30 weeks test/eq/npp/tbol/anavar


Okay. Here we go. As many of you know, I was a competitive NCAA gymnast for 3 years. I was nationally ranked on floor and vault apparatus. In the last 4 years, however, I've accumulated a multitude of injuries. My senior year of high school I fractured my lumbar in 4 different areas. A chronic injury I prolonged due to competition season in track and gymnastics. At this time I was on the 3rd fastest 400m/relay team in the nation (7A) and held the Arkansas state record for deadlift in my weight class. Gymnasts have incredible deadlifts for their size. A year later I began working on triple back tucks for my gymnastics floor routine. Some kids had been playing on the mat I was landing the triple tuck on before practice, and had made it crooked. I should have checked my equipment before, but did not, and when I landed the skill all my body weight and momentum from the skill went on my right foot, breaking my ankle. By far the most extreme pain I have ever felt in my life. Tears were in my eyes. The next summer, I over-rotated a full-twisting double back during practice, and landed off the spring floor on my head on concrete. I had set too far back, and tried over compensating by pulling through faster, but pulled through too fast and too much. I fractured my cranium, and the inertia from the blow caused my brain to fly forward and hit the front of my skull, hemorrhaging my frontal lobe in four places. It was enough to cause me to seizure, and as a result have minor personality disorder. This April I tore my Achilles tendon. Yet another chronic injury I did not let heal. I have suffered several major injuries in a short time span. I would always come back, but I'm getting tired. I feel worn out and just...hurt. I've always been an avid weight-lifter. Moving on to bodybuilding seems natural to me. I never hurt lifting weights. It was something I could do when I was recovering and helped me heal faster. I've always looked at myself as an individual who couldn't stop or be normal. If you want to be normal and that makes you happy, than by all means do it. But I can't. I'd wither away and lose myself. So I'm starting things off with a huge winter bulking cycle. I have run 4 cycles before, including test (sus, p, and c), tren a, turinabol, and clen. Here's what I want to do:

Test Iscaporate: 30 weeks/600mg week
Equipoise: 28 weeks/500mg week
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: Weeks 1-10/500mg week
Turinabol: Weeks 1-8/80mg day
Anavar: Weeks 22-30/80mg day

My A.I. and prolactin should be shipped any day now. I will also be running HCG. My first cycle I was inexperienced and dealt with gyno issues...never again. My friend has a masters in sports nutrition, and has experience using gear himself. We're coming up with a diet for me now. All I can say now is basically 5000-5500 calories/day, high protein, carbs, moderate fat. Running several supplements with this as well. Tell me what you think. I want to keep a log of this cycle. Including pictures. Any advice, input would be appreciated.
first of all, i am sorry for all your injuries and bad luck. hopefully you stay injury free and heal up

second i would recommend you slow it down a little. all these injuries will take a toll and its good that you are now moving more towards lifting weights instead of gymnastics

your body needs to strong, especially your core so you avoid further injures. before you cycle, i would recommend you get your body up to pace and ready to cycle. this will lower your risk of injury as all the gear can make your muscles strong, but not your tendons, ligaments etc

i would not recommend running such a long cycle. you can always run a 16-20 week cycle. take time off and run again rather than 30 weeks at once. it easier on the body

the eq along with the npp might be too much on your blood and may cause unwated sides

i would say skip the EQ and run deca, as it will help you temporarily with the pain and all your injuries. deca is like holy water for the joints. Eq needs to be run at higher doses for best reults and can cause hemocrit/BP issues. deca will get you what you want and help more with your type of injuries. i love the healing properties of deca, used it when i hurt my shoulder and it was a miracle

i would keep it simple and run

weeks 1-20 test e/c @600-700mg
weeks 1-18 deca @ 4-500mg
you can use tbol as a kickstart and end the cycle with anavar. i would not run the orals any longer than 4-6 weeks

make sure to have parmi or caber with the deca and your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). also if you have not, run fish oil, cod liver oil, glucosime etc

good luck, train smart and stay safe brother
first of all, i am sorry for all your injuries and bad luck. hopefully you stay injury free and heal up

second i would recommend you slow it down a little. all these injuries will take a toll and its good that you are now moving more towards lifting weights instead of gymnastics

your body needs to strong, especially your core so you avoid further injures. before you cycle, i would recommend you get your body up to pace and ready to cycle. this will lower your risk of injury as all the gear can make your muscles strong, but not your tendons, ligaments etc

i would not recommend running such a long cycle. you can always run a 16-20 week cycle. take time off and run again rather than 30 weeks at once. it easier on the body

the eq along with the npp might be too much on your blood and may cause unwated sides

i would say skip the EQ and run deca, as it will help you temporarily with the pain and all your injuries. deca is like holy water for the joints. Eq needs to be run at higher doses for best reults and can cause hemocrit/BP issues. deca will get you what you want and help more with your type of injuries. i love the healing properties of deca, used it when i hurt my shoulder and it was a miracle

i would keep it simple and run

weeks 1-20 test e/c @600-700mg
weeks 1-18 deca @ 4-500mg
you can use tbol as a kickstart and end the cycle with anavar. i would not run the orals any longer than 4-6 weeks

make sure to have parmi or caber with the deca and your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). also if you have not, run fish oil, cod liver oil, glucosime etc

