2nd Cycle, this one with a T - Bol Kicker - More eyes are a good thing

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Good day everyone,

Hope you’re all kicking ass and taking names. I’m planning my 2nd cycle and would love some insight and/or criticism.


Age: 32
Wt: 175 lbs
Height: 5' 11"
Bf %: 12-14% I believe (will be doing a DEXA scan soon to check)
Training Experience: 12+ Years
Diet: 3J designed and approved (Cal: 3452 Fats: 69 Carbs: 378 Protein: 320)
Gear: AML

Cycle Plan:


  • 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate: 500mg EW (250mg Monday + 250mg Thursday)

  • 1-6 T-Bol 40mg/ day (may go up to 80mg we'll see)

  • 1-12 12.5mg/day Aromasin

  • 1-12 1800mg NAC/day

Little back story about me: I was put on TRT about a year ago and it has completely changed my life in every way. I was at my genetic limit many years ago and regardless of diet, rest, or exercise was stuck and developing adipose (belly) fat. I was up to 195lbs at one point but I was not lean, the weight just seemed to go where you did not want it. Now I'm more muscular and lean than I have ever been and I know how I respond to 100mg/week or Test in addition to how I respond to 500mg/week of Test.

Have had pre-cycle blood work done and will be doing mid and post cycle blood work as well.


I've used Adex at 0.25mg EOD while using 500mg/wk of test and it was perfect (verified via bloodwork). I started having an allergic reaction to Adex so I will not use it anymore and have switched to Aromasin and would like some insight into approximate equivalences. How much Aromasin per day would be equivalent 0.25 mg EOD of Adex?

I plan on using 40mg/day or AML T-Bol, has anyone here used it recently and if so what dose would they suggest?
very well planned, nice post.. I would start stane at 12.5mg per day and readjust as needed.. and use it for 14-15 weeks until your test levels drop to normal, and you go back to trt dose..
Thanks for the replies - much appreciated. Good point @Sergej regarding continuing the AI until 2-3 weeks after my last 250mg shot as it will take 2-3 weeks for my test levels to come down to levels that do not need an AI or an AI dose as large.