3J help!

Mr. Humdiddly

Knowledge Receptacle
Hey 3J I kind of have a weird situation going on. Just started my trenA/prop cycle yesterday. I am also in the process of converting from cutting diet to bulking diet.

Going from 1700 calories for 3 months to 4100. Weird thing is I am getting nauseated and when I woke up I felt light headed. Once I ate though I felt better within minutes. Assuming low BS for the light headedness. Now I am just experiencing nausea that only goes away when I eat. I originally planned to eat every two hours but I am eating every hour to hour and a half now.

Is this normal when switching diets? I have never made a jump this drastic before. I was easing into it and increasing cals by 15% a day for the last few days. I don't think the tren could be responsible that fast.

Also on prami 1ml per night, and letro .25 ED

I don't think it is the prop I did that before.
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let me call him out for ya!
let me call him out for ya!

Hahaha thanks pinga. I needed that one. Well here is the update.

The inevitable happened (at least for me) when you eat 4100 calories in half a day. Just threw up the cottage cheese. While trying to brush my teeth (never had this happen before) Remarkably that is all that came up. I was expecting projectile vomit.

Ugh as we speak the nausea is creeping back. Should I just take some maalox and kick the nausea or does my body really need the food and is just sending strong signals? Usually when I get super hungry I get nausea.

Not restricting this to just 3J if you got something to say please do. I just labeled it this to ensure I grabbed his attention.
While im not a mmedical expert at all, imo i would venture to say that your stomach cant stretch that much that quick. Instead of 15% a day, maybe try 15% a week. let your stomach adapt a little.
While im not a mmedical expert at all, imo i would venture to say that your stomach cant stretch that much that quick. Instead of 15% a day, maybe try 15% a week. let your stomach adapt a little.

That is the wierd thing I don't feel full at all... Normally I feel like a balloon during start of a bulk diet. I actually feel fine and hungry.

On another note I have this weird taste in the back of my throat. I think that may be what's making me experience nausea and when I eat that taste goes away. For a little while and comes back.

Any thoughts on that last bit?
Sorry realized i really did not provide much info

Starting weight 169
Goal 185

Here is my projected Diet

Meal 1 7am Protein Carbs Fat
5 Egg whites 15 0 0
Oats 13 66 7
3 oz ground beef 22 0 9
Totals 50 66 16

Meal 2 9:00 AM Salmon filet 32 0 5
Nat. Peanut Butter 8 6 16
(2 tbsp) 40 6 21

Meal 3 11:00 AM 2 Tuna packs 44 0 14
2 cups w.w. pasta 14 74 1
58 74 15

Meal 4 1:00 PM 7 oz ground beef 55 0 22
200g yams 3 55 0

Meal 5 3:00 PM Shake 40 8 2
Nat. Peanut Butter 8 6 16
(2 tbsp)

Meal 6 5:00 PM 300g deli chicken 51 6 1
6 slices rye bread 16 93 6

Meal 7 7:00 PM Shake 40 8 2
Nat. Peanut Butter 8 6 16
(2 tbsp)

Meal 8 9:00 PM 8 oz Cottage Cheese 40 4 1
(fat free)
200g raw broccoli 6 11 0

Grams 415 343 118
Cals 1660 1372 1062 4094
Percent 40.55% 33.51% 25.94%

Prior to this the split was 65/20/15 and all carb types were fibrous.
Hahaha thanks pinga. I needed that one. Well here is the update.

The inevitable happened (at least for me) when you eat 4100 calories in half a day. Just threw up the cottage cheese. While trying to brush my teeth (never had this happen before) Remarkably that is all that came up. I was expecting projectile vomit.

Ugh as we speak the nausea is creeping back. Should I just take some maalox and kick the nausea or does my body really need the food and is just sending strong signals? Usually when I get super hungry I get nausea.

Not restricting this to just 3J if you got something to say please do. I just labeled it this to ensure I grabbed his attention.

let me see here,15% increase is not that bad could be something else imo,.maybe you should cut down to 5% and see how that goes,.
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...Now I am just experiencing nausea that only goes away when I eat...

That's why this is bassackwards. I get nausea. I eat and the nausea goes away. Then like an hour later I get nausea again. I eat and it goes away. Not sure what the heck is going on. I could understand nausea from eating to much but, this is nausea from NOT eating. If this don't balance out soon I am gonna go get checked.

Anyone here a diabetic? Is this how you feel if your blood sugar dips?
Got an appointment for Monday hopefully 3j can give me some insight. Good news is the nausea is not as strong. Wonder if it's some wierd demand for calories?
I'm not a diabetic (yet!), but I know that signs of hypoglycemia are related to feelings of lethargy, apathy, changes in mental status, hypotension (orthostatic).

Are you experiencing any of these things?

Dude, I can't believe you were eating 1700 a day for 3 months. That is just plain starving yourself! I imagine you were BBing and cardoing on top of that? That's redic!

I hope that your problem gets resolved.

Have you ever been a 'big' size before? Like, what's the most you ever weighed? A buddy of mine at school, when he eats too much, he immediately gets nauseous and throws it up (small amounts, and just once). If you find out the problem let me know, so I can lend him so advice!

What's your current weight right now?
I'm not a diabetic (yet!), but I know that signs of hypoglycemia are related to feelings of lethargy, apathy, changes in mental status, hypotension (orthostatic).

Are you experiencing any of these things?

Dude, I can't believe you were eating 1700 a day for 3 months. That is just plain starving yourself! I imagine you were BBing and cardoing on top of that? That's redic!

I hope that your problem gets resolved.

Have you ever been a 'big' size before? Like, what's the most you ever weighed? A buddy of mine at school, when he eats too much, he immediately gets nauseous and throws it up (small amounts, and just once). If you find out the problem let me know, so I can lend him so advice!

What's your current weight right now?

Actually yes my BP was 92/53 this morning since then it is back to 111/63.

Yeah I have been up to 190 which ain't much but on a 5'4" guy (and that's prolly in shoes) it looks and feels pretty big.

At any rate here's the update. Nausea is gone. I think I ate my way through it. Final cal count was over 5.2k (after that just stopped counting. Hopefully this was a one time deal. Took a 4 hour nap and when I woke up felt great but, hungry no nausea. Will keep you guys posted on what happens tomorrow.

From what I have seen online this is a symptom of hypoglycemia. It can occur when hormaonal balance shifts and will dissapate when new equilibrium is reached. Still going to the doctor but, feeling much better about this. Will see what tomorrow brings.