3 jay help


New member
iv been reading all your diet advice and seems like your the man to come to for help. I am 6'1 190 and have a leaner build, in the last 2 months i have been bulking to get my strength up, started at 170 fairly cut then, i have a lower equilibrium body weight, similar to sprinters but wanted to try and put on some size.

With summer and track season approaching i need a diet plan/ bit of workout advice (ie. # of reps/sets per workout) my goal is to come as close as possible to the build of bred pitt in fight club(keeping some size while cutting the core). please dont hesitate to recomend anything you may think would be hard, i am extreamly dedicated to working out and have great mental control over eating, any advice would be greatly apreciated.
hey, welcome to the diet section bud...

lets start out with the basics.. i need your bmr/tdee.. the formula is in my free diet advice sticky in post one... use the bmr formula 1..

then tell me what u do for a living.. u sit around on a desk?

whats your workout routine right now?

also, i want u to, for one day, eat like u reg do and keep a log of everything u'v eaten.. please include portion sizes and times of meals...
okay heres what iv done, i have calculated my BMR currently and my BMR from before when i had a very low body fat. I still have a pretty low body fat % but am lifting more weight since the 17 pounds added. also it shows my TDEE for both times

curently/6weeks ago at equilibrium weight


I am currently working in accounting at a desk, but other then that i am very active, gym 6 times every 8 days- 3 on 1 off.
i also like sports and a out quite a bit.

my workout routine includes
day 1-chest/legs
day 2 tri/shoulder
day 3- bi/back

for each day normally do 11 sets total for each category ie(3sets chest 3 sets leg, 2 sets chest 2 sets leg, 3 sets chest 3 sets leg, 3 sets chest 3 sets leg) all different excersizes and i throw in small ab workouts in between every 2-3 sets during my break. The reps differ depending on goals, for the last 6 weeks they have been between 4-6 to gain strength but before i started puting on weight and was more cut they were closer to 6-8. normally superset everything just altering break length-ie. shorter when cutting-longer when strength gaining
my current routine i am trying to put on strength so my reps are lower then i was doing before

My current diet/one i have been using to put on weight for last 6 weeks is based around this.


7am. perogies+bagle w. natty pbutter

9am. small chicken sandwich

11am. cerial w whey protien powder(tastes amazing)

12am. granola bar+ steemed veggies

2pm. 2 eggs

4pm. cerial+protein powder

6pm. PWO whole grain oats(not instant) Whey shake

7pm. small supper usually steak/chicken with veggies

9pm. bagle+ natty pb before bed

total macros

all values are slightly deflated(didn't include snacking), like i said that has been my core diet, i have been eating wrecklessly the past 6 weeks and successfully put on the 17 pounds i wanted the diet has not been consistant but that is the basis.

Now time to get back into shape with the summer approaching like i said ( brad pitt in fight club) trying to keep some sixe while cutting the core, i am at your mercy anything recomended will be acheived thank you VERY much for your help
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okay heres what iv done, i have calculated my BMR currently and my BMR from before when i had a very low body fat. I still have a pretty low body fat % but am lifting more weight since the 17 pounds added. also it shows my TDEE for both times

curently/6weeks ago at equilibrium weight


I am currently working in accounting at a desk, but other then that i am very active, gym 6 times every 8 days- 3 on 1 off.
i also like sports and a out quite a bit.

my workout routine includes
day 1-chest/legs
day 2 tri/shoulder
day 3- bi/back

for each day normally do 11 sets total for each category ie(3sets chest 3 sets leg, 2 sets chest 2 sets leg, 3 sets chest 3 sets leg, 3 sets chest 3 sets leg) all different excersizes and i throw in small ab workouts in between every 2-3 sets during my break. The reps differ depending on goals, for the last 6 weeks they have been between 4-6 to gain strength but before i started puting on weight and was more cut they were closer to 6-8. normally superset everything just altering break length-ie. shorter when cutting-longer when strength gaining
my current routine i am trying to put on strength so my reps are lower then i was doing before

My current diet/one i have been using to put on weight for last 6 weeks is based around this.


7am. perogies+bagle w. natty pbutter
wtf are perogies??? where's the protien?? add egg whites
9am. small chicken sandwich
what kinda bread? mayo? mustard? veggies??
11am. cerial w whey protien powder(tastes amazing)
cerial is crap.. eat good complex carbs
12am. granola bar+ steemed veggies
2pm. 2 eggs

4pm. cerial+protein powder
again,cerial is crap, u mean to say this meal is your pre workout meal?? complex carbs and drop the shake.. eat real food
6pm. PWO whole grain oats(not instant) Whey shake
add carbs.. u can do the cerial here if u want.. u need a semi-simple carb pwo
7pm. small supper usually steak/chicken with veggies

9pm. bagle+ natty pb before bed
carbs before bed, unless pwo, are a big no no, i would drop the bagle and get a lean beef or cottage cheese

total macros

all values are slightly deflated(didn't include snacking), like i said that has been my core diet, i have been eating wrecklessly the past 6 weeks and successfully put on the 17 pounds i wanted the diet has not been consistant but that is the basis.

