2nd cycle NPP / Test E begins today


New member
24yo male - 141lb 6ft tall Roughly 15% Bf (I am well aware that i could gain much more naturally im using this as a shortcut to get back to where i was)
Lifting 3 years. Been out of the gym for the last 5 months due to a nerve related injury sustained from a barbell curl and lost 15kg because of it / poor diet from being unable to gym

Cycle History: 1 Test E only cycle 12 weeks went from 132lb to 169lb Dirty bulked the fuck out of it and put on alot of bodyfat

Goal for 2nd cycle: Looking to lean bulk and adding some quality muscle, while keeping bloat and bodyfat at a minimum

2nd Cycle Layout
Pinning EOD Test E and NPP same syringe I would of gone Test P but i already had Test E and heard pinning EOD / more frequently helps with acne as it keeps hormone levels stable

Test E 525mg a week (14 weeks) 0.6ml a pin (250mg per mL)
NPP 350mg a week (12 weeks) 1ml a pin (100mg per mL)
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD On pin days
Caber on hand for prolactin issues if needed Not expected with such a low dose of NPP

PCT (Weeks 16-18) - start 2 weeks after last Test E pin
Clomid 100/100/50/50 (ED)
Nolva 40/40/20/20 (ED)

Diet goals
Aiming for 250g protein (rather overshoot then undershoot)
3100 calorie a day goal for current weight (will change as weight goes up)
Plenty of water to help maintain protein intake 4L a day minimum
Focusing on chicken breast, steaks, salmon for protein. Potatoes, rice and pasta for carbs

Any advice would be appreciated
How did you hurt a nerve doing a barbell curl? Have you had any training on how to lift safely?

6' 141# with 15% body fat leaves very little room for muscle, you should really study up on diet and how to lift safety and effectively.