3 jay help

I do refeeds every two or three weeks. I can usually tell I'm ready for one when I just feel a little sluggish or tired. I dunno if this is a normal indication or not but the day after a refeed I feel like superman, ok maybe not really but I feel real good lol. Drop your fats and increase your carbs. White bagel, pasta rice etc. I normally try to get in 350-400 carbs on my refeed days.
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3j, iv cut down to 175(kept more muscle then i thought), and am about 6% bf. Im a bit top heavy and people who i havnt seen in a while think i look more like 190-195. The diet worked perfect. With track and basketball training comming up i think i will run a var only at 40mg. (i know most people are huge beleivers in a test base however for these sports var seems to be the safest and most suitable for my goals)

Now to my question, how should my diet change with the addition of this cycle?

Thank you in advance for all of your help