2nd lean bulk/recomp cycle suggestion


New member
Well I just finished my first test e cycle. started at 180 finished at 207 at approx. 18 percent body fat. gained a couple of pounds during my pct as well. Now I plan to cut for next couple months and do a recomp/lean bulk when I reach close to 13-14 percent body fat at least. Lets say I reach close to 180-185 at 12-14 percent body fat, what would be a good cycle to reach 190-195lbs at the same or less body fat. What I had in mind was to either do a test p tren a cycle or do a test 400 and masteron e 200 per week. what would be the better of the two considering I have a good diet which would suit my goal. Also what other compounds could be used to reach my goal.
Tren is not for the fain-hearted/for second cycles, something like Test+Masteron would be good, it's not so much about what compounds to use to reach your goals, but rather diet. AAS is just the finishing touch.
Agreed, your training and diet is whats going to determine the results. AAS just make what you would naturally accomplish in an entire year of perfect diet and training happen in about 3months. Some compounds do have specific effects for reaching certain goals easier but it's really all about strict diet and training. At this point, you should just diet and train naturally for a whole year, by the conclusion of which you should easily be ready for a mild stacked cycle like test/eq. You could even use a GH peptide cycle to help you get there easier but if you're over 12%bf and not yet able to work out like a well tuned machine, don't even bother with AAS brother
Tren is the go-to recomp drug. I'd be hesitant to recommend it to you, though, without a lot more info on your training history, current training regime, stats, age, goals, diet etc.

To be honest you must've ate like absolute dog shit during your cycle to end even a dirty bulk at 18% bodyfat. I don't know how that could happen unless you started at 15% or more.
Tren is the go-to recomp drug. I'd be hesitant to recommend it to you, though, without a lot more info on your training history, current training regime, stats, age, goals, diet etc.

To be honest you must've ate like absolute dog shit during your cycle to end even a dirty bulk at 18% bodyfat. I don't know how that could happen unless you started at 15% or more.

well am 23 been training of 6 years. however the first 4 years were mostly for strength and endurance since I wrestled in high school and even in college.my training regime is low volume high intensity 2 days on 1 day off 3 days off 1 day off, since I am cutting am doing 20 minutes cardio 6 days a week get lean nicely. getting lean has always been easy for me but bulking has been hard.I think my diet is okayish if not the best(just saying so that I don't get flamed) its basically low carbs high protein moderate fats about 2700 calories per day. And no I actually followed a pretty clean diet. steaks eggs chicken breasts rice potatoes. but after a point my gains stoped and I got greaddy and ended up adding a couple extra pounds of fat and water since I was over 5k at one time mostly clean. and yea I did start my cycle at about 15-16 percent body fat. my short term goal is to get down to 180 -185 lbs at 12 percent body fat and then go upto 195-200 getting leaner at the same time.
what are your stats? Wish I wouldve gained 27 lbs on my first test e cycle, good job there.
thanks man. I am about 200ish atm since I have been cutting for the last couple of weeks. I used pharm grade test e straight from the pharmacy maybe that helped my case. Cant really say much on that since ive only used pharm grade uptill now
