2nd Cycle testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) + Test E/NPP/Dbol blast

muhuhahahahahahaaaaaaaaa i cant wait to make this transformation happen with you!
muhuhahahahahahaaaaaaaaa i cant wait to make this transformation happen with you!
yeah this bulking bit is probably the easy part for you, assuming I can get to my goal of 220 and build a solid base... Then we're gonna talk about some serious carb cycling early next year :)

Incidentally, I'm still trying to convince the wife all this is a good thing... she thinks I should just stay the average size I always was, even said she preferred the lumpy version over me turning into a bodybuilder (which in her head is Arnold... there's nothing in the middle) LOL. Women can't be pleased!
my wife hates my traps.. for some reason she doesn't like the bulky look too.. weird, women have changed.. whatever.. she doesn't mind when i get a little soft so i cant complain
yeah this bulking bit is probably the easy part for you, assuming I can get to my goal of 220 and build a solid base... Then we're gonna talk about some serious carb cycling early next year :)

Incidentally, I'm still trying to convince the wife all this is a good thing... she thinks I should just stay the average size I always was, even said she preferred the lumpy version over me turning into a bodybuilder (which in her head is Arnold... there's nothing in the middle) LOL. Women can't be pleased!
my wife hates my traps.. for some reason she doesn't like the bulky look too.. weird, women have changed.. whatever.. she doesn't mind when i get a little soft so i cant complain
At least you probably got married with a bigger build. I never had enough time with my previous job to really go after it, so when we got married, I slowed going to the gym and eventually landed where my starting pic was. This "recent obsession" (according to her, bc she didn't know me before I moved to LA) has her all wound up thinking I'm going to get all gross and big.
Wish I'd known in College what I've learned in the past 2 years, I'd be a different looking person altogether!
Oc, can't believe I missed this for so long. I see you're finally getting this cycle going. Congrats and hope to see some spectacular results in the coming weeks :D
Thanks DreDoc! I've been so busy lately, haven't been able to hop on the forum enough to interact as much. But I'll be here, updating my humble log ;)
Definitely following along!
Just signed up with 3J 5 minutes ago while he has the Labor Day sale going.
Not starting till October (as with my cycle) as I have a vacation coming up. I'll be living vicariously through you though in the mean time. Lol.
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Definitely following along!
Just signed up with 3J 5 minutes ago while he has the Labor Day sale going.
Not starting till October (as with my cycle) as I have a vacation coming up. I'll be living vicariously through you though in the mean time. Lol.

Best money you'll spend, period! Congrats on a great choice, CanAm... And good thinking on your timing man, nothing worse than getting into your cycle and realizing you have to drop it for a week!
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OK week 6 off to a great start. Weight is finally starting to creep up, so long as I manage to get all the calories in, everything seems to at least hold (depending on how physical I was that day)... starting to see that my TDEE is likely inching up with the weight. If my impromptu scientific study of morning vs night weight holds true with a daily gain of 100g (.22 lb), I should end up at 195.5 on Friday. NO, I'm not obsessed really, just curious as to how things progress... A pound and a half a week just feel agonizingly slow on cycle haha.

Setting new records for myself it seems every rotation of the routine I'm on.
Monday was legs
Squats 225x5, 315x5, 345x5(PR)
Leg extensions 195x8, 225x8-PR (and the machine only has one plate left!)

This morning was Chest:
Flat Bench BB 185x8, 225x5 (PR), 245x4 (new PR)
Flat Bench DB 65x8, 100x3 (PR)
Incline DB 65x8, 70x8, 80x6 (PR, but def had trouble getting into starting position)
Weighted Dips 30x15
Definitely following along!
Just signed up with 3J 5 minutes ago while he has the Labor Day sale going.
Not starting till October (as with my cycle) as I have a vacation coming up. I'll be living vicariously through you though in the mean time. Lol.

great decision going with 3J. His prices are ridiculously low and he's much better than most other dietitians/nutritionists.
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OK week 6 off to a great start. Weight is finally starting to creep up, so long as I manage to get all the calories in, everything seems to at least hold (depending on how physical I was that day)... starting to see that my TDEE is likely inching up with the weight. If my impromptu scientific study of morning vs night weight holds true with a daily gain of 100g (.22 lb), I should end up at 195.5 on Friday. NO, I'm not obsessed really, just curious as to how things progress... A pound and a half a week just feel agonizingly slow on cycle haha.