Now time to get back into shape with the summer approaching like i said ( brad pitt in fight club) trying to keep some sixe while cutting the core, i am at your mercy anything recomended will be acheived thank you VERY much for your help

you dont include snacking?? some people snack on 1000 calories a day.. u need to include everything..

make the changes that iv asked and update your marcos...
snacks today included


2 apples

2 slices whole grain bread+nutella

chicken on its own (90g)

updated macros

the diet which i have posted is the core of my last 6 weeks(i have been trying to put on weight/gained 17 pounds) it is not an exact indicator as some days fast food was included, but normally i am on a much stricter diet and want to start a new diet with some expert advice to acheive my goals, hoping to start this friday. Also what would you recomend pre workout instead of cerial? (also for post workout i thought plain oats were good due to the high carbs)??
okay so i have done some looking and i was thinking about this for my diet which goals will be to cut while maintaining size

breakfast 7am
2 whole eggs+3 egg whites+slice of whole grain bread

snack 9:30
slice of whole grain bread+100grams of chicken

lunch 11:30
sweet potato+apple+natty peanut butter+avacodo

snack 2:00pm
mixed veggies (should i add in a pudding cup here??? 120/3/21/1)

pre workout 3:30
sweet potato+50g of chicken

post workout 5:30
protein shake+1 cup of cerial

small meal 7:00
whatever was for supper

before bed 9:30
95%lean ground beef

i was alsoreading about morning empty stomach cardio with heart rate 125<130, would this substitute for the cardio after my workout or should i continue with that but keep it lower time??? also for the amount of sets/reps what numbers should those be around? through the research i did i found 8 reps was about the number.
whole grain bread is crap.. how bout some oats??

up your protien before bed.. add cottage cheese or up your lean beef... add avocado

your lunch is crap.. u shouldn't mix carbs/fats like that... its not good.. add protien to that meal.. and either choose the carbs or the fats

u need to add at least another 300 calories... up your fats 15g and up your protien 50g

u can either do early morning or pwo cardio at first.. when u start to stall, do both
okay so i have done some looking and i was thinking about this for my diet which goals will be to cut while maintaining size

breakfast 7am
2 whole eggs+3 egg whites+1/2 cup of oats instead of bread

snack 9:30
slice of whole grain bread+100grams of chicken

lunch 11:30 (okay so instead of this lunch what would you recomend? any new foods im missing, i am very flexable with what i can eat/enjoy pretty much about everything)
sweet potato+apple+natty peanut butter+avacodo

snack 2:00pm
mixed veggies+natty peanut butter

pre workout 3:30
sweet potato+50g of chicken

post workout 5:30
protein shake+1 cup of cerial

small meal 7:00
whatever was for supper

before bed 9:30
95%lean ground beef 6oz+avacodo

i was alsoreading about morning empty stomach cardio with heart rate 125<130, would this substitute for the cardio after my workout or should i continue with that but keep it lower time??? also for the amount of sets/reps what numbers should those be around? through the research i did i found 8 reps was about the number.

please help with the lunch again i am very flexable with what i eat. also do the carbs look good overall and are they low enough PWO even though im cutting??

All of your help is truely appreciated!!
look lets say u need to eat 300g protien everyday.. if you divide that 300 into 6 meals you get 50g per meal.. so think in those terms.. u need 250g protien 200g carbs and 80g fats...

make your macros look like this.. divide 200g carbs into your first four meals (with the exception that your workout is late, let me know) the last two are pro/fat.. this would be an ideal caloric deficit for weight loss while holding on to lean mass.. so if your losing more then 2lbs a week, eat more.. that's the key.. lose weight slowly.. 2 months equls 8 weeks equals 16lbs.. that's 16 clean pound u can lose by june
okay understood.....you mentioned that i had a bad lunch before since i was mixing carbs and fats do you have any recomendations, i was thinking about loosing the sweet potato and instead adding mixed tuna+veggies thereby upping my protein and lowering my carbs so they will be in line with the 200 carbs and 250 g of protein.

As for my workout routine.....would you say my sets/reps are in line with my goals??
also do you have any favorite abb excersizes which you find make them look more defined?( and by more defined i mean bigger i know it is impossible to spot train).

thanks again
breakfast 7am
2 whole eggs+3 egg whites+1/2 cup of oats instead of bread

snack 9:30
slice of whole grain bread+100grams of chicken

lunch 11:30
sweet potato+chicken breast 2/3 cup

snack 2:00pm
mixed veggies+natty peanut butter

pre workout 3:30
sweet potato+50g of chicken

post workout 5:30
protein shake+1 cup of cerial

small meal 7:00
whatever was for supper

before bed 9:30
95%lean ground beef 6oz+avacodo


okay so updated meal and macros, looks pretty solid....i was reading about dextrose powder for post workout to be included with the whey protein.....what are your thoughs about substituting the cup of cerial with 40g of dextrose powder????

okay looks good, ill update you a week into my diet to let ya know how its going, once again thanks alot for your help, its nice to have someone who knows what their talking about instead of all the different contradicting advice on google
okay just one more question before i start, i will be doing morning cardio for 30-35min every morning, but on my lifting days off should i keep with the same diet or lower my intake??

ie. my post workout meal? where/what should i do about that......it is 50 grams of protein and alot of cals??
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3j iv been following my diet religiously for a little over a week and have seen some nice results, doing to morning cardio everyday is helping alot.

just one question, on a few days inbetween meal times i felt hungry, is this just a mental hurdle or is my body trying to tell me something, i definatly do not want to go into a catabolic state???
okay so i think those hunger craps were just temporary havnt gotten them since last post, iv read recently the need for refeed days?? how often should these be done regarding my current diet and what kinds of food should be added? ie. fats/carbs??

any advice is truly apreaceated