2nd Cycle Opinions Test/Primo/ W/Tbol or Var?


New member
I'm really interested on running primo/test and/or Anavar (var). I have one cycle under my belt. 8 weeks of test prop(500mg). I made good gains but didn't really see good results due to poor diet.

I will have 10 vials of 100mg/ml pimo. I've read that long cycles is best for primo. But I also read that a higher dose is reccomended. I was thinking maybe 600mg for 14 weeks or 12.5 weeks at 800mg. Test dosage I'm unsure of. Maybe 250-350? If I also have 200 10mg tabs of tbol I was thinking of using for a kicker. Or I could get Anavar (var). I have a proper PCT lined up with nolva/clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for the last two weeks. Any ideas would be welcomed! Thanks.

I'm 6'1" 200lbs @ 11% bf.
So...how will your diet look this time around?
Im at school. So I have access to an abundance of food. I aim for 250g of protein a day at least. I've done enough research now to fully develop a diet. So that's under lock.
You running test p again ? The primo I would personally run at 600 for 14 weeks. Never used tbol so no commit. Anavar I used for a short period of 4 weeks and liked it. Are you cutting or what ?
You should have enough Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for the duration of the cycle, an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (that you use, not just keep on hand), and blood work.
Also like Manski is pointing out, test prop probably isn't the best idea to go with primo. You'd want a longer estered test base like enanthate or cypionate
Ok will do. How much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should I run per week? I was thinking a maintenance dose of test. Like 250/wk 600 primo tbol week 1-4 Anavar (var) 10-14.
Truthfully, I think 600 primo is too low and 14 weeks is too short. My last primo cycle looked like this...

Test E - 500
Primo - 1000

26 weeks long

I ended this with an 8 week run of anavar at 75mg per day (weeks 18-26)

This was actually one of my best cycles and managed to cut down to a solid 220lbs @ 6.28% BF (using dexa scan)

Please keep in mind I've been cycling for 14 years so I know how my body reacts to certain compounds and what my limits are...

Bottom line, I would not run primo any less than 800, and for no shorter than 18 weeks.

I know it's costly, but if I were you I would save the primo and buy more when you get the chance.
oh, and I would recommend 250IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) per week to start. Either than or no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and do a blast and the end of your cycle before starting your PCT.
Age: 25y
H&W: 190 cm, 105 kg
training: 5 years

1st cycle - TESTO Enanthate (galenika DEPO) - (12 weeks): 500mg

2nd cycle:

1-4 week TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE (100 mg EOD) - "kickstart"
1-12 week TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE (500 mg / week)
1-12 week PRIMOBOLAN (500 mg / week)
8-12 week ANAVAR (70 mg ED)

Is this cycle OK (for lean muscle mass, "little cutting" and athletics performance (i play tennis intensely at least two times a week - 2 hours) ????

Diet: 400g PROTEINS, 100g CARBS around a training and 100g of healthy FAT.

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Age: 25y
H&W: 190 cm, 105 kg
training: 5 years

1st cycle - TESTO Enanthate (galenika DEPO) - (12 weeks): 500mg

2nd cycle:

1-4 week TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE (100 mg EOD) - "kickstart"
1-12 week TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE (500 mg / week)
1-12 week PRIMOBOLAN (500 mg / week)
8-12 week ANAVAR (70 mg ED)

Is this cycle OK (for lean muscle mass, "little cutting" and athletics performance (i play tennis intensely at least two times a week - 2 hours) ????

Diet: 400g PROTEINS, 100g CARBS around a training and 100g of healthy FAT.


First, open your own thread. Second, your diet isnt right. third, I'd run primo at 700-800 /week for 14 weeks
Hey guys, I'm wondering what my dose should be for test e and primo I'm thinking about taking 1 ml of both of them every other day and 40 mg of tbol every day lmk thanks
Bulking cycle, test e promo and tbol

Hey guys, I'm wondering what my dose should be for test e and primo I'm thinking about taking 1 ml of both of them every other day and 40 mg of tbol every day lmk thanks
Hey guys, I'm wondering what my dose should be for test e and primo I'm thinking about taking 1 ml of both of them every other day and 40 mg of tbol every day lmk thanks

Your stealing someone else's thread bro, open your own and ask those questions