Setting new records for myself it seems every rotation of the routine I'm on.
Monday was legs
Squats 225x5, 315x5, 345x5(PR)
Leg extensions 195x8, 225x8-PR (and the machine only has one plate left!)

This morning was Chest:
Flat Bench BB 185x8, 225x5 (PR), 245x4 (new PR)
Flat Bench DB 65x8, 100x3 (PR)
Incline DB 65x8, 70x8, 80x6 (PR, but def had trouble getting into starting position)
Weighted Dips 30x15

Great job Oc. Weight gain and loss isn't a linear process like that though. I understand your math and progression so far but when you break down 1lb of muscle and 1lb of fat you get 600calories and 3500cories respectively. The numbers change when you go to synthesize each one too. Your p-ratio, cortisol, insulin sensitivity, etc will determine how many calories go into synthesizing muscle and how many go into synthesizing fat. So just bc one eats a 500cal/day surplus or 3500cals per week doesn't equate to 1lb of weight gained bc if your p-ratio is high, most of the 3500calories will go into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat so theoretically you can gain less than one pound of muscle and conversely if you have a really low p-ratio most of those calories would go to fat and you could gain exactly 1lb and not have gained any muscle. It's a confusing topic to say the least bc there's no accurate way for us as a populace to measure these things accurately. Hope that helps in some fucked up way and made some sense lol!
Great job Oc. Weight gain and loss isn't a linear process like that though. I understand your math and progression so far but when you break down 1lb of muscle and 1lb of fat you get 600calories and 3500cories respectively. The numbers change when you go to synthesize each one too. Your p-ratio, cortisol, insulin sensitivity, etc will determine how many calories go into synthesizing muscle and how many go into synthesizing fat. So just bc one eats a 500cal/day surplus or 3500cals per week doesn't equate to 1lb of weight gained bc if your p-ratio is high, most of the 3500calories will go into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat so theoretically you can gain less than one pound of muscle and conversely if you have a really low p-ratio most of those calories would go to fat and you could gain exactly 1lb and not have gained any muscle. It's a confusing topic to say the least bc there's no accurate way for us as a populace to measure these things accurately. Hope that helps in some fucked up way and made some sense lol!
LOL no I get what you're throwing down... I'm of course not referring strictly to lbm gains here, I realize there will be a bit of fat in the bulking process. For me and probably most guys, there's just a psychological high in the process of working for and gaining weight, and HOPEFULLY its lean muscle more so than fat. Obviously the goal (and as 3J's diet plan is designed) is to eat in such a way that helps minimize fat gains. For now, I'm just wanting to see that number steadily increase...
LOL no I get what you're throwing down... I'm of course not referring strictly to lbm gains here, I realize there will be a bit of fat in the bulking process. For me and probably most guys, there's just a psychological high in the process of working for and gaining weight, and HOPEFULLY its lean muscle more so than fat. Obviously the goal (and as 3J's diet plan is designed) is to eat in such a way that helps minimize fat gains. For now, I'm just wanting to see that number steadily increase...

I hear you brother. What I was trying to get across is that weight gain and loss cannot be expressed in a linear function. There will be points where you might not gain any weight for a few days and then in one day you could gain 3lbs lol. The body is tricky in that respect so planning how much you'll gain by a certain point of time is a very crude estimate. I def know the feeling of hopping on the scale and itching to see that number get higher every time on a bulk lmao! You're going to have a monster cycle with your sound plan and 3J's help. Take some before and after shots and keep a detailed log for us with measurements of waist, quads, arms, calves, etc. I am looking forward to hearing your results in the coming weeks
yup.. the body can be one tricky bastard.. it take patience..

