think you don't need that much test, otherwise it looks like you have done a lot more homework then the rest of the stuff I have read today. Just don't forget Deca is a 19nor and can induce progestin sides. Some never have them, but it is just another ancillary you may wish to consider.
I understand the Test E too much thing, but I have read and read and read that the ratio should be 2:1 test e to deca....????
Then lower the deca or don't run a 2:1 ratio, but 800 is pushing it for a 2nd cycle. Combined, you have 1.5grams of juice a week. That is a lot IMO.
300/600 or 200/400 or if I change the ratio what is the chance of sex drive sides? I ran 750 test e first cycle, I guess my thoughts were that I am maybe desensitized because of my high first cycle? Also what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) do you use for progestin sides?
BTW I have followed your thread for a while as a non-member, and we have come from similar looking places as far as body mass before and after... My pictures look a lot like yours!