3 weeks into sustanon, need advice transitioning to test e

Thats old school Bro science. That logic is very outdated.
Sustanon was developed to be injected for trt patients. So what is a trt patient suppose to do if they are prescribed 250mg a week? Inject 250mg in 1 week divided into 4 shots (EOD)? That would defeat the purpose of sustanon for the patient to come back frequently to be injected.
Inject sustanon the way its suppose to be injected.

Test E can be injected once a week. Get blood work done after injecting Test e once a week and again on 2wice a week, blood levels will still be the same. This is the whole point of long esters so they can be injected less.

I've ran sustanon several times and it does work better with less side effects when you pin eod. Ad a matter of fact I plan on running it for 20+ weeks soon, just sust I get great gains on it alone. I've also pointed once a week and the hormone levels fluctuate and you tend to be more temperamental. Well that's how IA fit me at least
I've noticed no real differences in results between pharm grade sustanon and test e. I usually go with what's cheaper at the time.

EOD injections keep blood levels more stable with sust, but again I've noticed no real difference with EOD injections compared to monday / wednesday / friday or just monday / thursday. Op, you'll be fine just switching to test e if you want to. If I already had sustanon ampules, I'd just inject one 3 days a week for 750 mg/week.
Finish your sustanon then never inject that stupid trt bullshit again. Pick fast or slow esters and stick to a schedule. Get better results this way.
Once a week injections are for inexperienced pups who think they know everything. Like me when I was 19 and stupid. Sust I did E3D, E and C Sun/Thu, less acne, less mood swings, more stable levels and more stable sense of well being. Old school bro-science is once a week pins. How old are you?