I bet you've seen this thousands of times with your clients lol. Once you have the time to dial in their nutrition you know what to expect from your recommendations. Like they might call and say I did t lose any weight this week what give? And you're like just give it another day or two and all of a sudden they dropped all that weight and more lol
Wrapping up week 7 now. FINALLY broke 200 pounds this morning! Of course the gym scales have been reading that for a couple weeks.
Did a bicep inject for the first time 6 days ago (with the Pharma grade testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose), thinking it would be pretty painless. Ah hell no! That shit hurt like I was a virgin! Made it pretty much impossible to finish decline bench and tricep dips. As soon as I put any real weight on the right arm, it would catch and give me the "Back the F off Bitch, I ain't playing your game today" Pain! LOL

Dbol sides are completely gone. BP is back to normal, but I do need to get bloodwork soon to see where Test levels and liver values landed.

Also, having completed 6-7 weeks of Layne Norton's PHAT routine..... gotta say: Eh. I'm not very impressed. My strength went way up which was great, but to be expected on cycle. BUT damn, going heavy every week like that on all the major lifts really put a strain on me. Knees are little sore mostly. I'm backing off the heavy compounds for a bit and going for strict hypertrophy the rest of the cycle. Been reading up a lot on the GH15 school of thought and its starting to make a lot of sense (in training method and for me, the blast and cruise concepts are great- Plan on running the Tren Ace blast in the spring and lose all the fat so I can bulk really lean next year :chomp:).

So following a deload week mid September, I'll be switching up my routine to incorporate only one or two heavy days per month on each major compound... the rest is all 50-70% of max weight volume work.

3J is great to work with, if you haven't ever dealt with him on a true consultation level! He bumped me up to 4200 calories a day this week, and almost instantaneously gained a couple pounds (shock load reaction, I'm sure). Incidentally, I jumped all over his Year Long plan when he had Labor Day sale going, so I'll be using his services to really get me leaned out in the spring and I'm sure setup a clean bulk post summer.
Entering week 9. So far, I can't complain much about my progress! I've gone from about 195 in the beginning (down to 189) and now up to 201 as of today. Steady climb to 220.

Last week's lifts were nothing spectacular. I focused more on form and slow negatives, so I didn't want to worry with setting any new records. My routine going forward will be to go heavy once a month per muscle group, so basically rotating the heavy day each week and working on assistance lifts the other times. My arms have come along nicely, but I feel like my chest and back are lagging a bit. Planning on prioritizing incline DBs and decline BBs, Pullups and upright rows.

Today starts my deload week. I might do some bodyweight exercises at home, but that'll be it for the most part. Giving the body some much needed rest before I hit it hard again starting Saturday or Sunday. I'll also start up the Superdrol I ordered as a kicker to see if I can't boost the tail end of my cycle into overdrive. Have heard a lot of great things about SD, so looking forward to seeing how it runs along next to Test. Will start at 20mg/day and see how it feels.
Deload week has come and gone. And I'll admit it was a much needed break. My joints and body in general have thanked me! I started taking 20mg of Superdrol on last Friday and damn it kicks! Even on my first day, the pump was nice, and by the third day when I worked chest it was insane. Loving this stuff already, just wish it wasn't so hepatoxic... I'd take more of it for longer. Anyway great stuff... I went slow coming back in this week and worked up to my previous PRs, managed to get a few extra reps out of most of them. So I'm quite pleased so far.

Weight as of 10/4/13 was 203. I've run myself down to my last dose of NPP today, so I'll just discontinue it from here on out. 10 weeks on it, I'd say isn't a bad run and I've definitely enjoyed my run with it. Will consider running Deca on my next bulk for sure.

Here's my latest progress shot, although I still feel like pictures aren't really showing my gains all that well... one more reason to be lean when you start a bulk!:
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