3 times arm workout in a week


New member
Hey ,

I want to ask , some weeks I dont want to doing workout for back and chest . in this week can I train my arms 3 times in a week , so with an interval of 2 days . Monday , wednes , friday ... is this too hard for arms ?

I did this for 2 weeks and I grew up 0.3 inc ...

can I try it again ? what you think ?
So wait let me clear this up, your only wanting to work your arms this week at the gym and nothing else?

mmm , the normal rutine I'm training for whole body in a week , but no longer I dont want more big back and more big chest and 'm traning for them one time in 2 week . when I dont traning for my back and chest I want to train for my arms , so 3 times in a week.

sorry for my weak english
Your working your arms while you do back your doing biceps and while your doing chest your doing some triceps so dont really get get why youd do arms 3 times a week.
Your working your arms while you do back your doing biceps and while your doing chest your doing some triceps so dont really get get why youd do arms 3 times a week.

Compounding lifts are at play here. Roger is right. When you bench do you think your chest is the only thing working?? I don't recommend this plus I think IF you are lifting hard enough doing primary lifts like barbell curls or something then you need more than one day of rest for that muscle unless it's hit on a compound the next day or two.
OP's just asking to just work triceps/biceps only not working out other body parts for that week.

If you really wanted to do this, I'd do Arms day Monday and Thursday. Giving two days rest between them, and 3 days rest before doing it again.
Your working your arms while you do back your doing biceps and while your doing chest your doing some triceps so dont really get get why youd do arms 3 times a week.

LoL , I will kill myself . I'm tryin to explain with my poor english but still you dont understand what I'm trying to say . I know biceps and triceps are working when I work for chest and back . I'm saying "when I dont train for my chest and back"

capisci ?
OP's just asking to just work triceps/biceps only not working out other body parts for that week.

If you really wanted to do this, I'd do Arms day Monday and Thursday. Giving two days rest between them, and 3 days rest before doing it again.

Compounding lifts are at play here. Roger is right. When you bench do you think your chest is the only thing working?? I don't recommend this plus I think IF you are lifting hard enough doing primary lifts like barbell curls or something then you need more than one day of rest for that muscle unless it's hit on a compound the next day or two.

OK, your BACK & CHEST are big enough in your mind so you are only going to work them out 1 time every two weeks like RICh PIANA does with legs. so you are wondering if training arms three times a week is to much for the muscles in the arms..... if you are eating and sleeping right I would say NO this would not be to hard on them.

here is a link of a guy with 24inch arms and he goes over what he did to get them.

I do every body part every week and still do arms 3x a week. Its the only way they would grow for me and meloyelo is right watch his videos they gave me some good pointers and motivated me. He's an awesome guy
Hey ,

I want to ask , some weeks I dont want to doing workout for back and chest . in this week can I train my arms 3 times in a week , so with an interval of 2 days . Monday , wednes , friday ... is this too hard for arms ?

I did this for 2 weeks and I grew up 0.3 inc ...

can I try it again ? what you think ?

over training to F**K mate. Train less grow more! Train with intensity. balance it out.
over training to F**K mate. Train less grow more! Train with intensity. balance it out.

OVER TRAINING TO F**K MATE???? is that a sentence? can you explain what you are trying to say.

the human body is crazy amazing, if you could over train by working a body part a couple/few times a week then i guess the guys that laid rail road ties back in the late 1800s where all FU#KED.... they swung a hammer all day every day.....end of the day the body can handle a ton of abuse.
OVER TRAINING TO F**K MATE???? is that a sentence? can you explain what you are trying to say.

the human body is crazy amazing, if you could over train by working a body part a couple/few times a week then i guess the guys that laid rail road ties back in the late 1800s where all FU#KED.... they swung a hammer all day every day.....end of the day the body can handle a ton of abuse.
If you ever worked manual labor for any appreciable amount of time you would know that the body DOES break down after awhile. Back surgeries/rotator cuff injuries/carpal tunnel syndrome/elbow issues are so common for guys in that line of work. It doesn't make you big either, just strong - which isn't what most on this forum are looking for.

This post brought to you by a guy that did manual labor throwing 320,000 to 800,000 pounds of rubber a day for six years. :p
I did construction most of my life. My disks are compressed, labrums torn, etc. I am achy to say the least. but i still think the body can handle an hour or two workout 3 times a week on a body part.
I did construction most of my life. My disks are compressed, labrums torn, etc. I am achy to say the least. but i still think the body can handle an hour or two workout 3 times a week on a body part.

Yeah, so you can agree that there's a BIG difference between 3x a week for an hour versus EVERY day 8-12 hours, right? ;)
ofcourse but we are talking about working out. people scream over training the second someone is in the gym for 61 minutes. I was just saying if you want to work out 3 times a week have fun. every time a body builder says he has a lagging body part what does he say he does...... work that body part more.

and for the record ... when i did construction in Florida i also worked out 5 days a week... i felt great, ate 7 times a day minimum (lunch was a hole pizza) and i was about 8% bf.

at the end of the day the body can handle may more abuse then people say it can.
do it.... but you got to listen to your body. i was working out arms a few times a week and hit them hard as hell and heavy each time....then i got micro tears in one of my tendons on my left arm which shut me down for a lil while. i still work out calves and arms multiple times a week but i dont go crazy heavy each time. heavy one time, reps the next.
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sounds like a great way to kill your elbow ligaments and joints.

If it were me I would do it:
back/light bis
chest/light tris
Arms (heavier, or more volume)

