2nd cycle. Some questions


New member
Hi guys. I have been with you guys for few months and have found very valuable information.

I am doing a 14 weeks TEST and EQ cycle.

For the first 10 weeks i ran "Equitest which is 250T and 200 EQ per ml" 500 Test and 400 EQ. Its been a great cycle so far. What i am noticing is that week 11 i started i ran out of Equitest so i got a Vial of Test and EQ 300 and now i am taking 2 ml per shot in my quad.

Which is 250 Test per ml and 300 EQ all in one syringe. I have noticed one thing right after the shot the next day i start heating up and get a fever which last a whole day and then goes away. I also noticed my aggression was much better with Equitest than taking EQ and Test seperate.

Please i need a lil bit oadvice here on what to do.
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Fever? Usually happens if you have an infection. Did you draw from 2 different vials? If so, did you change the needle for each vial?

And what do you mean by "better" aggression? Less aggressive or more?

Thats a thing with UGs. Each product can differ a little, they aren't pharmaceutical companies after all, some vials can be more or less potent. Some might not be sterile, hence the fever. Keep an eye on it, if you keep getting a fever, the gear might not be sterile.
Also with 2ml shots, they can be more painful and more difficult to absorb. Personally I don't like to mix things. Why don't you try 2 shots, one in your right glute and one in the left, or anywhere else? See if that helps.