good luck, train smart and stay safe brother

I am considering shorting the cycle. I want to compete. 100%. I realize I have more than a decade at least until I reach the professional level, and coasting is a requirement for this. There's a huge risk of permanent shutdown with coasting, and I do want to have a little girl someday. It's possible to still be okay. I know Coleman has 4 or 5 kids himself, but I consider him one of the lucky ones. As for the injury, my Achilles is the only thing holding me back at the moment. Training calves is out of the question, but I can still do machine extensions for my quads and hamstring curls. Not the best training for legs. I'm very limited, and I miss dead lifting, but to me an aesthetic body doesn't include monster legs. I look at Kevin Levrone or Frank McGrath. Beautiful bodies. Those legs are proportionate to me. They look like a Renaissance sculpture. To me that's what bodybuilding is about. My friend/dealer is a huge equipoise fan. I have to go with it this time. And if I'm not mistaken NPP is also good for joints, is it not?
the eq along with the npp might be too much on your blood and may cause unwated sides

i would not run the orals any longer than 4-6 weeks

also if you have not, run fish oil, cod liver oil, glucosime etc

I'm aware of this. Slightly nervous, too...I used to be a fan of huge doses. Now though, I find I can get the same results with less gear and more focus on diet and intensity.

6 weeks for orals seems good enough for this cycle, and my wallet

I used to run fish oil and glucosmine. Truthfully though, it's been sometime since I've been able to afford a decent multi-vitamin. Things are changing however since I quit gymnastics and landed good employment.
thirty weeks is a long time, it is risky, you're right. are you prepared to make that choice? me, i'm not interested in kids and would be perfectly happy if somebody told me tomorrow my sperm count was zero.
I am considering shorting the cycle. I want to compete. 100%. I realize I have more than a decade at least until I reach the professional level, and coasting is a requirement for this. There's a huge risk of permanent shutdown with coasting, and I do want to have a little girl someday. It's possible to still be okay. I know Coleman has 4 or 5 kids himself, but I consider him one of the lucky ones. As for the injury, my Achilles is the only thing holding me back at the moment. Training calves is out of the question, but I can still do machine extensions for my quads and hamstring curls. Not the best training for legs. I'm very limited, and I miss dead lifting, but to me an aesthetic body doesn't include monster legs. I look at Kevin Levrone or Frank McGrath. Beautiful bodies. Those legs are proportionate to me. They look like a Renaissance sculpture. To me that's what bodybuilding is about. My friend/dealer is a huge equipoise fan. I have to go with it this time. And if I'm not mistaken NPP is also good for joints, is it not?

some of the names you have mentioned are genetic gods and freaks of nature

what are your stats?

im not saying it wont happen for you, but keep your goals realistic. i would recommend you not risk permanent shutdown, do more research and get more advice from the veterans. right now focus on healing and recovering

you can cycle whatever you want, just know everything for yourself first, dont go based on your friends/dealers views

on long cycles i like to run deca instead of npp, less pinning so deca works well. deca will show full effects/results after weeks 8, 9, 10, 11 ..............18 will be pumptacular
thirty weeks is a long time, it is risky, you're right. are you prepared to make that choice? me, i'm not interested in kids and would be perfectly happy if somebody told me tomorrow my sperm count was zero.

I'm really not sure. Not trying to get personal here, but it is a personal question. Since my brain injury, I have had personality disorder related problems. I was taking lithium and viampat (anti-seizure medication) for 6 months, but the lithium made me..I don't know it's hard to explain. Depressed? So I quit. It can be hard to develop a meaningful relationship with girls. I've only had one girlfriend since then, and she just randomly broke up with me. I feel like it may be because of how I am. I'm socially awkward. I try not to talk much around people I don't know because I'm nervous of how they'll react to me. I have one night stands all the time. I mean, I have a nice body, and that's all they're looking for in that. I want to have a little girl someday, but the girl it would take to handle me. Doesn't seem possible.
Sup Dip,

I just wanted to say I ran a 24 week deca cycle before, well 25 with the test E you know the drill. Anyhow, I just wanted to add that somewhere around the 19th week I hit the wall. It could be because I didn't adjust my cals enough, or it could be because trying to mass for THAT long is so extremely difficult on your body. Could have been not enough sleep??? IDK just saying I wont ever do a cycle over 24 weeks.... If I wanted to go on that long I would consider splitting it into 2 cycles and swapping some compounds out and in. Once again its not the healthy thing to do, just had to say it.
some of the names you have mentioned are genetic gods and freaks of nature

what are your stats?

im not saying it wont happen for you, but keep your goals realistic. i would recommend you not risk permanent shutdown, do more research and get more advice from the veterans. right now focus on healing and recovering

you can cycle whatever you want, just know everything for yourself first, dont go based on your friends/dealers views

on long cycles i like to run deca instead of npp, less pinning so deca works well. deca will show full effects/results after weeks 8, 9, 10, 11 ..............18 will be pumptacular

Well, the reason I said I have to go with EQ is because it's all he is willing to get, and honestly I have no clue where else to get gear from. As of now I'm 5'8 190lbs. and about 8% bodyfat. Most of my weight is in my upper body. It's good gymnastics. Pumptacular. I like that word.
Sup Dip,

I just wanted to say I ran a 24 week deca cycle before, well 25 with the test E you know the drill. Anyhow, I just wanted to add that somewhere around the 19th week I hit the wall. It could be because I didn't adjust my cals enough, or it could be because trying to mass for THAT long is so extremely difficult on your body. Could have been not enough sleep??? IDK just saying I wont ever do a cycle over 24 weeks.... If I wanted to go on that long I would consider splitting it into 2 cycles and swapping some compounds out and in. Once again its not the healthy thing to do, just had to say it.

This seems to be the general consensus on the forums. In that case, I'll shorten the cycle to 16-20 weeks.