2nd Cycle: Pinnacle Test/Deca!!


New member
Whats up guys,
I just started my 2nd cycle with some gear that im pretty excited about, Ive heard awesome things from Pinnacle and wanted to try it for myself. Customer service was great and shipping times were amazing. Some history, last summer i did a Test E 500 cycle, went from 175-198 in 12 weeks, lost a few pounds in PCT because i didnt know how rough it could be post cycle, but lesson learned. After that post cycle i was sitting at 185-ish. Since then ive gotten screwed by a few sources (bunk crap), i was on a Test / Deca cycle in the winter but the gear was bunk, or extremely underdosed...gained maybe 3lbs (not from gear). But now im confident with the quality of Pinnacle's Test and Deca from the great things ive heard on this board. I will be updating this log every day or EOD to track my progress, this helps keep me on track and stay focused.

Weeks 1-14: Test E 500-600mg/wk
Weeks 1-12: Deca 400mg/wk

As for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), aromasin, and possibly caber, i will use those only if i feel necessary. I will def blast Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at the end, but will prob start using 500ius/wk starting in week 3 or 4.

PCT will be clomid 50/50/50/50 and aromasin if needed.

My diet is pretty spot on. This cycle is a bulk for me so im trying to eat as much as possible, shooting for a lean bulk with a few cheat meals here and there.

Stats: 5'11, currently around 194-196. roughly 10% bf (goal is to be a soild 215 this cycle)

Im going to be pinning Mon/Thurs, but this week is an exception (Tues/Fri) began a day late. Next week i will pin Mon/Thurs

The pin today was very smooth, pinned right quad and didnt hurt at all.

I do a 5 day split, normally Chest/Back/Shoulders/Arms/Legs, but sometimes it varies based on how my body has recovered from the previous workout. I rest on Saturday/Sunday.

Anyway thats all for now, tomorrow i'm either hitting shoulders or bi's/tri's and will update post workout to see how much the placebo effect has hit me haha.
You will have a great cycle brother, enjoy and share with us your great results thru this amazing classic bulking combo....

I got That Exact same cycle Calling my name which I ordered from PINN.

I get My pre cycle blood test done tomorrow. And if everything is g2g I will embark in that same journey with you next week.

TEST+DECA+D-bol= Lets get swole SON!!!!
This is a classic combo fellas and the gear you guys will runing....well you guys know lol Top notch!!!
I LIKE! This is definitely my favorite course to run. I'm going to be taking the exact same doses too. Good Luck!
9/19/12 - Wednesday

Today i hit shoulders. Had a really good workout, nothing out of the ordinary. Ive been fighting a sore rotator cuff but managed to get a real solid workout in. Hopefully the deca will help my shoulder feel better in a few weeks. Im not gonna list what weight i did on each excercise but just the main lifts to help me keep track of my strength progress in the weeks to come.
So tonight i hit DB Military Press 80x10, 90x10, 100x10. Could have gone heavier but 100s were heavy enough for tonight.

Nothing really to report this early, but will update again tomorrow night
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9/20/12 - Thursday

Tonight i hit arms and had an amazing pump! I dont think my arms have ever looked that swole during my workout before. Its been like 2 days since my first pin but i already feel like im gaining size, (possible water weight? or just cause of increase in diet, or my imagination?). tomorrow im hitting legs and will also do my 2nd pin in my left quad.
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9/23/12 - Sunday

I dont workout on the weekend, but really focusing on getting all my meals in and preparing meals for the coming week!
Havent noticed too much in week 1 (well technically week 1 will be done on Tuesday, but i'm pinning Monday to get back on track). However, i have felt a little bigger, and i feel like my muscles are a little pumped up throughout the day, even without lifting. Can't wait for tomorrow to start week 2 ! Chest day baby!
9/23/12 - Sunday

I dont workout on the weekend, but really focusing on getting all my meals in and preparing meals for the coming week!
Havent noticed too much in week 1 (well technically week 1 will be done on Tuesday, but i'm pinning Monday to get back on track). However, i have felt a little bigger, and i feel like my muscles are a little pumped up throughout the day, even without lifting. Can't wait for tomorrow to start week 2 ! Chest day baby!

I was just thinking. Maybe next time around grab some dbol because i know deca and test dont really "kick in" until weeks 2-3 so the dbol would effectively give you the gains early and then taper off when the deca begins. Just a thought
Got this same cycle from same source planned for future so I'll def be following. I'd encourage you to max out on your core lifts if you haven't already. I'm running a log and am doing body measurements biweekly but didn't know my maxes before I started. Good lick bro. Keep us updates on sides and gains!
9/24/12 - Monday

Whats up guys, did my 3rd pin tonight and hit chest hard. My strength was solid tonight but nothing more noticeable...yet. I feel like im beginning to hold a little more water. i dont want to weigh myself just yet bc i dont want to get discouraged and would rather use the mirror to judge my gains. but i will weigh myself after this week. no noticeable sides as of yet either, just acne that is still lingering from last cycle. hopefully i can get a handle on it. hopefully i'll start feeling the Test a little this week and then next
9/27/12 - Thursday

Today i took a day off from the gym and will hit shoulders and legs hard the next two days. This week ive had good workouts, and real good pumps on arm day. havent seen any real strength gains yet, but have noticed a little bloat i think. my abs are becoming slightly less visible, most likely from water retention and eating so much. but hey thats what bulking is all about. cant wait till this stuff kicks in.
weigh yourself every 3 weks. i hate when dudes weigh themselves everyday. it makes no sense. water weight fluctuates so much bro....test should be almost instant. u ahve a good source?
^ true ... weighing yourself daily is a bad idea because it can be a mind f^ck ...

but after a certain amount of weeks the weight will come and you can weigh yourself a little more frequently
I like it weekly at the same time on sunday morning. I have kept the same weight through the week, then the next week was down 4 pounds. Mirror, not scale ;)
9/28/11 - Friday

Had a really good shoulder workout today. the past 5 days or so ive been feeling more bloated, especially after each meal. ive noticed my lower abs are beginning to get less visible...is this from the water retention ? because even tho my diet is alot, for the most part its clean.