2nd time cycle need help with post cycle therapy (pct) please :(


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2nd time cycle need help with pct please :(

Hello, I am nearly 21 years old with a high metabolism and classic hardgainer. 2 years ago when I first joined the gym I foolishly took steroids because I didn't have the correct diet, I was frustrated and couldn't gain nothing so I turned to the juice. I ran tritest400 by pro chem labs for the first month at 2 1ml injections spread out over a week. I then commenced a 2ml injection of 1ml tritest 400 and 1ml nandrodec 300 at 2 injections per week. For the last month I repeated same cycle as the first month. I used no post cycle therapy (pct) whatsoever and I didnt drop in weight immediatly, however I lost alot of gains. I must have put on about 2 stone I was about 10 stone before juice and 12 stone 7 pounds on juice. Even after about 3 months I was I remained the same weight apart from dropping 7 pounds of water I suspect. I did however regain that on fat by eating junk food ect. That was 2 years ago and I am sitting back at 11 stone 9 pounds(Not eating properly)
Anyway - I have been running a cycle for the past 3 weeks now with 2 1ml injections per week of test e 250 and tritest 400 stacked. For the last week I plan to use 1ml of tri test 400 because I am awaiting supplies. i was gonna get a 10ml bottle of podex test e 300mg/ml at 2 1ml injections a week for 5 weeks. I didnt suffer bad gyno on my cycle 2 yearsago fyi. How much post cycle therapy (pct) should I run ? I just want to restart my natural test as possible so i dont crash
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Dude, it kinda still sounds like you don't know what you're doing... I'm not even going bother poking through all the holes in your current cycle. This board doesn't even condone aas among guys under around 24. That said, head to the top of the Anabolic Steroid Forum and start reading stickies. Everything you need to know about post cycle therapy (pct) and gyno prevention are there.

http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...5482-standard-post cycle therapy (pct)-s.html
Dude, it kinda still sounds like you don't know what you're doing... I'm not even going bother poking through all the holes in your current cycle. This board doesn't even condone aas among guys under around 24. That said, head to the top of the Anabolic Steroid Forum and start reading stickies. Everything you need to know about PCT and gyno prevention are there.


Your correct, I am not 100% sure of what I am doing. I thought a dose of test what be sufficient. I've still been putting on weight steadily since I started the cycle. Thats all I want, TO GAIN wether its fat muscle or whatever I could not give a damn aslong as I get to 13 stone. This I understand is a poor attitute to have but I am sticking with it, as it worked in the past and no matter how hard I try naturally I will remain at 12 stone. (Have tried natural methods for 6 months and it didnt work). I forgot to mention I have chronic acid reflux. This severely fucks with my diet (no apetite, unable to eat due painful discomfort.) another reason why I turned to AAS. Listen I know i'm young but really it doesn't matter shit. I suffered no permanent side effects and don't see it happening in the future unless I took a 12 month cycle with 1000mg a week test. Which I won't do
Dude u don't even no how to gain. U haven't been training long enough to even get to ur natural potintial. If u don't eat right then u won't gain properly!!! And if I'm guessing it workouts are probably lacking as it seams like ur pretty lazy. AAS isn't a miricle drug. U have to put in the time and dedication. Ohh and by the way. U are going to see perminit sides bc ur to young and ur messing up ur natty test. U should spend the next 5 days reading and figuring out what to do bc if u don't properly pct ur natty test could b ruint forever.
If you're looking for a magic pill, this isn't it my friend. Gaining mass with and without AAS use is 80% diet or more! You can't gain weight in any form if you aren't eating.

Regardless of age, which I won't go into, you need to learn how to eat (and train), before introducing drugs that can not only cause side effects but ultimately leave you back where you started.

I'm a pretty firm believer in eating for your body type. My mother had horrible acid reflux until she stopped eating gluten... Turns out she has a mild form of celiacs. I'd highly encourage you to spend your money on a nutritionist or wholistic food expert and lock in your diet before anything else
Thank you for your replies, seriously. Anyway yes I know it's not a magic pill, but it gets results however small or big. I worked out in the gym for 6 months with no results and my patience was breaking, call it a short patience if you want. So yes I turned to AAS however my diet is now stable, I just struggle on certain days where heartburn is killing me. I dunno about you but trundling on for months with no results is pretty soul destroying man, especially when younger boys are blazing past you, unhindered by a freak of nature metabolism. I quit drinking to help gain weight, a good decision as I gained half a stone I have now however hit my limit, think of it like hitting your head off a brick wall over and over again, you hit it fall down hit it again fall down ect then the wall breaks and youve got another wall to break. Always trying to push the barrier. And I would like to know exactly what permanent side effects on natural test you are talking about?
Everyone definitely hits a plateau sooner or later. I won't hate you much for taking the easy route ;)

Every artificial hormone or steroid you use has side effects... Some good, some tolerable, some bad. Some are temporary, others have a longer lasting effect. Generically speaking, bc it would be impossible to accurate cover all compounds with one statement: dbol will cause bloating/water retention, increased strength, but shuts down your natural test (requiring post cycle therapy (pct)), potential for elevated estrogen, gynocomastia (breast tissue). Some steroids can cause accelerated hair loss, high blood pressure, increased risk of prostate cancer, etc. Winstrol (winny) in particular will dry you out and likely cause pains in your joints and gains are temporary. Did I mention without an injectable test base, you're putting yourself at risk for limp dick, shrunken testicles and crashed natty test until post cycle therapy (pct) is attempted?

Realize this is a general list of potential sides, not a scare tactic... The higher doses you expose yourself to, the more sides will present themselves.