3 weeks Into My Cycle....Few Pics



hey guys,

I'm doing my first cycle right now and today is 3 weeks completed to the day.


1 cc Sustanon (sust) 250
1 cc Deca 300 QV
(This past shot I doubled up on the Sustanon (sust) and will do again next week)

My cycle will be ten weeks long with the deca and 8 weeks with the Sustanon (sust) because I'm going to double the shots for this week and the next.

Along with Cell Tech, Protein once a day. Today I started my four weeks of dbol @ 40mg a day.

I was around mid 190s before I started, 5-11, 20 years old, not sure of the BF though. I've jumped up tens pounds I'd say so far but I'm putting on a lot of water that I hope will shed when I'm done. I attached some pics, not the best in the world but I'll try and take better ones when I can. Comments appreciated how things look , thanks
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You are bloating big time...I can't tell what your bodyfat is but by the pictures I would say that you probably should have leaned out a bit before you went on your cycle...imo. Good Luck with your cycle...I think you will learn that Sustanon is over rated and you will be better off with a faster acting test like propionate or longer acting enanthate.
Tboost I think I was in the 10-11% range in those before pics

Yea i think I'll cut out the cell-tech, I've been on that before and I swell right up. I'll be on Nolvadex soon, you think that'll take some of the water off? The bloated look is kind of shitty. I'll post some more pics in a week or two to see if any results. Nothing happening yet at this point.
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Lifterdude said:
Tboost I think I was in the 10-11% range in those before pics

Yea i think I'll cut out the cell-tech, I've been on that before and I swell right up. I'll be on Nolvadex soon, you think that'll take some of the water off? The bloated look is kind of shitty. I'll post some more pics in a week or two to see if any results. Nothing happening yet at this point.

bro you have more than 10% bf.... 10%bf in most ppl means seeing their abbs.
water will go away,dont worry about that,as long as its not making your bp high its nothing to worry about.
As far as my blood pressure goes how can I tell if its high? My skin has been noticeabley red off and an, and it seems that my skins marks up easier, like with those dark colored scrape thingys. Prob wrong descrip. Also, how do I minimize the swelling where I inject (glute)? My arse has been gettin bigger and I was wondering if I should switch to my shoulder or stay with the glute and it'll eventually stop.

I've stopped the Cell-tech and will be taking Novadex when it arrives so that should take off some of the bloat I hope, correct?
for bp,measure it. you can do that at your doctor(its free) or in any drug store.
best is to buy that little gadget that measures your bp and your set for long time.
hehe sustanon hurts like a bitch,donnit :)
Creatine's water retention isn't a bad thing unless you just don't like the bloated look. It's what helps you put more weight up (the water's mostly inside the muscle). But if you do cut the creatine out you'll still be bloated looking from the dbol, so I'd leave it in...couldn't hurt and you'll probably get a little bit more muscle gain. Nolva's a serm, not an aromatase inhibitor. Something like arimidex or letrozole will take off the bloat as it cuts down on the stuff actually aromatizing into estrogen. Nolva just occupies the recepter (nolva's selective in that it blocks estro from your nips).
creepS said:
hehe sustanon hurts like a bitch,donnit :)

Not to bad really, sore for a few days. Just the swelling of my glute makes wearing pants a damn problem. Wish there was a way to cut down on that, lol
Lifterdude said:
Not to bad really, sore for a few days. Just the swelling of my glute makes wearing pants a damn problem. Wish there was a way to cut down on that, lol
You must wear really tight pants!!! :laugh3: if youre doing 2 shots of sus per week, split them up say Mon, Thurs and put them somwhere else to reduce your "glute swelling".... Check www.spotinjections.com for some ideas
Yea I've just been doing a single shot of both every Tuesday in the same glute changin sides every week. What would say is the most effective area to inject as far as results?
Lifterdude said:
Yea I've just been doing a single shot of both every Tuesday in the same glute changin sides every week. What would say is the most effective area to inject as far as results?
It doesn't matter as far as results go. Find some alternate spots so you don't go nuts and have nothing but a scar tissue ass left in 20 years. :laugh3: